Rowlands Gill Medical Centre – Patient Participation Group

Meeting 14held on Tuesday 27th June 2017 at 6.00pm

Present at meeting: Dr Dawson,Angela Laws, Emma Laws, Siobhan McDonough, Tom Bryden, Simon Musgrove, Kay Parker, Pat Davis, Colin Davis, Dr Hellen

  1. Apologies received from: Tarryn Lake, Joan Campbell
  1. Minutes of last meeting 28th March 2017 reviewed (agreed)
  1. Recruitment into general Practice. Dr Imlahprovided information from the April edition of the British Journal of General Practice which was distributed to the group.
  2. International Travel and Transmissible Infection Risk. The practice is preparing a list of vaccine available which we will display in the waiting room while this service is available for patients.
  3. Induction and In-Service Training for non-executive Members of NHS Boards and Trusts. The group will discuss contacting “Friends of the QE” at the next meeting.
  4. The group advised an increase of prescription processing time at the local chemist with patients being advised that they require 72 hours to process repeat prescriptions.

This was raised with Boots and we can confirm;

Q. Is policy 72 hours in addition to our 48 hrs?

A. Yes and no movement on this. Directive from Boots head office following audit of dispensing errors and frequent theme is "rushed"- moving towards safe dispensing times. Patients do have option to ask for the prescription to be dispensed (repeats and acute items), prescription will be moved to dispensing queue and asked to wait the manager advises usual wait time is 15-20 minutes.

Q. If patient waits 72 hours is the expectation the prescription will be dispensed awaiting collection?

A. Yes in most cases unless has been a query or problem with the script.

Q. Patients reporting scripts not dispensed until attend the pharmacy so returning after 72 hours and still waiting is this usual?

A. No prescriptions are downloaded every 15 minutes and dispensed promptly.

These answers were printed and verified with the manager who also would like to raise awareness with the surgery they also dispense prescriptions from other surgeries.

Offering the option for the patient to wait fulfils their obligations to provide an NHS prescription promptly.

The practice needs to advise our patients that we have no control over local pharmacies. Scripts are ready to collect from the practice after 48 hours and then they should discuss any concerns with their pharmacy. Patients are not tied into one pharmacy even if on repeat dispensing now and can change pharmacy nomination as frequently as they choose if dissatisfied with the service. Patients need to get in the habit of ordering when down to about one week of tablets left to ensure continued stress free supply.

  1. The group asked if we could invite a provider for “Child and Young Adult Mental Health Services” to the PPG meeting, this was arranged.

No agenda items were received prior to the meeting

At today’s meeting at the request of the PPG we have Lesley Gammell, Clinical Lead, CAMHS STFT and her colleague Sam Hawkins in attendance, providing an overview of the services available,answeringquestions raised by the group aswell as providing the group and the practice with patient and professionals leaflets and information for young people. We have asked Lesley if there is any information that she would like the practice to add to the practice website and practice newsletter to promote the services CAHMS offers along withany information for young people or parents. Lesley will provide links to the practice.The practice will add information into the Patient Information Leaflet folders that are located in the main waiting area of the surgery.

  1. Update
  • Update on pedestrian crossing,the tactile cone on the crossing has again been reported on the 9th May 2017 we were advised that this would be referred to Newcastle again as unresolved repair.
  • The practice newsletter included topics on the Hay fever season and helpful links to advice on this. Extended Access to Primary Care, Think Pharmacy First, Self-referral services and Bank Holiday Closures.
  1. Any other business
  • The group were asked how often they would like to meet and agreed to bi-monthly meetings.
  • The group discussed students, research and university awards.

The practice would like to thank Lesley Gammell and Sam Hawkins for attending the Patient Participation Group meeting and providing information on children’s mental health and what is available in Gateshead.

Next meeting date: Tuesday 29th August 2017 at 6.00pm