New Era Cap Classic 2013

Rules and Officials

Unless otherwise noted The Official Rules of Baseball shall govern play at the New Era Cap Classic with the following exceptions:

  1. All round-robin games will be seven (7) innings with a two-hour time limit. No inning to start after two hours. There will be no time limit for the semi and final games.
  1. New Era will provide game baseballs for every game. It is asked that if a foul ball is hit, players from the team retrieve foul balls on their side of the field.
  1. Tie games will be left in a tie with the exception of semi and final games.
  1. Mercy rule: 10 runs after five innings.
  1. Top four teams from each age group with advance to the semi-final round.
  1. If teams are left in a tie and it needs to be determined for the semi-final seeding, it will be determined as follow:
  1. Head to head record against other tied teams;
  2. Total runs against in round-robin games;
  3. Total runs for in round-robin games.
  1. Choice of batting 9 or 10 players using an EH. Use of a DH for any player in the order is optional. Both a DH and an EH may be used in the same game. Re-entry rule for starter only.
  1. Catcher Speed Up: A runner can be substituted for the catcher when there are two outs. Either the last out or a player on the bench can be used.
  1. Runners are permitted to slide head first except when sliding into home base. Players must slide at home plate (slide and avoid).
  1. Runners are to avoid making contact with a fielder. A player who maliciously runs into another player is declared out (unless he has scored prior to committing the infraction) and is to be automatically ejected from the game.
  1. Any individual (players, trainers, managers, coaches, etc.) ejected from the game shall automatically be ineligible to participate in his team’s next game. This includes all playoff games.
  1. Only wooden bats are to be used.
  1. Shoes with metal cleats or molded cleats are permitted.
  1. Catchers must wear a helmet and mask with adequate throat at all times. This includes practice and warm ups.
  1. It is mandatory that all players and coaches wear their official NEW ERA team caps.
  1. Medical Provision shall be made by the Convener to have medical assistance in attendance or readily available and to follow appropriate hygienic precautionswith regard to bodily fluids (injuries withvisible blood must be treated and covered) and communicable diseases.Qualified first-aid personnel and equipment shall be available at the Championship site(s). Coaches shall provide all consumable medical supplies (tape, band aids etc.) for their athletes.
  1. Injury re-entry: Injury re-entry: In the event that a player becomes injured and no eligible substitutes remain on the bench, the opposing coach will select a player to re-enter the game from the group of ineligible substitutes. In the event that no eligible players remain to enter the game and loss of a player is as a result of anything other than an injury (ejection for example) the game will be considered a forfeit.
  1. In the In the event of a loss of player currently in the batting order for any reason other than injury and no available substitutions (for example when the team is batting the bench or when all available substitutes have been used), an out will be taken in that batting position (for example batting the bench and a player leaves or batting 10 using an EH and having a player ejected and no eligible substitutes remain on the bench).