Atlanta Branch
Spring Workshop
March 28-30, 2008
Betty Lee Barnes
Washington, DC
Stella Fogg
Richmond, Virginia
Music by:
Jack Rennie, Accordion
Mara Shea, Fiddle
UnicoiState Park and Lodge
Helen, Georgia
UnicoiState Park and Lodge
We are returning to our roots. The Atlanta Branch spring workshop began at Unicoi, and we have now returned. Those who remember the earlier workshops will recall the huge ballroom and the convenience of having us all lodge in one building, complete with our own gathering room.
In the midst of the ChattahoocheeNational Forest, located just two miles from the Alpine Village of Helen, the lodge and park are beautiful settings for group meetings, family gatherings, and conferences. Unicoi is conveniently located 75 miles from Atlanta’s perimeter (I-285), in the NorthGeorgiaMountains, which are known for their scenic beauty, wildlife, and a variety of visitor attractions
The Teachers
Elizabeth Lee Barnesis ateacher, including candidate classes, past President and Chairman of the demo team of the Washington DC Branch. She received her Teacher’s Certificate in 1971 from Dr. Jean Milligan, and was awarded in 2000 the Scroll of Honour by the. Publisher ofClipper Ships and Other Dances and Kaleidoscope and Other Dances,Betty Lee has for 34 years beenthe Chairman of the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games Gala. She and her husband Duard continue to direct ThistleSchool, which they founded in 1980 along with our own Ted and Marilyn Blaschke.
Stella Foggwas born in Gourock, a small seaside town on the river Clyde on the southwest coast of Scotland, where she learned ceilidh dancing at primary school and family gatherings. She later became a Scottish country dance enthusiast, receiving her preliminary certificate from Miss Milligan and her full certificate at the TAC Summer School. Stella has been teaching Scottish country dance in the Richmond (Virginia) area for over twenty years, travels extensively conducting workshops and classes and has devised many dances.She will be tutoring the Unit 2 class for the Teacher’s Certificate at TAC in 2008. She says “I can think of no finer way to meet wonderful people and I very much appreciate being asked to share my knowledge and love of the dance.”
The Musicians
Jack Rennieis co-founder and lead accordionist of the Thistle Band. TheTorontonative’s parents emigrated from Scotland. Scottish music was a part of Jack's early life - his grandfather, a drummer, had a band in West Lothian, and his mother is a fiddler. Jack is a certificated RSCDSteacher and has been chairman of the Los Angeles Branch several times. He has also composed a number of Scottish country dance tunes and collaborates with Pete Kier on the band's arrangements. Jack played for our first two Culloden workshops, and played in Atlanta with the Thistle Band in 1991 for the fall Gala, when he was also a teacher at the workshop.
Mara Sheahas been playing for dancers since the 1990’s – ceilidh, contra, English country, and Scottish country dance. With her guitar-fiddle duo band, The Elftones, she has made a number of recordings ( is frequently heard at dance weekends and concerts. An accomplished Scottish fiddler and winner of the Loch Norman (1999 and 2000) and GrandfatherMountain (2000) Fiddle competitions, Mara has studied playing for SCD under Bobby Brown, and has served on the music staff at TAC Summer School and at Pinewoods.
You can find the RSCDS Atlanta Branchonlineat
Friday Welcome Dance
Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel32J2Graded Book, #7
The White Cockade32R3Book 5, #11
Rakes of Glasgow32S3Book 11, #11
The De'il Amang The Tailors32R3Book 14, #7
Macleod's Fancy32J4Book 33, #3
Glasgow Lasses32S2Book 34, #3
Whiteadder Jig32J3Johnstone, Whiteadder Coll.
The Robertson Rant80S4Book 39, #8
The Reel of The 51st Division32R3Book 13, #10
Festival Fling32R3Book 44, #7
The Flirtation Hornpipe32HP4Jane Wallace
The Saint John River32S4New Brunswick Collection
The Barmkin88R4Goldring, 24 Graded & Social
The Wild Geese32J3Book 24, #3
Saturday Ball
Pelorus Jack32J3Book 41 #1 (Skelton/Dolphin #8)
The Irish Rover32R3Cosh, 22 + 2
Kathy's Garden32S3Sandy Gallamore
O My America88R4Barnes, Clipper Ships
Waverley*48J3Book 15, #12
Fugal Fergus*48J3Hugh Foss, Waverly Fugues
The Minister on the Loch32S3Goldring, 24 Graded+Social SCD
Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan32R5Goldring, 14 Graded+Social SCD
Peat Fire Flame40R3Drewry, Bon Accord Book
Miss Granger's Strathspey32S3Anselm Lingnau
The Foggy River Reel40R3Jana Blue, Between the Rivers
The Piper and the Penguin88R4Scotia Suite
The Golden Snitch32J3Anselm Lingnau
The White Heather Jig40J4Cosh, 22+2
The Silver Hamer32S3Elaine Brunken
Polharrow Burn32R5Foss, The Celtic Brooch
The Montgomeries' Rant32R3Book 10, #1
*Waverley will be briefed, but individual sets may choose to dance Fugal Fergus instead.
Workshop Schedule
3:00 pm - 7:00 pmRegistration
8:00 pmWelcome Dance
7:45 am- 9:00 amBreakfast
9:15 am-12:00 pmMorning Session
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmLunch
1:15 pm - 3:00 pmAfternoon Session
3:15 pm - 4:15 pmBall Walk-Through
6:00 pmDinner-optional cost
8:00 pmBall
8:00 am - 9:30 amBreakfast
9:45 am-11:45 amCool-Down Class
Workshop Package
The workshop package includes the Welcome Dance, Saturday classes and Ball, and the Sunday class. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and full breakfast on Sunday are also included. All mealswill be served in the Unicoi Lodge restaurant. The Saturday evening buffet is offered for the optional cost of $17.
Double-occupancy hotel rooms are $80 (plus tax).
Make hotel reservations directly with
UnicoiState Park & Lodge, “Event 2299”
Phone:706-878-2201 or 800-573-9659 ext 560
Fax: 706-878-1897
Required parking pass at $3 per vehicle
Cancellation Policy
We hope you won't have to cancel but if you must, you willreceive a 75% refund if you let us know by March 15.
ContactSusan Tumlin770-386-3656
Registration Form
Mail the completed form, with a check
made out to RSCDS Atlanta Branch to:
Susan Tumlin
755 Indian Mounds Road
Email address
Name for nametag
Check below if you are looking for:
A Basic Class (< 1 year dancing): ______
A Seniors Class (less-strenuous): ______
May we include your address and phone number in a directory? Yes No
Workshop Package -$90$______
Postmarked before February 23
Workshop Package - $100$______
After February 23
Saturday Dinner - $17$______
Dances only:
Welcome Dance - $16$______
Ball - $20$______
Total Amount Enclosed $______
For further single-session pricing options and scholarship information, contactSusan Tumlin.
Rev. 1/7/8