Board of Directors Meeting
November 29, 2017
Room 2A111, Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario
6:29PM – 9:18PM
Meeting called by / BODType of meeting / Board Meeting
Call to order / Call to order at 6:29PM
Attendees / Janie Renwick, Sheena Witzel, Aimee Calma, Justin McLaughlin, Brittany Greig, Anmolpreet Singh, Scot Wyles, Roberta Elsaifi, Sweetha Chinnu, Kevin Lewis, Harjot Singh Komal, Porter Oleson, Fred Woodhall (Chief Information Officer, Mike Abraham (IT), Mike Dinning (VP Of Student Affairs)
Regrets / None
Adjournment / 9:18PM
Agenda Topics
Time To AdjournChair
Time to adjourn will be at 9:00pm
We would like to acknowledge that we are on the lands of the Neutral,Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples.
Approval of AgendaDecision
- None
Motion to approve the agenda.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Approval of Meeting MinutesDecision
Amendments to October 18, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes:
- Remove the extra comma in the attendance section of the minutes.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes from October 18, 2017 with amendments.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Tech FeeDecision
Presenter: Fred Woodhall & Mike Abraham
Attachments:Tech Fee - Basic vs Enhanced 2018-19 Budget v2017-11-29 - Distributed to CSI, Tech Fee Report - CSI Board Meeting 2017-11-29 v3.0 - Distributed to CSI
Last year the tech fee contributed about $3.8 million to the “Enhanced” portion of the budget. The “Enhanced” portion of the budget currently spends about $4.9 million contributing to a return for students of 30% value for a 23% contribution. The “College” section covers core business functions such as finance, human resources, etc. The “Basic”portion contributes to classrooms labs, portals, etc.
It does an annual student survey and overall students are satisfied with the level of IT they receive. There have been improvements in satisfaction almost all across the board. The data has shown while satisfaction remains high, the behavior of students is changing when asked about usage. Instead of daily use of desktops, usage is moving to monthly usage. Tablets are becoming less popular and moving towards laptops again. IT is constantly changing to try and keep current with the behavior of students (mobile technology vs stationary technology).
IT is currently working on making forms and applications available to be electronically completed.The top priority of students for improvements are: Internet Speed, More Open Access PC’s, Virtual Desktop, and More Computer Labs.
While IT tries to continue to improve services and meet student demands, it is not possible without the technology fee due to the lack of funding for colleges in Ontario. Ontario has the least amount of funding per student across Canada.
The current budget structure is complicated and needs to be simplified. IT will be working with the CSI Executive Team for a new budget process and agreement.
For specific details about the presentation, please refer to the attachments. Fee will only increase by cost of living: 1.4%.
What are AODA desks?
The desks that are height adjustable.
Motion to approve the 2018/2019 Technology Fee Budget and fee increase by cost of living.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Student Priority FeeDecision
Presenter: Mike Dinning
Attachments: Projected Estimate for 2018-2019, Revised estimate for 17-18 number 1, SPF 2017-2018 update
The 2017/2018 Student Priority Fee budget has had a few small revisions:
- Increase in revenue due to increased enrollment, but may change based on tuition refunds due to strike
- Increase Orientation budget line to reflect larger enrollment
- Increase in food vouchers to 18,000 for food vouchers and transit tickets due to student demand
- $6,000 increase in Joint Capital Projects to fix the couches on the landing
The 2018/2019 Student Priority Fee budget is reflecting the same tuition income as we do not know what our enrollment will look like next year with the impact of the strike. The fee will be increasing by 1.4% for cost of living. The 2018/2019 has the following changes compared to the 2017/2018 budget:
- Increase in salaries as per their collective agreement
- Increase in Student Life budget by $1500 to offer programming for increased enrollment
- Joint Capital Project is $106,000
- $30,000 for a Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Office (To open in May 2018)
This is the first time Sheena has not had a question to ask Mike.
Can we get a breakdown of how the money is being used for the Respect Campaign and Scala Screen Maintenance?
Mike will provide one.
Motion to approve the revised 2017/2018 Student Priority Fee Budget revision.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Motion to approve the 2018/2019 Student Priority Fee and fee increase of 1.4%.
In Favour: All
College Ancillary FeesDecision
Presenter: Mike Dinning
All fees will only be increasing by 1.4% maximum.
Motion to approve an increase of up to 1.4% to College Ancillary Fees.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
CSI Ancillary Fee Refund Decision
Presenter: Aimee Calma
The board would like to refund all CSI Ancillary Fees except for the CSI Health Plan Fee for students withdrawing due to the strike.
