Rubric for VT-ILEHP S Assessment of Professional Leadership Abilities

Rubric for VT-ILEHP S Assessment of Professional Leadership Abilities

Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for health Professionals (VT-ILEHP) Program

Rubric for the Assessment of Professional Leadership Abilities

(Adapted from MCHB Leadership Competencies & Dept. of Kinesiology, PT Program, University of Wisconsin)

Patricia A. Prelock, Jean Beatson (original 4-11-03) & Peggy Sands (modified 8-23-06)

Abilities / Basic Professional Behavioral Criteria / Intermediate Professional Behavioral Criteria / Advanced Professional Behavioral Criteria
1. Self management, Self-insight, Self-development / ~Demonstrate flexibility
~Uses self-critique to make adjustments to own behavior
~Engages in learning as lifelong process
~Has a plan for self-development
~Manages anger and frustration
~Engages in activities to avoid burnout / ~Capitalizes on own strengths
~Addresses own weaknesses
~Seeks out new experiences
~De-personalizes disagreements
~Stays current with professional literature / ~Applies new information and re-evaluates performance
~Questions conventional wisdom
~Demonstrates confidence in sharing new knowledge with others
~Demonstrates evidence-based practice
~Has identified a colleague with whom to share frustration/successes/ideas
2. Selecting, Developing and Maintaining Relationships / ~Shows respect
~Acknowledges cultural and ethnic differences
~Establishes trust
~Avoids abrasiveness
~Assumes responsibility for mistakes- apologizes
~Is readily available to others / ~Builds effective & cooperative relationships
~Maintains appropriate professional relationships (i.e., with colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, & community partners)
~Motivates people without exploiting them
~Is competent at dealing with people’s feelings
~Is tolerant of others’ shortcomings or mistakes
~Collaborates effectively
~Collects all necessary information during an interview process
~Creates an atmosphere where families/others feel safe to participate / ~Relates well with individuals of differing training, culture, ethnicities and backgrounds
~Allows expression of feelings but maintains focus
~Responds appropriately to unexpected and/or entirely new experiences
~Builds partnerships with other professionals
~Serves as a mentor to other professionals
~Seeks out & attracts talented people
~Gives appropriately challenging assignments to support staff to foster their growth
3. Communicating Information & Ideas, Managing Conflict & Negotiation / ~Recognizes impact of non-verbal communication
~Listens actively
~Receives feedback effectively
~Articulates (verbal and written) ideas clearly, concisely & accurately
~Demonstrates basic skills in word processing and database software and in use of the internet
~Models effective listening and speaking skills / ~Disseminates relevant information in a timely fashion
~Communicates professional needs and concerns to administrators
~Gives feedback effectively
~Is aware of differences in learning styles & accommodates those differences
~Modifies communication to meet needs of the audience
~Manages a meeting that achieves the stated purpose
~Reconciles differences with sensitivity / ~Effectively writes professional papers/grants/documents
~Manages conflict effectively
~Confronts others skillfully
~Negotiates adeptly with individuals & groups over resources & roles

Rubric for VT-ILEHP’s Assessment of Professional Leadership Abilities

(Adapted from MCHB Leadership Competencies & Dept. of Kinesiology, PT Program, University of Wisconsin)

