Choice Board: You must pick 3 items to do on this tic-tac-toe board, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. This paper along with your choices completed, are due ______
ExponentsAn apartment complex has 3 buildings. Each building has 3 apartments. There are 3 people living in each apartment, and each person pays 3 dollars per month for pool maintenance. How much does the apartment complex collet total for pool maintenance each month? Draw a picture to help you answer and SHOW all your work. 1. / Scientific Notation
Create a game where students have to match a number in scientific notation to a number in standard form. You must create at least 12 questions for this game. Be creative and include an answer key
2. / Linear Equations
Create a foldable or graphic organizer for solving multi-step linear equations, include at least 6 examples.
Scientific Notation
Create a graphic organizer that tells how you would solve scientific notation problems. Include how to write a number in scientific notation, how to write a number in standard form, how to add and subtract scientific notation, and how to multiply and divide scientific notation. Try to make it as user friendly as possible.
4. / Linear Equations
Look at this problem. Decide where the error is. Explain in words what was done incorrectly and then solve the problem correctly.
5. / Exponents
Create a comic strip to outline the rules of exponents. Include what to do when you are multiplying, dividing, and power to power. Also include what to do when you have an exponent of zero.
The comic strip must contain
- A minimum of 8 panels or boxes
- Clearly drawn characters
- Element(s) of humor, irony, drama, etc.
Linear Equations
Develop an activity/game that can be done in class using multi-step equations. Use problems you find online or create your own for the activity/game. Work out the answers and show the work in the answer key. 6 problems.
7. / Exponents
1)-2d11f6c182 2) 4.2x4y140.6x9y5
3)d11f16d6f63 4) z4x2yzxy2
Simplify. Show ALL your work. 8. / Scientific Notation
Google the distance from each planet to the Sun. Write the standard and scientific form for each planet. Create a poster to display your findings. Make it colorful and easy to understand.
Rubric for Choice Board
1. Exponents- Hand drawn model to represent solution to the word problem______/15
- ALL strategies/thinking are displayed_____/15
- Total______/30 / 2. Scientific Notation
- Game (board, card, etc)______/10
- 12 questions_____/10
- Answer Key_____/5
- Creativity______/5
- Total______/30 / 3. Linear Equations
- Foldable/graphic organizer______/15
- Multi-step equations examples with solutions_____/15
- Total______/30
4. Scientific Notation
- Graphic organizer includes
- How to write a number in scientific notation______/5
- How to write a number in standard form______/5
- How to add and subtract scientific notation______/10
- How to multiply and divide scientific notation______/10 Total______/30 / 5. Linear Equations
- Explanation in words what was done incorrectly______/15
- Solved the problem correctly showing ALL steps______/15
- Total______/30 / 6. Exponents
- Minimum of 8 panels or boxes_____/10
- Clearly drawn characters____/5
- Element(s) of humor, irony, drama, etc____/5
- Rules of exponents are clearly defined in the comic(multiplying, dividing, power to power)______/10
- Total______/30
7. Linear Equations
- Activity/game______/15
- ALL work and answer key provided______/15 Total ______/30 / 8. Exponents
-1 work is shown and accurate___/8
- 2 work is shown and accurate___/8
-3. Work is shown and accurate___/7
-4 work is shown and accurate___/7
- Total ______/30 / 9. Scientific Notation
- Standard and scientific form of each planet______/15
- Poster is colorful and represents your findings______/15
- Total_____/30
Give yourself a grade on what you think you deserve, list 3 reasons you deserve this grade. _____/10
Project #______and score______
Project #______and score______Total:______/100
Project #______and score______