Rubric for Final Portfolio
[A portfolio must have two essays in portfolio, chosen from: the “Literacy Narrative”, the “Argumentative Essay”, or the “Analytic Essay”. Also a portfolio must include a “Dear Reader Letter” and three representative in-class writings or Blog entries.]
Student’s Name:
Quality / Strongest (5) / Adequate (3) / Weakest (1)FOCUS/ UNITY /
- Has a focus to work
- Selectively includes
- Makes a point
- Has a partial focus to work
- Partially selective in choosing components and papers
- Attempts to make a point
- No focus to work
- Random selection of components and papers
- Point uncertain
- Includes rich supporting details
- Avoids redundancy
- Some supporting details
- Some repetition of components
- Few or irrelevant supporting details
- Redundancy
- Pieces easy to follow
- Pieces “flow”
- Pieces can be followed
- Pieces “flow” a bit
- Pieces confusing and difficult to follow
- Pieces do not “flow”
- Displays insight
- Demonstrates significant reflection & awareness
- Establishes significant connection to wider
- Surface understanding
- Some reflection & awareness
- Some reference to wider world
- Minimal or no reflection or insight
- Limited connection wider world
- Character of writer is consistently conveyed
- Tone fits narratives
- Anticipates & answers readers’ questions
- Engages readers’ interest
- Active voice
- Character of writer varies
- Tone strays from narratives
- Leaves some unanswered questions
- Invites some interest
- Moderate use of the passive voice.
- No character of writer
- Few connections between narratives and tone.
- Does not answer readers' questions
- Invites little reader interest
- Overuse of the passive voice
- Precise terms
- Figurative language
- No tense or agreement problems
- No misused words
- Rich language
- Some imprecision
- Little figurative language
- 1-2 tense or agreement problems per page
- Misused words
- Average language
- Imprecise language
- Literal language
- 3+ agreement problems per page
- Many misused words
- Repetitive language
- Main idea
- Limited scope
- Examples and Quotes
- 2 or 3 parts
- 0-1 of 3 parts
- 0-1 errors in grammar per page
- Varies sentence form
- 2-3 errors per page
- Repeats sentence form
- 3+ errors per page
- Boring sentence form
- 0 errors in spelling per page
- 1-2 errors per page
- 3+ errors per page
- Clean, clear
- Businesslike
- Proper MLA format for research
- Not MLA format
- Readable
- Unattractive
- Unreadable
Comments: / Points (50 Possible)
Percentage (100% Max.)