Rotary Club of Ann Arbor

Centennial Project Draft Concept

Rotary Smiles

Healthcare related Proposed Project - "Rotary Smiles"; dental care is considered the single biggest unmet need.

Partnering with the Washtenaw County Public Health Department to establish a "Michigan CommunityDental Clinic" (MCDC) on the eastern side of the County.

Vision for MCDC- a healthy Michigan population, who assume responsibility for their own wellness, with guidanceand proper intervention provided for by the MCDC staff. Expansion of the MCDC system to allow establishment of"dental homes" for persons unable to obtain care in traditional private sector settings.

Current Status- twenty-one (21) clinics in the State of Michigan, but not in Washtenaw County. Washtenaw Countyhas over 39,000 on Medicaid, and

• 19,364 are children 18 and younger

• 20,164 are adults 19 and over, with very little access to care

• In 2008 there were an estimated 4,6667 dental related Emergency department visits

• If parents don't have access to dental care, their children are less likely to obtain care, and are less likely to becompliant with behaviors that prevent disease.

• Dentists in the private sector cannot afford to treat these folks at the abysmally low Medicaid rates

• Many dentists in the private sector do not desire to treat these patients - with or without remuneration

• due to the limited spectrum of services covered

• due to the extraordinary "hassle" of billing Medicaid directly

Potential impact-

• potentially serve about 6,000 persons annually

• increase employment probability for persons whose smiles are restored

• reduces absenteeism for those with jobs and\or in school

• reduces emergency room visits to local hospitals

• provides social service agencies as well as medical and dental providers a place to refer those on Medicaid inneed of care

• creates 8-10 new full time healthcare jobs

• creates a significant asset for the community

Potential Partnerships/Collaboration -

• Washtenaw County (Public Health)

• University of Michigan Dental School

• Local Foundations

• United Way

• Hospital Systems

• Local dentists

• Private donations

Required Club resources- could be an equity contribution or a "loan" (as much as can be raised). Opportunity to provide seed funding support with an expectation for full or partial reimbursement over a ten to twenty year term with that reimbursement flowing to Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Endowment Fund. There is a $50,000 upfront capital requirement that is non-refundable, portion of Rotary Club contribution could be applied to that non-refundable requirement and\or that might be shared with Washtenaw County.

Project- Assist in the development of a dental clinic for the Washtenaw County Public Health Department - toincrease access to oral healthcare for those on Medicaid and the Low-income.

• An 8-chair dental clinic space (ideally about 3,500 sg. ft. plan), designed and equipped to MCDC specificationson land owned or provided for use by the county or community.

• County would own or lease the building -

• MCDC lease clinic from the Washtenaw County Public Health Department (WCPHD) or subleases fromthe WCPHD which lease from County, or community member.

• Or, a non-profit, foundation, United Way, or other entity can own the building and equipment.

• MCDC will provide, maintain and replace thee equipment, as needed during a 10-20 year agreement.

• MCDC operates the clinic on behalf of the WCPHD, and assumes the financial risk for the success of theoperation.

• Entire project is expected to be cost neutral to the County over the length of the operating agreement with MCDC.

Timeline- approximately two (2) years, six months of planning and up to 18 months to build out (especially if a newbuilding)

Benefits to Club – Public relations, visibility in community; Club members would be important ambassadors supporting good oral health.

Opportunity- If Rotary Club contribution is a gift for such a clinic, the gift amount, instead of being returned to theClub, could be placed in a fund that would be used in the community to address dental services needs for the Low-income, uninsured community residents. Other opportunity, as described above, is for the Club to require full repayment with repayment deposited to the Rotary Club's permanent fund (Endowment Fund).

Community Support:

Community support will be a key part of developing the clinic. To date, numerous community partners have been engaged in this effort –

·  UM School of Dentistry,

·  Hope Clinic,

·  Washtenaw Health Initiative, and

·  it’s anticipated the Washtenaw District Dental Society will be involved.

Cc: Rotary Smiles project detail 04-18-13