Liberty Elementary

July 25, 2010





  • Room Parent Correspondence - Letter 1Page 3
  • Room Parent Correspondence – Letter 2Page 4
  • “All About Me”Page 5
  • Class Directory and All About MePage 6
  • Our Teacher’s Birthday is coming up!Page 7
  • Holiday PartyPage 8
  • We need your help for our upcoming class party!Page 9
  • End of year Teacher’s Gift – Letter 1Page 10
  • End of Year Teacher’s Gift – Letter 2Page 11
  • Teacher GiftPage 12
  • Class Allergy LetterPage 13
  • Class Allergy LetterPage 14
  • Standard Recruitment Volunteer EmailsPage 15
  • Urgent Request VolunteersPage 16
  • PTA Email Opt Out LetterPage 17

(Approved sample letters)

Room Parent Correspondence

Dear Parents,

I/We are the Room Parent volunteer/s for (teacher name here) class this year! I/We are excited to begin the year and are looking forward to meeting everyone!

Please complete the following information:

Student’s Name______Phone Number ______

Parent’s Names______

Address ______

We are excited about the school year and hope to have as much parent participation as is possible. We are asking each of you to send us your e-mail address so we may compile a list to use for classroom correspondence (your email will not to be distributed otherwise).

Parent E-mail______.

We would prefer to use e-mail as our way of communicating with you in order to cut down on papers being sent home. We believe this will be a very effective way of communicating but if you do not want to be included on this list please sign below and we will continue to send home paper copies with your child.

□ Paper Copies Only______.

We know that many of you have expressed a desire to help with certain activities,

celebrations, etc. Please check below if you would be interested in helping us

throughout the year (volunteering, sending in supplies, etc...)

□ Willing to help

Thank You and we look forward to an exciting and wonderful year!!


Room Parent(s) name

Email address(es)

Dear Parents,

We (I) are so excited about the school year and looking forward to working with all of you. We (I) will be the room parents for ______class this year.

We (I) would like to update our class list that includes the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the children in our class. This will be helpful when there are special activities or when help is needed in the classroom or with parties. Please fill out the form below and send it back as soon as possible so we (I) will be able to complete our class list. Thank you for your help!

Also, We (I) have also included the “All About Me” that (teacher name here) completed about some of her favorites. It will help us all throughout the year as we (I) find ways to appreciate the wonderful things she does in the classroom and for our children!


Email (phone is your option)

Room Parents for: Teacher

Please check one and sign:

______I give my permission for my child’s name, my name, address, and phone number to be included on the class list.

______I do not give my permission for my child’s name, my name, address, and phone number to be included on the class list.

______Parent’s Signature

______Child’s Name


______Phone Number

______E-mail Address

“All About Me”

Teacher(s) Name:

E-mail address:

Birthday (Month and Day):


Favorite Foods:

Favorite Drinks:

Favorite Restaurant:

Favorite Stores:

Favorite Salon:

Favorite Sports:

Favorite Sweets:

Favorite Past Gifts:

Favorite Books/Magazines:

Any classroom supplies needed:

Is there any additional information you’d like to share?

To: Parents

Fr: Your Name (s)

Co-Room Parents

Re: Class Directory and All About Me

I/We have attached the class directory for Teacher class. It may be helpful if you need to contact anyone and we will be using the emails to periodically send information out.

I/We have also included the All About Me that Teacher completed about some of her favorites. It will help me/us all through out the year as we find ways to appreciate the wonderful things she does in the classroom and for our children!

Thanks again for all your help so far and we look forward to all the fun we will have this year!


Your Name

Room parent for Teacher’s Name

Your Email if desired

Our Teacher’s birthday is coming up!

It falls on (date) and I thought the kids could ‘celebrate’ with her on (date). I will provide cookies for the class at snack time so they can sing Happy Birthday to her. If possible, please have your child hand make a card for her and bring it in that day. If you would like to give a gift as well, I’ve included a list of her ‘favorite’ things.


Favorite Foods:

Favorite Drinks:

Favorite Restaurants:

Favorite Stores:

Favorite Salon:

Favorite Sports:

Favorite Sweets:

Favorite Books/Mags:


As always, please call me if you have any questions.



Holiday Party

Dear Parents,

Our class holiday party will be held on ______from _____ to _____.

We have the following at the party:




We are asking that each student in the class send in donations for the party.

Please send in ______or please email me what item you will be able to donate.

Happy Holidays,

Room Parent Name

Parents, we need your help for our upcoming class party!

Date: ______Time: ______

Items Needed: ______

We also need parent helpers during the party, please let me know if you can lend a hand.

