/ Minutes
Via Teleconference
Tuesday 5th February 2008
7.30 – 8.00 pm Eastern Summer time
(following a general teleconference 7.00-7.30pm)
Agenda item / Actions arising
1. / Welcome
ACT:Misty Adoniou,
NSW:Robert Jackson, Judith Mee
SA:Rosie Antenucci, Margaret Cargill, Alison Cheetham, Kate Cadman
WA:Aileen Hawkes, Khalin Driver
QLD: Laraine Goldman
NTColleen Combe
TasWanda Gunawardana
Executive Officer: Sophia Sabatier
Apologies: Sue Bremner, Paul Bubb and Julie Hebert
2 / Minutes of 2007 ACTA AGM and matters arising
  • Rosie Antenucci - summarised the minutes from 2007 AGM - Minutes moved by Robert and seconded by Misty, President ,Treasurers and TIC Reports were tabled - 3 motions were moved - that the audited financial reports be endorsed for 2003, 2004 and 2005 - Elections held. Further Motion that funding for Misty to attend the TESOL Convention in Seattle and Rosie to attend if DEST funding became available.
  • Rosie accepted the minutes and Khalin – seconded.

3 / Reports
3.1President’s Report –
  • Tabled with one change: A $5000 grant was received from Australian Education International as funding for someone to attend the TESOL International Conference. In the President’s report Misty indicated that Rosie's attendance was funded. However, Rosie funded herself. The grant was within ACTA’s budget, so Misty used the money to go to the conference.

3.2Treasurer’s report
  • Tabled: A copy of this report (signed by President) was sent to the Secretary
  • A decent auditor greatly helped in organising this report
  • Data for capitation indicates there is a decrease in membership
  • Expenditure:
-Significant costs - invoices from Exec Officer position
-Costs incurred with the printing of Tales out of School .There are copies of book available. ACTA will need to do something with them
-For this year an overall a loss was made
  • Profits this year came from copyright fees
  • Unpaid GST fee was noted by the auditor (not picked up by previous auditor)– not in this report but $3600 has been paid to the Australian Taxation Office. This will appear in the next report.
  • It was noted that there is a legal requirement that a constitution should be available on the Web with residential addresses of committee members and access to names and addresses as required.
  • Minutes needed for AGM required quickly to send to ATO
  • Requested that Misty and Rosie be endorsed as the contacts for the ATO. Moved by Judith Mee
  • Rosie is to have a meeting with the Auditor and CEASA to do a more detailed audit so as to track comparisons form year to year. The next audit should be more detailed in terms of membership etc
  • Aileen proposed a vote of thanks be given to Rosie for a timely and informative report which was endorsed by the committee.
  • Robert - move for 10 mins to extend the meeting - Moved by Misty and others.

3.3TESOL in Context report (Margaret Cargill)
  • Tabled
  • Welcomed the new editors and thanked Misty and Rosie for helping out with the hand over
  • Misty offered a vote of thanks to Kate and Margaret. Their vision has created an exciting future for TIC. Endorsed by Committee

4 / Election of officer bearers:Vice-President took the chair
President’s position
  • Misty nominated by Robert to continue and seconded by Laraine
  • No other nominations received
  • Misty A accepted on the clear understanding that as this is the 3rd year – there needs to be a hand over in 2009
  • Robert thanked Misty for her work over the last 2 years, particularly to see the 2008 Conference through.
  • Mistynominated Robert and Aileen second
  • No other nominations
  • Robert accepted
  • Misty nominated Colleen and Robert accepted
  • No other nominations
  • Colleen accepted
  • Misty - nominated Rosie and Judith Mee–seconded
  • No other nominations
  • Rosie accepted for one more year
Remaining 4 positions
  • Not sure of their status
  • One of the 2008 jobs needed is to undergo a constitutional review
  • Under the constitution the TESOL in Context Publications Officer must be a nominated Editor and not a Councillor
  • Judith – at the last AGM it was decided to leave these 4 positions off the elections. Judith to look at this as her ‘last job’ before leaving the Council
  • Robert – it is important to have one of the TIC Editors on the Council and therefore a voting member.
-Jenny Miller and Russell Croft will be doing the first issue of TIC- both from Victoria are the new TIC Editors. ACTA to ask VATME to have one of these as a councillor. Misty to talk to VATME President.
-NB: The second issue of TIC will be run by Tony and Katie – This is a dilemma
  • Website Officer position now falls under the Exec Officer position. Sophia Sabatier is currently doing the Website
  • Conference Liaison Officerlogically the 2010 Host from that state
  • Advocacy/Special Projects Officer (if required)
/ Action:
A constitutional amendment is needed to reflect the new structure of ACTA and the TIC Board
Constitutional Review
5. / AOB (From general Teleconference)
  • Thursday 10 April the next day for Teleconference
  • All States and Territories to organise the right number of councillors
  • Counsellors workshop on 12 & 13 July - $400.00 per state to send one councillor
  • Sophia would like councillors to send photographs/images of students, people and conferences to be placed on the updated ACTA site–to make it a visual site. NB permission is needed
  • A suggestion made that photographs of Counsellors be used as well with bios
/ Sophia to send email around asking for information on councillors as well as residential addresses.
Councillors to send photographs/images of students, people
Photographs of counsellors could also be used as well with bios
Meeting closed at 7.45pm (8.15am)