Rubrics A and B for assessing the lesson plan assignment
The Citadel MAT English Lesson Plan Rubric A
4 – Exceeds Expectations 3 – Meets Expectations2 – Developing Competency
1 – UnacceptableN/A – Not Applicable
ELA-specific Criteria for Citadel MAT English Lesson Plan Assessment / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N/A1. Uses knowledge of students' language acquisition and development as a basis for designing appropriate learning activities that promote student learning. (NCTE 3.1.1).
2. Uses knowledge of English grammar in teaching students both oral and written forms of the language. (NCTE 3.1.6)
3. Engages students in activities that provide opportunities for demonstrating their skills in writing, speaking, and creating visual images for a variety of audiences and purposes. (NCTE 3.2.4)
4. Engages students in meaningful discussions for the purposes of interpreting and evaluating ideas present through oral, written, and/or visual forms (NCTE 4.5)
5. Uses a wide variety of strategies to teach students to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. (NCTE 3.3.3)
6. Integrates interdisciplinary teaching strategies and materials into instruction of ELA content to further student learning (NCTE 4.3)
7. Uses a variety of approaches for teaching students how to construct meaning from texts and integrates learning opportunities into classroom experiences that promote composing and responding to such texts. (NCTE 3.3.2)
8. Incorporates technology and print/non-print media into his or her own work and instruction. (NCTE 3.63)
9. Engages students in critical analysis of different media and communication technologies (NCTE 4.6)
10. Uses major sources of research and theory related to English language arts to support his or her teaching decisions. (NCTE 3.71)
11. Engages students in learning experiences that consistently emphasize varied uses and purposes for language in communication. (NCTE 4.7)
12. Makes meaningful and creative connections between the ELA curriculum and developments in culture, society, and education. (NCTE 2.5)
13. Designs, implements, and assesses instruction that engages all students in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and thinking as interrelated dimensions of the learning experience in ELA. (NCTE 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6)
14. Engages students in activities that demonstrate the role of arts and humanities in learning. (NCTE 2.6)
Signature of Assessor ______
__ MAT faculty __ Supervisor __ Cooperating Teacher __ Self
Date ______
The Citadel MAT English Lesson Plan Rubric B
Name ______Score ______Assessor______Date ______
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Developing / Unacceptable
Standards, Benchmarks and Indicators - and - LearningObjectives
NCTE-2003.2 NCTE-2003.2.5 / Relevant and carefully selected SC ELA SBl's are identified and clearly aligned with subject, grade, and each other; clearly explains what students should know and be able to do in an observable, measurable manner, and shows connections in subject integration (if appropriate) / Relevant SC ELA Academic SBI's identified and
aligned with subject, grade, and each other; partially explains what students should know and be able to do in an observable, measurable manner, or shows connections in subject integration (if appropriate) / SC ELA Academic SBI's are identified, but inappropriately selected or irrelevant or somewhat aligned with each other / Incorrectly identified SC ELA SBI's
Student Background Knowledge and Experience
NCTE-2003.2 NCTE-2003.2.1 NCTE-2003.2.2 NCTE-2003.3 NCTE-2003.3.l
NCTE-2003.4.4 / Prior knowledge and needed skills clearly identified for all students and matched with the SBI's; clearly explains how teacher will know if the students have knowledge and skills needed prior to teaching the lesson and clearly explains how teacher uses diverse experiences that students bring to class in planning the lesson / Prior knowledge and needed skills identified for most of the students and matched with the SBl's;
clearly explains how teacher will know if the students have knowledge and skills needed prior to teaching the lesson; generally explains how teacher uses the diverse experiences that students bring to class / Prior knowledge and needed skills partially identified fora few children / Omits or minimally completes section
Instructional Content and Instructional Procedures NCTE-2003.3 NCTE-2003.3.1 NCTE.2003.3.2 NCTE-2003.3 NCTE-2003.3.4 NCTE-2003.3.5 NCTE-2003.3.6 NCTE-2003.3.7NCTE-2003.4 NCTE-2003.4.1NCTE-20034.2 NCTE-2003.4.5 NCTE-2003.4.6 NCTE-2003.4.7 / Thorough and detailed, yet concise content summary including all concepts/essential understandings with
appropriate methods fully explained with detail, and
appropriate student grouping throughout entire lesson / Content summary included with most concepts/essential understandings with
appropriate methods partially explained, andappropriate student grouping throughout the entire lesson / Some content summary included with
methods explained, or
student grouping explained throughout the lesson / Omits or minimally completes section
NCTE-2003.4.8 / Incorporates personal response in a way that helps students make meaning out of text, raising the level of both individual performance and classroom discussion / Incorporates personal response in a way that helps students make meaning out of texts / Incorporates personal response but does explain how he/she will use it / Omits or minimally completes section
NCTE-2003.4.9 / Demonstrates that students can select appropriate reading strategies that permit access to, and understanding of, a wide range of print and non-print texts / Demonstrates appropriate reading strategies to students that permit access to, and understanding of, a wide range of print and non-print texts / Demonstrates a reading strategy to students that fosters understanding of print texts / Omits or minimally completes section
Resources and Materials
NCTE·2003.4 NCTE-2003.4.1 / Completely identifies resources and materials needed by teachers and students that are aligned with SBI's and instructional activities and that are appropriate for identified methods / Identifies resources and material needed by teachers or students that are aligned with SBI’s or institutional activities and that are appropriate for identified methods / Identifies resources and material needed by teachers or students / Omits or minimally completes section
Instructional Activities (clearly indicates teaching is involved) NCTE-2003.3NCTE-2003.3.1 / Logical lesson sequence explained in significant detail; includes important questions from a variety of levels to ask students; details appropriate, engaging opening, main, and closing activities; and realistically estimates time / Logical lesson sequence explained; includes important questions from a variety of levels to ask students; lists appropriate opening, main, and dosing activities; andrealistically estimates time / Lesson sequence explained; includes important questions to ask students;
includes opening, main, or closing activities / Omits or minimally completes section
Assessment / Evaluation
NCTE-2003.4 NCTE·2003.4.10 / Clearly aligned with SBI’s andactivities; appropriate to students and instructional activities; and
assessment document and assessment criteria are
attached (If taught in classroom, data are analyzed and reflection included.) / Aligned with SBI’sor activities; appropriate to students or instructional activities; and
assessment document or assessment criteria attached / Flaws in alignment with SBI’s and/or activities; flaws in appropriateness to students orinstructional activities; or
assessment document or assessment criteria attached / Omits or minimally completes section