RSCDS Falkirk Branch AGM

7:30PM Tuesday 17th June 2014 @ St Francis Xavier’s Church Hall, Falkirk

Present: Margie Stevenson (MS)(Chair), George Stevenson (GS)(Treasurer), Alison Whitton (Secretary) and 30 Members in attendance.

1. Apologies: Margaret Dunne, Anna Marshall, Neil and Mimi Mulvie, Anne Robertson, Pam and Neil Mc Nellis, Gillin Anderson, Dorothy George, Jean Barron, Eleanor Lowe, Sandra Gow, Anne Browning, Jean Russell, Sheila Marshall, Anne Steele

2 a. Minutes of last AGM (219.6.13): Previously circulated to the membership by mail and email.

b. Matters Arising: None.

3. Chair’s Report: MS reported that this has been a successful year for the Branch, with membership numbers holding up. She thanked the willing committee, who had worked hard and enthusiastically – with special mention to retiring members who will continue to lend a hand. She also thanked GS, both for his work as Treasurer and for his personal support of her as Chair.

She emphasised our continued commitment to recruiting new members, in which high-profile events like the Commonwealth Ceilidh and the Beginners Class all play their part. MS asked all Members to remember to ask friends and family along. She had been involved in teaching Brownies for the new SCD badge and hoped this would help bring them to dancing in the future.

MS commented that for the future of dancing we also require younger teachers, and the Committee were considering using some of our reserve funds to pay for a budding teacher to undertake the Certificate programme.

4. Secretary’s Report: Circulated to Members with the AGM notice. There were no questions regarding this.

5.Treasurer’s Report: Circulated to Members with the AGM notice, including the detailed accounts. Some members had failed to open all the attached files, and queried the lack of detail in the Treasurer’s report, for which the Secretary apologised if a mistake had been made. (Subsequent investigation revealed that the correct attachments were sent).

GS confirmed that the accounts had passed both a financial audit and the Independent Examiner’s inspection in accordance with OSCR regulations. (These were conducted by Andrew Nicol).

In view of the funds held by the branch now exceeding £20k GS recommended looking at ways to reduce this in accordance with the aims of our charity – perhaps by funding a SCD Teaching Cert. Candidate. Peter Park suggested funding a musician to play at more classes. The Sec mentioned that one of the suggestions put forward to the Committee was funding a musician to train in playing for SCD. The new Committee will address this issue.

The accounts were approved by the meeting. Proposed by: June Brown

Seconded by: Peter Park

6. Appointment of Office Bearers and Committee Members.

a) Treasurer As GS had served 3 years as Treasurer, he now had to stand down in accordance with the Branch Constitution.

Colin Howie was Proposed by: Helen Smillie

Seconded by: Margaret Paton

There being no other nominations, Colin was duly appointed Treasurer and GS thanked for his hard work.

b) Committee Members 4 members of the committee were standing down (Margaret Cunningham, Margaret Paton, Margaret Dunne and Anna Marshall – although Anna continues on the Crieff sub-committee). The Chair thanked them for all their hard work and invited nominations for new committee members, in addition to proposers and seconders for the existing committee members who wished to stand again. These were as follows:

Nomination / Proposer / Seconder
Moira Mitchell / John Macdonald / Janet Macdonald
Diane Stevenson / Nan Strain / Margaret Paton
Craig Skinner / George Stevenson / Su Longstaff
Jean Aitkin / Alison Whitton / Margaret Paton
George Stevenson / Helen Smillie / Margaret Cunningham
Helen Smillie / Davina Milne / Norma Rice
June Brown / Helen Smillie / Christine Pace
Su Longstaff / Janet Mason / Margaret Paton
Janet Mason / Su Longstaff / June Brown

This being the exact number required all nominated were duly elected to the committee.

7. Appointment of Auditor/Examiner:

Andrew Nicol was Proposed by: George Stevenson

Seconded by: June brown

This was approved by the meeting.

8. Motions already advised to the Secretary: None.

9. Any Other Competent Business:

a) Branch IT Update GS had set up a Branch website, but was aware that we needed a more professional approach. Craig Skinner had been asked to set up a new website, as he is an IT professional. The new website is a vast improvement and GS invited Craig to address the meeting regarding this. Craig mentioned key features

  1. There are crib sheets for every dance at upcoming events.
  2. Class timetables and venues (with links to maps) are all present.
  3. Updates via e-mail to the Branch: Anyone in the Branch can send a group e-mail to the members, by using “Dancers”. This is handy for quick messaging.

Peter Park wanted a distinction between “official” and “social” e-mails. Craig felt this should be self-evident from the content.

Margie wanted an “unsubscribe” option for those e-mails not coming from the committee. Craig said that this option was available at the bottom of the e-mails.

  1. Can be used for socialising, selling unwanted kit etc. - the list is private and not published on the internet.

b) Ceilidh Class Anita Mackenzie thanked the Committee for their support, especially with regard to the quick move to St Andrew’s Primary School, which has been very successful. She also thanked those who supported the Ceilidh Class, in particular the assistance of Janette and Bill Collins. She requested, as the accounts show that the Ceilidh Class made a profit of £1000, that they have a musician and 1 extra hour on the last night of Class. This was supported by Bill Collins. This will be put to the new Committee.

10. Proposed Date of next AGM:

Tuesday 16th June 2015. Venue and time TBA

11.Close of Meeting:

There being no other business, the meeting was declared closed by the Chair, who thanked everyone for their attendance.

Acceptance of Minutes from 17.6.14



Signed: Chair


Minutes prepared by Alison Whitton (Secretary)

RSCDS Falkirk Branch

Registered Scottish Charity No SC027223