Thank you,

NAME, Phone & Email

Parents, we need your help for our upcoming class party!

Date: ______Time: ______

Items Needed: ______

We also need parent helpers during the party, please let me know if you can lend a hand.

Thank you,

Name, Phone, & Email

Parents -

It’s hard to believe the school year is ending and it is almost time for summer!! We would like to take this time to thank everyone for your generosity in donations and time spent helping and volunteering all year long.

It’s that time of year when we also want to let Teacher know how much we appreciate all that she did for our children this year, and also leave something behind to remember the class of 2010.

We are collecting donations to purchase a class gift for Teacher’s Name that we will present to her at the end of year party. If you are able to donate any amount, please send into the classroom attention STUDENT.

We will be purchasing Teacher’s Name a insert gift if desired.

Thank you !

Your Name

Year-End Gifts for

Teacher Name Here

Wow! Where did the time go? I can’t believe the school year is coming to an end!

I’m sure you’re just as grateful as I am to (teacher) and (teacher). for all they’ve accomplished with our children throughout the school year. And after speaking with other parents, I felt it would be nice to provide them both with year-end gifts. To make this simple, I was going to recommend that each child send in a monetary donation to cover the costs of a gift card, for each, from a nice restaurant. I believe this would be a great way for us parents to say “thank you” for all their dedication and hard work. They certainly deserve the recognition!

If you’re interested in doing this, please send your donation in a closed envelope and label it with my name, (your name), no later than (date). I plan to present (teacher) and (teacher) with these gifts immediately following the End of the Year Party.

One last reminder . . . Teacher Appreciation Week (sponsored by Liberty’s PTA) is coming up next week, May 17 - 21. Many nice events have been planned out by the PTA for the teachers daily, and your child will have the opportunity to bring either a homemade or store bought card on the designated card day. You should be receiving more information on this shortly.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Room Parent Name

Room parent for Teacher Name

Phone number and/or email

Teacher gift

Dear Parents,

If you would like to participate in purchasing a group gift for our teacher, please send a donation to school with your child in an envelope marked “Room Parent Name here”. The funds will be collected and the group gift will be presented during our ______.

Please keep in mind that a teacher gift is always optional. The children show their appreciation for all that their teachers do throughout the year in many different ways.

Please send in all money no later than ______.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions, please

Call or email me.


Room Parent

(check with your homeroom teacher before sending allergy information, some teachers have their own process and letters)


To: Parents

CC: Teacher Name

Re: Allergy Awareness and Alerts

In an effort to ensure all parents and staff are informed of food allergies within our classrooms, an Allergy Alert notice has been created that can be posted in each child’s class.

Parents, if you would like to take advantage this form, please complete and send back to your teacher.

These notices can be laminated and posted in the classroom.

The school nurse has all information on file that has been submitted by you relating to your child’s allergies. This is just an awareness measure for classroom visitors, substitutes, volunteers, etc., that participate in class activities.

Thank you for your attention to this.

Child’s Name: ______

Food Allergies: ______

Symptoms: ______

Contact Name/Phone: ______

Special Instructions: ______


(Standard Recruit Volunteer Templates for gathering volunteers)

Liberty Parents: (Use for multiple events during a month)
Please see volunteer opportunities coming up in MONTH. Please contact TEAM CONTACT NAME at the email listed below if you are able to volunteer. Thanks for all you do at Liberty !!

Responsibilities include:
Brief description of what is needed from the volunteers (i.e. registering people, selling bingo cards, handing out flyers etc…) and approx. how many needed.


Responsibilities include:
Brief description of what is needed from the volunteers (i.e. registering people, selling bingo cards, handing out flyers etc…) and approx. how many needed.


Liberty Parents:
We have a need for EVENT NAME volunteers! We have many areas that are understaffed or have no one working during certain times during the day.

We need people during the hours of STATE HOURS NEEDED, but if you are able to help with setup/clean up before or after those hours, that would be helpful as well.
If you are able to give an hour of your time or even a half hour, please consider it. It would be greatly appreciated!! Please help us support this fun event!
Please email CONTACT NAME, Event Team Leaders, at EMAIL ADDRESS. You do not need to respond if you are already on the schedule and confirmed.
Thank you so much for your support!



EVENT NAME will be DATE and we are looking for at least one/two volunteer(s) per classroom. If you have questions, please email me, CONTACT NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS.

Please see attached flyer with details (this is good to use when you have a pre-approved Bingo or event flyer to attach).

Thank you so much, in advance, for your support of this fun event!!

PTA Email Request Letter