Round 4 of the British Supermoto Championship held at Blyton on 8th and 9th June 2013

The fourth round of the British Norasport Championship took place at the Blyton Raceway in Lincolnshire. The track was in superb condition after the recent good weather, making for some excellent racing.

Saturday 450 Elite Class

In qualifying both DCR riders Lewis Cornish and Davey Todd didn’t manage to get the cleanest of laps but still qualified in 3rd and 4th place on the grid.

Race 1

This was won by Chris Hodgson, followed by Ben Robb and Chris Walker. After crashing Davey managed to get back up to 4th and Lewis after two crashes, made it back to 6th place at the flag.

Race 2

This was a nightmare race for Lewis, after getting tangled up with Ben Robb, he then crashed again but still managed to make it to the finish to earn some points. Davey on the other hand was doing a bit better, keeping it rubber side up and finished second behind Hodgson.

Race 3

This was a closer, hard fought race. Hodgson took the holeshot, closely followed by Davey. Both riders pulled well clear and try as he might, Hodgson could not pull away from Davey. Lewis’s nightmare continued with another crash, he still fought on though and took 5th at the flag. Hodgson took the win, closely followed by Todd and Chris Walker a distant 3rd.

Sunday Open Elite

After a good result in the 450 on Saturday, Davey and I discussed the track and where we thought improvements could be made. Just by changing his line slightly, this would enable him to pull a higher gear, giving him a better run onto the long straight. Davey took this on board and it proved to make a big difference.

Lewis after going away from the track on Saturday totally dejected as everything he seemed to do had gone wrong, returned on Sunday very positive with the previous day’s disappointment behind him. He used his positive attitude to go out and take pole position in qualifying. Davey qualified in 3rd

Race 1

Lewis had a bad start from pole position, allowing Hodsgon, Todd and Blakeman to make the early pace. By the halfway stage, Hodgson and Todd had moved clear of Blakeman and this is how they finished at the flag. Lewis battled his way to 4th and took the fastest lap of the race.

Race 2

This was a start to finish victory for Hodgson, but only by half a wheel in front of Davey. In 3rd place, a few bike lengths behind was Lewis. This set things up perfectly for the last race of the day.

Race 3

This was going to be a classic, all three riders shot off at the start and had soon pulled clear from the rest of the field. At about half distance, Davey managed to make the pass at the end of the long straight. He then went a bit wide, allowing Hodgson to re-take the lead, with Lewis still only a few yards behind in 3rd. As the pace started to hot up, each of the three riders all put in the fastest laps of the race. With three laps to go, Davey pulled the same move again, this time managing to keep it tight allowing Hodgson no room to pass. Chris being the true champion he is was not going to settle for 2nd and threw everything he could at Davey to try and get past him. Going into the last lap with only 10 yards covering all three riders, Lewis slid off, but the gap behind was big enough to allow him to rejoin in 4th position behind Blakeman. Davey saved the best until last and set the fastest lap of the weekend on the last lap of the last race to take the win! He was followed by Hodgson, Blakeman and Lewis in 4th.

Photo thanks to Marty Hill

The DCR team came away from the weekend very pleased as Davey had taken 2nd overall in the 450 Elite and 2nd in the Open Elite on Sunday. Lewis shook off his bad day on Saturday, coming right back on the pace to finish 3rd on the podium on Sunday.

Thank you once again to all the helpers at the meeting and our sponsors for their continued support. The next round of the Championship is on the 29th and 30th June at the Rowragh circuit in Cumbria.

The boys tucking into their Mornflake porridge before the off!