Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
World Heritage Management Plan Steering Committee
Minutes – Meeting No. 11
Tuesday 28 November 2016
Boardroom, MelbourneMuseum 11 Nicholson Street, Carlton
10.00am-12 noon
Members: / Tim Smith, Heritage Victoria (Chair)Dr J. Patrick Greene,OBE,Museums Victoria
Geoff Lawler, City of Melbourne
Anna Foley, National Trust of Australia – Victoria
Fiona Van der Hoeven, Yarra City Council
Attending: / Sonia Rappell, Heritage Victoria
Apologies: / David Walmsley, Yarra City Council
- Dome tour
Patrick Greene led a walking tour of the Royal Exhibition Building and rooftop areas,explaining the conservation and dome activation proposal, and highlighting key conservation activities previously carried out such as reinstatement of the Parterre Gardens. The Committee thanked Patrick for this informative briefing and unique opportunity. See Permit discussion below.
- Meeting
The Chair welcomed all in attendance; Acknowledged Country; and outlined the purpose and Agenda of the meeting.
- Zebedee 3D scan of Exhibition Building - presentation
Tim Smith introduced Christopher Slatter from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Urban Design Team. Chris provided a presentation on the collection of Lidar data using the CSIRO-developed Zebedee system that enabled Heritage Victoria to print a solid 3D model of the building (tabled). The scan of the REB building was intended as a research and development test of the capabilities of this hand held 3D imaging system in tackling large complex built heritage forms. The biggest issue concerned the range of the scanner which was highly accurate and effective up to 15 metres, but had some limitations in capturing data beyond25 meters. Consequently the Dome was not recorded in the initial surveybut ‘built’ from other modelling data. The Museum indicated that it has access to drone technology that might assist future deployments of like technology. The Chair advised that he was hoping for wider use of systems like theZebedee package for Victorian Heritage Register-listed places and cultural landscapes, to document condition and for compliance and educational purposes. Heritage Victoria has placed the Zebedee data sets in the online public commons archive so that it is available for future use and manipulation. The Committee thanked Chris for his presentation.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
A copy of the draft Minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to members. The Minutes of meeting #10onTuesday 23 August 2016 were adopted.Geoff Lawler asked if the Minutes of meeting number 11 could be distributed promptly and that copies be made publicly available.
Draft minutes to be circulated within one week of the meeting for any comment from Steering Committee members, after which time the minutes can be circulated.
Following discussion, the Chair determined that Agenda’s and Minutes of meetings will be placed on the DELWP web site (under Heritage Victoria pages) for public access.
- Update of Management Plan and component documents
- The Chair introduced a discussion on the currency and anticipated review timelines of the World Heritage Management Planrequired under the Heritage Act 1995, and associated management documents for the WHL site.
- The Chair tabled a consolidated table that outlined the aims and embedded review timeframes for the combined management documents.
- The Commonwealth had, subsequent to the last meeting, advised Heritage Victoria of its understanding that (pursuant to the intention on Page 3 of the World Heritage Management Plan), that Attachments A, B, C and D would be reviewed in 2017. The Commonwealth advised of its preference for all documents to be refreshed in tandem to minimise potential for inconsistencies between policies, etc.
- The Chair suggested that community engagement will be a key requirement in project plans formulated to update individual documents. A single consultative process to underpin all the required updates would be optimal, noting that the Museum continues to periodically meet with residents and key stakeholders.
- The Chair considered that with the Museum’s key dome restoration and activation project still pending Commonwealth and Heritage Victoria approval, there is some logic in postponing the updates until the works are complete. It isHeritage Victoria’s understanding that the World Heritage Management Plan developed under s62W of the Heritage Actis not technically up for review until 2020 (i.e. seven (7) years following endorsement by the Minister for Planning).
- Geoff Lawler advised that the City of Melbourne expects to allocate funds for the upgrade of Attachment B Carlton Gardens Master Plan in its budget for 2017-2018, and it has its own consultative requirements.Geoff Lawler queried the best sequencing for the review of the plans e.g. it may be desirable for the Museum Reserve and Carlton Gardens plans to be reviewed at the same time.
- Patrick Greene advised that the Museum’s resources have been tied up with the development and activation project and that it would not be in a position to start this work in the immediate future.
- The Chair considered options to appoint a consultant and/or project manager to co-ordinate the process of updating the suite of documents. This could also informthe Steering Committee on sequencing, required entity lead times, and the broader community consultation program. A scan of the likely issues and project plans could then be workshopped with Steering Committee members at a future time.
The Chair to write to the Commonwealth seeking discretion to commencedocument reviews in 2017 with some staging due to resourcing issues with individual entities. All parties represented on the Steering Committee will also be written to about the required update of the management plan and component documents, and likely sequencing requirements.
Heritage Victoria to consider appointment of consultant and/or project manager to co-ordinate the process of updating the documents and provide some advice to the Steering Committee about timetabling. Aworkshop with Steering Committee members may also be arranged.
- Museum Victoria update
Museum Victoria provided an update on the proposeddome works and activation project.Patrick Greene advised that the Museum is hoping for direction from the Commonwealth under the EPBC Act in February 2017. Heritage Victoria must advertise the proposalon behalf of the Federal Environment Minister as well as its own requirements under the Heritage Act 1995, following the agreed processes in the Bilateral Agreement. The Museum has submitted further information requested by the Commonwealth.
- Other business
The Chairnoted the imminent retirement of Patrick Greene as CEO of Museums Victoriaand that this would be Patrick’s last meeting. On behalf of the Committee and Heritage Victoria, the Chair thanked Patrick for his substantial contribution to the work of the Steering Committee since its inception and wished him well in the future. Geoff Lawler acknowledged the contribution Patrick had made to achieving the World Heritage Listing, now of some 12 years standing.
Patrick Greene suggested that the announcement of his replacement is expected soon. The membership of the Steering Committee can then be updated accordingly through the Ministerial appointment process.
Anna Foley also advised that she is finishing up working at the National Trust and that this would be her last meeting also. A new Steering Committee representative from the National Trust is likely to be nominated shortly.
Museums Victoria and the National Trust Victoria to advise of new Steering Committee representatives for nomination.
Patrick Greene raised the matter of the poor appearance of the Former Cancer Council building at the corner of Victoria Street and Rathdowne Street, within the Environs area.
Geoff Lawler offered to follow upon the condition of the Former Cancer Council building.
- Next Meeting
The Chair thanked the Museum for hosting the meeting. The date of the next meeting will be confirmed out of session and members advised accordingly.
World Heritage Management Plan Steering Committee - Minutes