26th November, 2015 at Coombes Community Centre,
Burns Road, Royston Herts.
Present: Matt & Marrianne, Alyx & Darren Foreman, Charlotte Davies, Bradley Marvel and friend, Paul Blanche, Ian Hines, Jason Heard, Sam King, Martin Sallows, Phil and Maureen Townsend, Mark Tomsett and Lee Alexander
(Mark & Lee came later)
Apologies from Richard Townsend, Clare Pollard, Jason Abbot and Scott Dwyer
Minutes of the previous AGM on the 4th November, 2014 were read and agreed. Any matters arising from these minutes are mentioned in the Chairman’s report.
Chairman’s Report: Attached. The Chairman did mention in the report and again about ridings attending other EA meetings like Regionals and Nationals and we must promote this with the new members coming through. He also gave more thanks because we had a very busy year with the new cabin and more people helped with the painting etc. and he said if he missed anyone off the list he didn’t mean to, but everyone worked very hard and other clubs are very impressed with our track.
Treasurer’s Report: This is attached and the committee went through it with Ian before giving approval.
Election of officers then followed:
The Vice-Chairman took the meeting to discuss whether anyone wanted to be the Chairman. The Vice-Chairman said that Chairman does a very good job and why should we change. Phil Townsend said he had not quite finished the work set out with the new build as there are the still a few things outstanding including temporaryflood lights, a tarmac sprint track and poles for the pens. With this everyone agreed that Phil would be Chairman for 2015/16.
Phil took back the chair and carried on with the election of officers. The Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are all the same as last year as everyone agreed that setting bank signatures and all that entails takes time so they were all willing to do it for another year.
The other jobs are as follows:
Membership Secretary:Marrianne is now handing over the membership’s role and this went out to those present, we had two that wished to do it and the job is being taken over by Sarah Foreman with help from Charlotte Davies. The Secretary needs to race a new BC log-in for Sarah Foreman to start the changeover.
Promotion Officers:Charlotte Davies, Jason Heard and Scott Dwyer
Welfare Officers:Sam Lucy, Trudie Betts and Maureen Townsend
Club Coaches:Lee Alexander, Darren Foreman and Richard Townsend
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Mark Tomsett – This is a new position. The job is to organise members of the club to help out at club racing events, like Regionals, club racing days. With help from Phil and Richard Townsend.
Representatives on:BC BMX East Anglia Committee; Phil& Paul
Royston Community Association; Phil
Royston & District Sports Council; Phil
Sports North Herts; Phil & Lee
Living Sport (Cambs); Clare Pollard
BC East Anglia Region; Phil
Club Facilities:Along discussion on this subject. Phil has gone out to source flood Lights and they have found some and are now awaiting for them to arrive. 6 lights and 4 tripods. The tarmac strip again Phil has gone out for quotes but so far no replies. Sam King is going to go round Cobbs, a tarmac company as it is in his village. Again the pen situation is ongoing and a few members are looking into this. A noticeboard is going up soon so we are going to put promotional items on this. Paul is also going to source some photos (from Matt) to make display of our riders doing what they do best – race.
Club Promotion:We are going to look into membership going from when they start i.e. if the join in May then it would go until April the next year. We seem to loose new members because they do not want to pay the full price if they join later in the year.
Sam King suggested we did a full brochure and membership pack to new members this was agreed by everyone.Also explaining that the riders are on a “Pathway”, coaching and club racing and then on to their Olympic dream.Sam agreed to start preparing a brochure based on existing information and the 2016 BXC BMX pathway.
Phil explained that BC are looking at a pathway to the riders should do club racing first, then Novice races at Regional level before going on to be an “Expert”, then doing a period at Regional level before going onto Nationals.
We have some riders that only do the coaching so we must try harder to give them confidence to race, so when the summer series starts we do not go into racing straight away making sure our new riders are confident of the track.
Race Calendar for 2015/2016: There is a list of dates on the web site including the National dates and when we get the Regional series dates these will be posted as soon as possible.
Club Summer Tuesdays – coaching at the school first, then on the track starting approximately two weeks after the clocks go forward. Three of our riders will be asked to help with coaching so the young riders will have someone to help them. These are Danny Blanche, James King and Bradley Marvel.They will also be our representatives for younger riders to talk to and tell them if they have any problems but are too shy to talk to an adult.
Budget:The meeting agreed that the fees should stay the same as last year: £15 per member and £25 for a family.
Club Race Fees for 2016£3 for members.£5 for non-members
Coaching£2.50 for member’s£4.50 non-members.
We will be putting an “Honesty Bucket” on the start hill when we do opwen practice with “Gates” a donation of a £1 at least. The person operating the gate to take this money.
We will have to do a Risk Assessment when the lights go on before we can put this Honesty Bucket into place.
Food prices are to go up a little bit.
Hiring of Bikes still to be £5.00 per session but no money back so the income starts to cover the maintenance costs. It was requested that the club can get more bikes in different sizes.
Trudie Betts is going to look after the First Aid kit and a few members are going to go on a First Aid course on Tuesday 1st December so that we can do more gate practice so need more people on the rota.
We also need to do a rota for the “Truck Shop”, so that we can sell cook more food on club days.
Meeting closed at 10.20 pm