Royal Naval Association Branch

Minutes of meeting held on 1st July 2015, held at Restaurante El Paraiso Urb Del Mar Torrevieja

In Attendance

Paul Edwards Chairman

Danny Kay V/Chairman & Membership Sec.

Terry Watson P.R.O.

Robin Hargrave Welfare Volunteers

Cathie Brown

Attendance-- Full members 11 Associate members 8

Apologies P & A Deathers, A & G Rapley, M & J Forshaw, E McCallum,C Holloway, S & L Blair,R Dennison,V &P Cluney.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 17.05 pm.and welcomed all members and visitors.The members stood for the shipmates prayer,and a period of silence was observed in remembrance of those who had crossed the bar since our last meeting.

The Chairman asked if everybody had read the minutes,and asked for acceptance of the same.This was proposed by Rick Ward and seconded by Len Brown. There were no matters arising.

Chairmans report;

There has been no correspondence from RNA Headquarters or any other Branches during the month of June.

After the recent elections th PP party has lost much of its previous influence in Torrevieja,which includes the replacement of Mayor Eduardo Dolon.During June every municipal position remained open whilst the various political parties parlayed. Only now are things becoming a little clearer.Our old contact Jean Paul Mulero has been in touch.Danny will explain more about this in his report. Suffice to say we are not surewho is who and how this will affect our association.

Social Secretary, This position still remains open and regrettably nobody has come forward to fill it.I ask you all again to please put your best foot forward and volunteer.This position is not arduous and to the right person would be a lot of fun.

Menu del Noche,I personally enjoyed the meal we had together at “ La Cosecha” restaurant. There was a good turn and I thank the organisers Cathie &Len.

There is still nothing organised for July and will appreciate any suggestions please.

V/Chairmans report

As you can see we are a bit short handed today,due to John/Margaret are still returning from UK,and Patrick/Ann (who did a grand job of stand in sec,)have had to go to UK, due to unforseen circumstances

We had a Menu del Noche on the 24th,with 26 dinners, I think most of us had a good time, and good food. Thanks to Len/Cathie for arranging it all. Is there anyone who would like to select a venue for this month or next.I will do the numbers if you find the venue.

I must apologise to the members for the spelling of certain names,I did correct them,printed a copy thought it was ok, and then distributed the minutes,I forgot to (save as) on the computer,so forwarded the original,sorry

I have managed to make initial contact the town hall to invite the Mayor and others to be our guests at Trafalgar night, but it may be a long drawn out event,I will keep you informed. I hope to have a meeting with Jean Paul some time next week to see if he can shed some light on the new town halls thinking.

There is no Secretary or Treasurers report due to unforseen circumstances.

Welfare There was no welfare reports


Birthday tots issued.

  1. O.B. None

The meeting was closed at 18.00. Next meeting 5th Aug 17.00