DecaturHigh School – Soaring Higher

Every Student, Every Class, Every Day

School Year 2015-2016

Coach Smith

Personal Information Paper

You will write a personal information paper that will be at least two typewritten pages – double spaced if you want to. You may use any font you want as long as I can easily read it. The font size should be whatever it needs to be so your letters are about this size. That will be different for different fonts. This paper will have three sections with section headings. The three sections are About Me, About School, What Motivates Me.

About Me

In this section I want you to tell me anything you want to about you, your family, pets, hobbies, where you have lived, what you do when you are not doing school stuff, etc. DO NOT tell me about school.

About School

In this section I want you to tell me anything you want to about school. What are your favorite parts and what are your not so favorite parts. What subjects do you like and which ones do you dislike. Do you like or dislike math and why. What activities are you involved in at school outside of the regular class periods and day. Do you play any sports or a member of any clubs/organizations.

What Motivates Me

This is the one you have to think about. I want to know why you do what you do – what motivates you to do something – what floats your boat, revs your motor (besides the obvious of course). What do you want to be or do? Do you have any set of important guidelines or rules that you use to make decisions? Do you have a statement or creed that drives all of your decision making and actions? Please only share as much as you feel comfortable sharing.

In Summary

This could be a fourth section if you want to include it – not mandatory like the other three. The grade for this is 100 when you turn it in – a “ZERO” if you never turn it in. So fill up 2 pages on your computer with words about yourself, turn it in, and get a 100. Also, this paper is between me and you only – it helps me get to know a little about you.

It is due Thursday/Friday, August 27/28, 2015.