P. Prelock & J. Beatson (original 4-11-03, modified 4-06)

Abilities / Basic Professional Behavioral Criteria / Intermediate Professional Behavioral Criteria / Advanced Professional Behavioral Criteria
4. Time Management / ~Makes the most of time available
~Demonstrates flexibility when schedule goes awry
~Deals with interruptions appropriately
~Meets deadlines
~Communicates changes in timelines / ~Sets realistic goals and prioritizes
~Manages meeting times effectively
~Takes initiative in covering for absent team members
~Follows up on projects in a timely manner / ~Manages multiple projects efficiently
~Delegates when appropriate
~Uses limited resources creatively
5. Openness to Influence, Flexibility & Use of Constructive Feedback / ~Acknowledges differing viewpoints without becoming defensive
~Accepts constructive criticism from others
~Recognizes when help is required
~Actively seeks feedback
~Takes other ideas seriously and modifies perspective
~Demonstrates a positive attitude toward feedback
~Utilizes feedback when establishing goals / ~Varies approach to situation when necessary
~Doesn’t assume a single best way
~Assesses own performance accurately / ~Modifies feedback given to others according to their learning styles
~Considers multiple approaches when responding to feedback
~Integrates feedback from multiple sources
6. Problem Identification, Obtaining Information &Making Sense Out Of It / ~Seeks information to define problems effectively-gets to the heart of the problem
~Reports or describes known solutions to problems
~Seeks solutions through brainstorming & peer interaction
~Exhibits a positive approach to problem solving / ~Probes to understand the deeper meaning of issues
~Observes events, people & things keenly
~Spots problems, opportunities, trends early
~Identifies resources needed to develop solutions
~Actively seeks to understand & solve problems
~Questions reliability and validity of the information collected / ~Is logical, data based & rational
~Considers consequences of possible solutions
~Evaluates outcomes
~Recognizes unsolvable problems
7. Influencing, Leadership & Power / ~Embodies the values/mission of the organization
~Discusses role of discipline-specific profession in health care and society
~Identifies positive professional role models
~Demonstrates ethical/moral practice and decision making
~Is actively involved in own professional development
~Joins/organizes committees to guide necessary change/growth for organization / ~Acts in leadership role when needed
~Helps people to see the importance of what they are doing
~Participates actively in professional organizations
~Knows when to lead and when to follow
~Participates/organizes meetings with community partners to effect change/growth locally / ~Appropriately demonstrates persuasion and influence
~Effectively promotes an idea or vision
~Shows astute sense of ‘politics’
~Possesses extensive network of contacts necessary to do the job
~Comfortable in a managerial role
~Inspires and motivates others to take action
~Participates/organizes meetings with state/national organization partners to effect change/growth regionally/nationally

Rubric for VT-ILEHP’s Assessment of Professional Leadership Abilities

(Adapted from MCHB Leadership Competencies & Dept. of Kinesiology, PT Program, University of Wisconsin)

P. Prelock & J. Beatson (original 4-11-03, modified 4-06)

Abilities / Basic Professional Behavioral Criteria / Intermediate Professional Behavioral Criteria / Advanced Professional Behavioral Criteria
8. Responsibility, Following through, Taking Action & Organizational Ability / ~Demonstrates dependability, fulfills commitments
~Accepts responsibility for actions and outcomes
~Collaborates with others who have complementary skills
~Implements decisions
~Is action oriented / ~Establishes & conveys a sense of purpose
~Structures team members to work effectively together
~Organizes & gathers people & space with resourcefulness
~Recognizes & rewards people for their work
~Accepts role as team leader
~Engages families, communities in decision-making / ~Acts as an expediter
~Knows when to be decisive & presses for results
~Carefully weighs consequences of contemplated action
~Brings people together successfully around tasks (team builder)
~Is resourceful in organizing & gathering funding
~Organizes & manages large, long-term projects
~Assumes responsibility for program development and modification
~Creates and implements as evaluation plan
9. Making Decisions & Critical Thinking / ~Translates strategy into action
~Raises relevant questions
~Considers all available information
~Utilizes scientific, peer-reviewed professional literature that is evidence-based
~Recognizes and addresses gaps in knowledge base
~Challenges others by asking the necessary questions
~Recognizes own biases & suspends judgmental thinking / ~Identifies and seeks solutions to problems
~Critiques hypotheses and ideas
~Exhibits openness to contradictory ideas
~Assesses issues raised by contradictory ideas
~Distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant data
~Displays scientific skepticism in current professional practice / ~Enjoys solving problems
~Engages appropriate individuals for the issue at hand
~Manages the process of decision making
~Identifies complex patterns of associations
~Demonstrates intuitive thinking
~Distinguishes when to think intuitively vs. analytically
~Challenges others to think critically
10. Coping with Pressure & Adversity; Integrity / ~Admits to their own knowledge limitations
~Demonstrates ethical practices and decision making
~Recognizes own stressors or problems
~Recognizes distress in others
~Seeks assistance when appropriate
~Maintains professional behavior in stressful situations / ~Is calm and tactful in high pressure situations
~Demonstrates preventive approach to stress management
~Establishes a support network for self
~Is able to separate the problem behavior from the person / ~Assists others in recognizing stressors
~Offers solutions leading to the reduction of stress within the work environment
~Establishes a support network for others
~Models integrity in the organization
~Demonstrates dignity, honor and respect in all situations
~Models effective stress reduction techniques for others