I. General Info

I need help with: (check all that apply)


O brand development

O logo creation

O communications strategy/marketing

O print materials

O web design

O web development

O SEO/SEM/ online marketing

O social media

O android app or game development

O hosting


How soon would you like to get started?

Do you have any deadlines that need to be reached?

What are your key organizational short- and long-terms goals? (where would you like your business to be in 1 year, 3 years, 5 years)

II. Branding

Please list your business’ core values. What do you want your “brand” to feel like? Thesecan be words, short phrases, descriptions, etc.

What Makes You Unique?

Who are you marketing to? What are their “demographics”? (Likes, dislikes,places they go/events they attend, etc...please be specific on gender, age, social/political/cultural activities—include related websites if possible.)

Competition?/Others Like You?

Websites You Like & Ones You Don¹t Like? (min. 5) (Please look both for designs you like as well as functionalities you like. They do not need to be in the same genre as your site.)

Color Palette: In general, what kind of colors are you drawn to and would best portray your core values?

What kindof textures? (try playing around with can just include the HEX, RGB, etc. codes here)

Fonts: If you were a font, which one would you be? (< or google fonts < type in your core value key words.)

Imagery: What kind of imagery are you drawn to? What imagery do you thinkbest portrays your 5 core values?(visit type in your key words andsee what comes up)


Who will be using your website?

What do you want them to take away knowing/be able to do? (Please list 1-3 top priorities for each group.) What questions would drive them to your site?

Besides your website, are you active in any other online communication channels? (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.?)

Who is the assigned point person from your organization that will be interfacing with Rootid on this project? Are there other people within the organization who will be making the final sign-off on benchmarks (ie. Wireframes, Website design, beta site, etc.) of this project?


Domain Names

Some people have more than one domain name pointing at their website. Please list all of the URL’s you own and where they are registered (ex. GoDaddy, BlueHost, etc.)

CMS Integration

Below is a list of some possible Content Management System features (Wordpress, Drupal, etc.) Please identify all of the features that you may want to have on your website.


O Events Calendar

O Polls

O Video

O Refer a Friend

O Maps

O Blog

O RSS Feed

O Photo Galleries

O Donation Processing

O Online Store

O E-Newsletter

O Member Login

(password protected back-end section)

O User Profile Creation

O Forms

O Key Word Search

O Advanced Search Feature

O Google Analytics

O Other... please explain


CRM Integration

Are you planning to integrate a CRM into your website (ex. SalesForce)? If no, skip the rest of this section.

What functionalities are you going to use this CRM for (ex. Donations, email marketing, sales, etc)? What information will you be capturing?

Will the form be hosted embedded in this website, or will it live on a 3rd party server?

Do you have a CRM consultant or designated staff member who will be able to setup forms and integration processes on your side of the project?

Email Providers

Do you have a 3rd party email provider that you use (ex. MailChimp, Vertical Response, Constant Contact, etc.). Please list below.

When people sign-up for your email list, what fields do they fill in? Are there required fields? Are there fields you’d like to add on this new site?

Donate Form/Store

Who is your online donation provider/store provider?

How is this going to be brought into the site? Will the page be hosted on their site, or will it be integrated into the new site?

Do you need an SSL certificate to run this store? Have you had one in the past?

Social media

Please provide the link to social media accounts below.

Which social media accounts would you like to have links to on your site? If you would like to add social media accounts that you don’t currently have setup, please indicate this below.

Which social media outlets would you like users to be able to share your content on? This could include places where your organization doesn’t have an account. For example, if your organization does not have aReddit account but you’d like users to be able to share your website content there, list it below.


Do you currently have a Google Analytics account? If so, provide the account number below. (Hint: the account number starts with UA-) You can find this by signing into your Google Analytics account.

Do currently have a Google Webmaster Tools account? If you don’t know what this is, then you probably don’t have one. Or, ask you website administrator is they know if you have one.

What are the top 10 pages that get traffic on your site. If you don’t know for sure, take a guess.

Contact Page

Do you want the contact page to be a form, or a text page with contact information on it?


Will the site have commenting? Should the site manage the comments or will it be managed by an outside service like Disqus or Janrain.

User Logins:

Will there be a user secure log-in or password protected area on the site where only registered people can access content?

Do you want users to be able to register through social accounts? Please list the accounts you’d like them to be able to register/log-in with below.


Does the site need to appear in any other languages besides English? If yes, what are they?

Anything else we need to know?