John Emerson, an army doctor, moved first to Illinois and then to the Wisconsin Territory but later returned to Missouri. When Emerson died in 1846, the claimant sued, arguing that since Wisconsin was north of the Missouri Compromise line, he was a free man, but his case was rejected in both the Missouri state and U.S. Supreme courts. FTP, name this plaintiff who sued Mrs. Emerson's executor, John Sanford.
Dred Scott (accept Dred Scott v. Sandford or Dred Scott decision before "plaintiff")
It can be defined explicitly by the Binet (bin-NAY) formula and may be computed by adding the shallow diagonals of Pascal’s Triangle. It can be used to estimate the number of pairs of rabbits present each month after one pair begins breeding, a fact discovered by Leonardo da Pisa. FTP, identify this sequence of integers whose ratio of two consecutive numbers approaches the golden mean, which begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, with each term equal to the sum of the previous two.
Fibonacci sequence
At the age of five, he aspired to be a garbage collector, but a memorable encounter with a Tyrannosaurus in a museum changed his mind. He disparaged marshmallows, spontaneously sang Gilbert and Sullivan songs, and was an avid Yankees fan. An outspoken professor of paleontology, zoology, and geology, he wrote over 20 books, including The Panda’s Thumb, Bully for Brontosaurus, and The Mismeasure of Man. He died in May 2002 at the age of 60. FTP, name this Harvard “evolutionist laureate” who, with Niles Eldredge, developed the evolutionary theory of punctuated equilibrium.
Stephen Jay Gould
The three opening chords that state the motto of this work are followed by a major, then a minor chord in quick succession, illustrating the duality of the primal “Backworldsman” and his spiritual successor. After the famous “Sunrise” theme, other sections are titled with chapters of the namesake book but draw minimal inspiration from its philosophy. FTP, name this Richard (REEK-ard) Strauss tone poem, loosely based on a work of Nietzsche (NEAT-chuh), most famously employed in the opening scene of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Also Sprach Zarathustra or Thus Spake Zarathustra
Nöther’s (NO-terz) theorem states that for each continuous one of these in a physical system, there exists a conserved quantity. Familiar examples include gauge transformation and charge, and time and energy, while a “super” type that postulates companion particles with altered spins is a major topic in modern particle physics. FTP, name this invariance concept, defined as a transformation leaving a system unchanged, geometric examples of which include rotational, radial, and bilateral.
Symmetry (accept invariance on early buzz)
He had a close companion named Astennu, and a daughter named Seshat. In many myths, he acts as a mediator between other gods. He convinced Hathor to return to Egypt, supported Horus against Seth, and mediated between Tefnut and Ra. He was initially a moon god, but became better known as a god of wisdom and inventor of writing. FTP, name this Egyptian god with the head of an Ibis (EYE-bis).
Thoth (TOT) (accept reasonable pronunciation attempts)
It is mostly found in areas of volcanic activity, where it precipitates from alkaline solutions in veins and hot springs. The world’s major deposit is in Almadén [al-mah-DEN], Spain, where it has been extracted for nearly 3000 years. Its natural forms include crystals, granules, and coatings with a distinctive scarlet color. FTP, name this only common ore of mercury, HgS, which shares its name with a moth and a bright red pigment, also known as vermilion.
Cinnabar (prompt on vermilion before mention)
A chess player, an indifferent pianist, a daughter of a woman who is forced to be Fourth Wife, two women whose marriages are falling apart, a single mother about to be married, and a jade necklace all figure in this book. Another character is trying to locate her twin sisters, who had been abandoned during their mother’s flight from Kweilin to Chungking in 1944 during World War II. FTP, name this book about the Chinese experience in America, written by Amy Tan.
The Joy Luck Club
Born in Valladolid (Vai-uh-doh-LEED) in 1420, this man was the Infante (in-fan-TAY) Isabella’s confessor before she became queen. He believed that the real heretics in Spain were the conversos, or Jews who had converted to Catholicism but reportedly still practiced Judaism in secret. In February 1482, he was one of the seven Dominicans named as an Inquisitor with the goal of rooting out heresy in the Kingdom of Castille. FTP, name this Dominican friar who eventually became the first Inquisitor-General of Spain, known as the “Black Legend.”
Tomas de Torquemada (tor-kay-MA-da)
After the Dutch army arrived, the king decided to flee, an act the Convention Parliament decided was tantamount to abdication. The Tories and the Whigs allied out of suspicion of the king, who had recently fathered a son who might inherit the throne as another Catholic ruler, preempting his Protestant daughter, Mary. FTP, identify this event of 1688 in which William and Mary took the British throne bloodlessly from James II.
The Glorious Revolution
Much of her writing is focused on her arguments with her mother and with the dentist Dr. Dussel; due to her incessant chatter, she was sometimes referred to as “Miss Quack Quack.” She wrote to “Kitty,” as it seemed a more pleasant heading than “Dear Diary.” When first published, her book was titled The Secret Annex. FTP, name this young woman who died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen, author of A Diary of a Young Girl.
Anne Frank
This nation was occupied by France after the conquest of Fouta Jalon in 1897, and incorporated into French West Africa. Under Ahmed Sékou Touré, it chose independence over membership in the French Community and financial aid in 1958, and then turned to Marxism. The Niger, Senegal, and Gambia Rivers all have their headwaters here. It borders six nations, including Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, and Guinea-Bissau. FTP, name this country with capital at Conakry.
The most popular constituent remains the mint chocolate pound cake. A flameless heating device was added in 1992, and the entire package can be heated by submersion in hot water. Each package contains one-third of the Military Recommended Daily Allowance, although soldiers complain the food still tastes horrible. FTP, what Army field ration is sometimes expanded as "Meals Rejected by Ethiopians"?
