Rubric for Poem Annotation Presentation

Rubric for Poem Annotation Presentation

Content / Knowledge and Understanding of the poem:
-There is excellent knowledge and understanding, demonstrated by individual interpretation effectively supported by precise and well-chosen references to the poem.
Appreciation of the writer’s choices:
-There is excellent appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and
style shape meaning in the poem.
-The devices discussed include a combination of 8-10 of the following: meaning devices; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices / Knowledge and Understanding of the poem:
-There is very good knowledge and understanding, demonstrated by careful interpretation supported by well-chosen references to the poem.
Appreciation of the writer’s choices:
-There is very good appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning in the poem.
-The devices discussed include a combination of 8-10 of the following: meaning devices; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices / Knowledge and Understanding of the poem:
-There is adequate knowledge and understanding, demonstrated by interpretation supported by appropriate references to the poem.
Appreciation of the writer’s choices:
There is adequate appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning in the poem.
-The devices discussed include a combination of 6-8 of the following: meaning devices; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices / Knowledge and Understanding of the poem:
-There is superficial knowledge and some understanding, with limited interpretation occasionally supported by references to the poem.
Appreciation of the writer’s choices:
-There is some mention, but little appreciation, of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning in the poem.
-The devices discussed include a combination of 6 or fewer of the following: meaning devices; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices / Knowledge and Understanding of the poem:
-There is limited knowledge and little or no understanding, with poor interpretation and virtually no relevant references to the poem.
Appreciation of the writer’s choices:
There are few references to, and no appreciation, of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning in the poem.
-The devices discussed include a combination of fewer than 6 of the following: meaning devices; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices.
Organization / The presentation is effectively structured with a clear, purposeful and sustained focus.
All of the following parts are included in the presentation:
-Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.
-Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.
-Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.
-Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning. / The presentation is clearly structured, and the focus is sustained.
All of the following parts are included in the presentation:
-Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.
-Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.
-Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.
-Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning. / The presentation has a planned structure and is generally focused.
Most of the following parts are included in the presentation:
-Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.
-Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.
-Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.
-Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning. / The presentation shows some structure and focus.
Some of the following parts are included in the presentation:
-Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.
-Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.
-Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.
-Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning. / The presentation shows little evidence of planning, with very limited structure and/or
Few of the following parts are included in the presentation:
-Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.
-Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.
-Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.
-Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning.
Style & Language / -The language is very clear and entirely appropriate, with a high degree of accuracy in
grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are consistently effective and appropriate.
-Presenter seems well prepared and rehearsed.
-Eye contact and facial expressions enhance the purpose.
-Vocal variety, gestures, posture, and movements are poised and natural; they enhance the presentation.
-Speech is clear, distinct, fluent, and loud enough throughout the presentation. / -The language is clear and appropriate, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate.
-Presenter seems adequately prepared and rehearsed.
-Eye contact and facial expressions enhance the purpose.
-Vocal variety, gestures, posture, and movements are poised and natural; they enhance the presentation.
-Speech is clear, distinct, fluent, and loud enough throughout the presentation. / -The language is mostly clear and appropriate, with an adequate degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are mostly appropriate.
-Presenter seems mostly prepared and rehearsed.
-Eye contact and facial expressions support the purpose.
-Vocal variety, gestures, posture, and movements are appropriate and effective.
-Speech is clear, distinct, fluent, and loud enough throughout most of the presentation. / -The language is sometimes clear and appropriate; grammar and sentence construction are generally accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; register and style are to some extent appropriate.
-Presenter seems somewhat prepared and rehearsed.
-Eye contact and facial expressions are limited or unfitting.
-Vocal variety, gestures, posture, and movements are somewhat ineffective.
-Speech is clear, distinct, fluent, and loud enough throughout some of the presentation. / -The language is rarely clear and appropriate, with many errors in grammar and sentence construction and little sense of register and style.
-Presenter seems lacking in preparation and rehearsal.
-Eye contact is very limited, and facial expressions are unvaried.
-Vocal variety, gestures, posture, and movements are limited and/or distracting.
-Speech cannot be understood, heard and/or lacks fluency throughout much of the presentation.

Directions for Poem Annotation Presentation

You will select a poem and have it approved by the teacher. Then, you will annotate and/or color mark the poem, focusing on poetry devices used and their purpose/effect. Next, you will create a visual representation that shows your interpretation of the poem and its meaning. Lastly, you will present your annotations and visual representation.

During the Presentation:

1.  Briefly introduce the poem and the poet. Explain why you chose the poem.

2.  Read the poem aloud. Your reading must be rehearsed, fluent, and expressive.

3.  Display your annotations and/or color marking. Explain the poetry devices you identified and their purpose/effect on the poem.

Note: The devices you discuss should a combination of meaning devices such as theme, tone, diction, and speaker; figurative language devices; figures of speech; and structural /sound devices such as rhythm/meter, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia, etc.

4.  Display your visual representation. Explain how it represents your interpretation of the poem and its meaning.

Note: Your visual representation could be in a variety of formats, as long as it is non-

linguistic (does not include words). Some examples are paintings, drawings, photos, collages, videos, dioramas, mimes, etc. Just make sure it is something YOU created!