Motion to approve the refund of CSI Ancillary Fees except for the CSI Health Plan.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
2018/2019 CSI Budget/Ancillary Fees Decision
Presenter: Janie Renwick
Attachments:Copy of CSI Budget 2018-19 draft#1 -_, CSI Budget to Actuals Oct 2017, CSI Fees 2018 2019
Yellow reflects an increase in the budget for next year and red represents a decrease in the budget for next year. The two columns reflect a budget with no fee increase and one with a 5% increase.Our budget is becoming harder and harder to balance without a fee increase at this time.
The budget requires some changes as an expense has not been recorded. The budget decision will be tabled and presented at the roundtable on December 6.
CSI Fees
Health Plan increase to $295.00.
Change the name of CSA Fee to CSI Advocacy Fee with an increase.
Change CSI Capital Development Fee to Capital Development Fee.
Introduction of the Legal Protection Fee ($28.00 with opt out option).
Introduction of CSI Student Centre Fee ($100).
Introduction of U-Pass Fee at Brantford ($50.28/semester) and Guelph ($135.00/semester). Please refer to attachment for each campuses individual CSI Activity Fee.
Motion to table the 2018/2019 CSI Budget until December 6, 2017.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Motion to approve the increase of the 2018/2019 CSI Activity Fee by no more than 5%and the rest as presented.
In Favour: 5-2
Motion: Carried
Motion to approve the 2018/2019 CSI Ancillary Fees as presented.
In Favour: 6 of 7
Abstain: Roberta*
Motion: Carried
*Not comfortable deciding
Hospital Book for Children Decision
Presenter: Aimee Calma
Attachments: 2017 Rate Card Package, Letter of Support_January 2017, 2017 Letter of SupportMAW
Sponsorship of the SickKids hospital activity book for children.
Motion to approve the sponsorship of the Children’s Hospital Activity Book for $239.00 plus tax from Campus/Community Connection.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
CSA Update Update
Presenter: Roberta Elsaifi
Point Bank submissions are due December 15. We are at the $200 max limit.
We are registered for the Yellow is for Hello Lip Sync Battle and will need to submit our video before the end of January.
Student Rep/Campus RepUpdate
Presenter: Brittany Grieg
Attachments:October Meeting Minutes, November Meeting Minutes - Student Rep
21 people attended the last student rep meeting. Anmol provided a CSA overview and a CSI overview was given. We gave a strike update. Had focus groups on mental health and food security as well!
No new information about campus reps as they will not be working the rest of this semester.
Are campus reps receiving their honorarium still?
No, as they are not performing their duties.
Action Item: Sweetha needs to reach out to her campus rep to communicate that their duties are suspended for the rest of the semester.
Action Item: Harjot needs to forward Brittany his email he sent to his campus rep.
President’s Update& Compliancyupdate
Presenter: Aimee Calma
Attachment: Monitoring Report EL #2c - Compensation and Benefits
Continuing to meet with media and college about the strike and its impact to students.
Going to be on the hiring panel for customer care representative for health services
Participating in the RFP for furniture at the Waterloo Campus.
Please see attached compliancy report.
Management Updateupdate
Presenter: Janie Renwick
We have lost a couple employees during the strike due to reduced hours. We are hiring for those positions in Pita Pit and the Venue.
Wish Tree is going well. Possibly the most names we have ever had for sponsorship.
Financial UpdateUpdate
Presenter: Brittany Greig and Justin McLaughlin
Attachments:CSI Budget to Actuals Oct 2017, CSSI Budget to Actual Oct 2017, CSI Financial Report – November, Financial Report CSSI - November
CSI financials are in good standing. Budget revision will be presented in December.
CSSI financials are in good standing as well.
- Non Alcoholic Beverages (Venue) is over because there is about $600.00 in tank deposit and CO2,
- Repairs & Maint (Venue) is over- painting in venue kitchen and wall dividing, switch draft taps to stainless steel
- Telephone is in credit because we have an accrual but no expense from college yet.
Service Counts Update
Presenter: Justin McLaughlin
Attachments:Cambridge Service Hub Sales Report 10 2017, CSI 10 2017 Summary, CSSI 10 2017 Summary, Doon Service Hub Sales Report 10 2017, Inquiry Report OCTOBER 2017, Pita Pit Sales Report 10 2017, Service Counts - October 2017, The Venue Sales Report 10 2017, Waterloo Service Hub Sales Report 10 2017, Wellness Office Sales Report 10 2017
No questions or points of interest.
Incidental reports update
Presenter: Board
See Attached Incidental Reports
Motion to enter In Camera at 9:03pm.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Motion to leave In Camera at 9:16pm.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
Next Meeting
Meetings will be scheduled on Wednesdays.
- December 13, 2017 @ 6:30pm
Motion to adjourn at 9:17pm on November 29, 2017.
In Favour: All
Motion: Carried
President, Chair Date
Vice-President, SecretaryDate
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