MREs or Meals, Ready-to-Eat
This ancient Egyptian monarch ruled for 20 years following the reign of Thutmose (TUT-mose), leading successful expeditions against Nubia and Syria. She became regent for her stepson, Tuthmosis (Tut-MOS-is) III, but soon seized actual power. After her death, when Tuthmosis came to power, he had all her statues destroyed so he could forget her domination of him. FTP, name this woman who had herself crowned as Pharaoh.
Towards the end of her life, she lived in a flat in a house in London that William Butler Yeats had once inhabited. The first person to receive a Pulitzer Prize in poetry posthumously, she also wrote several short stories, including Sunday at the Mintons, which landed her a guest editorship at Mademoiselle magazine. Her experiences in New York during this job led her to create the autobiographical character Esther Greenwood. FTP, name this writer, the wife of Ted Hughes and author of Ariel and The Bell Jar.
Sylvia Plath
Pencil and paper ready. Consider two equilateral triangles, one of side length one and one of side length three. You want to find the difference in area between the two polygons. Although finding the area of each and subtracting them will eventually work, by placing the smaller triangle at the corner of the larger triangle and removing it, a trapezoid with height square root of three is formed and the area of that can be found quite quickly. FTP, find the difference in area between the two triangles.
2√3 square units
This woman was born in 1815 and was the daughter of Anna Milbanke, the “Princess of Parallelograms.” In 1833, she became friends with Charles Babbage and saw a presentation of his calculating machine, the Difference Engine. FTP, name this daughter of the poet Lord Byron, author of “Observations on Mr. Babbage’s Analytical Engine,” considered by some to be the first programmer.
Augusta Ada Lovelace or Augusta Ada Byron or Augusta Ada King
The protagonist regrets a one-time fling with a prostitute, but he seems not to regret his estrangement from his wife, Katharine, or his behavior as a child towards his mother and sister over a bar of chocolate. A piece of coral, a diary, and finally a rented room are all things the main character purchases from Mr. Charrington, who unfortunately turns out to be a member of the Thought Police. FTP, name this book about Julia’s lover Winston Smith and the perils of totalitarianism, written by George Orwell.
The Democrat-controlled Pujo (poozh-OH) Commission and Virginia Senator Carter Glass developed its principle of decentralization, rejecting the National Monetary Commission's earlier proposal for a central bank. In its final form, it authorized "rediscounting" and established a new form of paper currency. FTP, name this 1913 law that established 12 regional Reserve Banks.
Federal Reserve Act (accept Owen-Glass Act)
The title character had loved Elizabeth Lavenza since childhood. He pours his high intellect and energies into his university studies, but he begins to spend more and more time in his room doing his own research, which results in the deaths of Justine, his brother William, his best friend Henry Clerval, dear Elizabeth, and finally him. FTP, name this work about a brilliant man who creates a monster hideous in shape and mind, written by Mary Shelley.
Carved somewhere between 480 and 470 B.C., the figure “Kritios Boy” stood just under four feet tall and was made in the Kouros style, but with this added innovation, which both Donatello’s David and Michelangelo’s David exhibit. FTP, name this feature of sculpture that allows for a more accurate and human-like depiction in which the figure’s weight is shifted off the main axis of the body, derived from the Latin for “to set against.”
At the 1913 opening of the Diet [DEE-et], instead of reading his prepared speech he rolled it into a telescope and stared into the audience. He had been born illegitimately to a court lady-in-waiting, but his mother was officially considered to be the Empress Shoken. Named heir apparent by Emperor Meiji in 1887, he ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in 1912, but as it became clear he was mentally vacant, official duties were taken over by his son, Hirohito. FTP, name this 123rd Emperor of Japan.
Yoshihito or Taisho
The translation by Sir Thomas North is the source for many of Shakespeare’s plays, while much modern information about the early Roman calendar is known from the section on Numa Pompilius. The sections on Galba, Otho, Aratus [ar-RA-tus], and Artaxerxes are unpaired, separating them from the rest of the biographical chapters, which are presented in parallel, a Greek to an equivalent Roman. FTP, name this ancient work of biographies, written by Plutarch.
Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans or Parallel Lives
Name these chemical laws governing solutions, FTPE.
10: It describes vapor pressure decrease of the solvent with the increase of solute.
Raoult’s Law
10: This law involving a widely varying constant describes solubility of a gas in a solvent with change in the partial pressure of the gas above the solvent.
Henry’s Law
10: This quantity is calculated from a variant of the ideal gas law, where n over V is reduced to molarity of the liquid.
Osmotic Pressure
Name these characters from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities FTPE
10: This French aristocrat moves to England, where he eventually marries Lucie Manette. Despite renouncing his family name, he is put on trial during the Revolution.
Charles Darnay
10: This vengeful woman knits the names of the aristocrats she condemns and later leads the female revolutionaries in killing her enemies.
Madame Therese Defarge
10: Lucie Manette’s former nursemaid, this woman shoots Madame Defarge and becomes deaf from that moment on.
Miss Pross
For 5 points each and a 5 point bonus for all correct, name the five rivers of Hades.
Acheron (ACK-er-ron), Cocytus [COSS--ih-tus], Phlegethon, Styx, Lethe (LEE-thee)
Identify the following short works of Herman Melville FTPE.
10: The reticent title character of this short story dies of starvation after preferring not to dine in prison.
Bartleby, the Scrivener
10: This novella, describing the discovery of a mutiny of slaves aboard a Spanish ship, is largely a dialogue between the title character and Captain Amasa Delano.
Benito Cereno