Digital Studio Recording

Ms. Jaskiewicz

Room 171 (Apple Mac Lab)



Course Description:

Mus641: Digital Studio Recording

Credit: 0.5

1 semester

This course is designed to introduce students to the technologies and skills needed for digital sound recording and performance. Students will digitally record their music and then manipulate this music in the sound booth doing post production work. Students will create sound loops, edit various sound files, and explore track (and multi-track) recording used in today’s entertainment industry.

Welcome to Digital Studio Recording!

This course meets every day for one semester, students will receive an introduction to the field of digital studio recording by utilizing basic studio tools. Students will learn how to use loops, create remixes, score films, record themselves, and create original compositions. This will be made possible through the use of any combination of the following programs: GarageBand, Soundation, Noteflight, Audacity, Chromatik, Spotify, Youtube, Smartmusic,

The main objective of this course is to give students a glimpse into the interesting world of studio recording. This course is also intended to push students’ creativity as far as possible by giving them many open-ended projects to complete. Although prior musical experience is helpful, it is not needed for this course.


Materials and Resources:

The following materials will be provided for every student and are needed in class every day:

  • iMac computer (with the following programs)
  • Garageband, itunes, Soundation, Musescore, Noteflight, Audacity, Chromatic
  • Studio Headphones (some provided, students are encouraged to bring their own to be most comfortable)
  • MIDI Piano Keyboard (Mac Compatible)
  • Blank CD-R

Students are encouraged, but not required, to bring the following:

  • Headphones
  • USB 4GB or higher Flash Drive
  • CD’s of favorite music

Keys to Success:

Success in this course is determinant on student behavior, attentiveness, and participation. Students are encouraged to inquire and be creative on their projects and think outside of the box.

Extra Help:

Students are encouraged to ask Ms. Jaskiewicz for extra help and/or advice forsuccess in the course.

Classroom Policies:

Grading:grades for this course will be based on total points earned throughout the course. The grading system is calculated by the following:

  • Class Participation (25%):

Students will receive daily participation points that reflect active learning engagement during each class. In order to receive all the daily points, students must actively participate in all class activities and have a positive attitude with a constant will to learn. Students must be on task and not require reminders to be back on task. If students are on their cell phone or other device during class working on unrelated material, they will also loose that point for the day.

Students receive 1 point for every class day. Points will be listed on Tyler at the end of every week.

  • 5 points for a 5 day week
  • 2 points for a 2 day week, etc.
  • Projects: (40%): Students will be given project outline requirements at the beginning of the week that correlate with the end of the week assignment. Students will present their projects with its description to their peers and instructor. Each project must be completed to the best of the students ability and will be assessed based on class work that week and overall achievement in this particular category of digital recording. These projects will enable the student to create a master final project, which will utilize elements from all nine projects if completed correctly. The instructor will be available for help during class time to answer any questions about the project.

Each project will vary in instruction and expectations. Some will have more explanation and written portions than others. This will be presented clearly on each individual rubric.

  • Final Project (20%): Students will complete a final project at the end of the semester and will present it to the class. This project will prove the student’s growth and understanding of the overall course and knowledge gained. Dependent on how much the class has covered; up to nine smaller projects may be used to complete this one. Elements from the smaller projects may be incorporated into this master project. The master project should be a composition that could be easily implemented into a specific genre of movie or video game. The student must present a paper on their reasoning behind their composition and be able to answer any questions from the instructor about their project. A rubric will be provided in the 7th week of the semester.
  • Musical Elements Quiz (10%):

Students will be required to complete quizzes based on musical elements and techniques covered in the class. These are written quizzes that must be completed without the use of a lesson book or notes. These quizzes will cover information on specific musical elements and specific guitar information. Musical elements quizzes can be announced or unannounced and will only cover information learned in class.

  • Bellringer and Mini Presentations (5%):

Students will be able to earn points by completing bellringer questions based on musical information learned during class. Each bellringer is worth 1-2 points each. Bellringers can be unannounced or announced and will only cover information covered in class.

Students may be asked to present small sections of their projects to the class to determine whether or not they are following all important expectations as listed on rubrics. This will demonstrate their participation and motivation to create the best project they can.

  • EXTRA CREDIT:You can also earn some extra credit points in Digital Studio Recording! Extra credit in your curricular Digital Music class may be given for attendance of Grove City School District concerts, or area concerts, which include other high schools, middle schools, college, or elementary choir concerts, band concerts, musicals, operas or symphony concerts. To receive credit, you must turn in the concert program with comments and a brief evaluation written on the program itself. Please be sure to sign your program and turn it in within two weeks of the performance! See me before the concert if you have questions about whether a particular concert qualifies for extra credit or if you are unsure about the assignment.

Musical concert or event: 5 extra credit points

GCHS play or theatrical event (non musical): 3 extra credit points

  • Make-up & Late Work: In the event of an absence you are expected to adhere to the guidelines in the student handbook. It is expected that students will make up all missed work immediately following their absence(s) from school. If a student missed one day, the student has one day to make up the work, if a student missed two days, the student has two days to make up the work, etc. Being absent for any reason the day before a

previously announced exam or assignment due date does not excuse a student from taking the exam or completing and turning in the assignment on the due date. If you are going on a field trip, college visit, or vacation you must see me prior to the trip and obtain any assignments you might miss, or make arrangements with me to make up any tests/quizzes you will miss.

  • Hall Pass Use: students are to use the hall pass system established by the high school rules and regulations. Students should reserve the need to leave class for emergencies.

Academic Integrity:

  • Cheating & Plagiarism: Please refer to page 13 of GCHS Student/Parent Handbook for our district policies.
  • Internet Usage: Please refer to page ___ of the GCHS Student/Parent Handbook, and our Acceptable Use Policy for our district policies on computer use.

Possible Projects:

The following are possible projects that may be completed during this course. All projects may not be assigned due to time constraints.

  • Loop projects
  • Mashup
  • Theme and Variations
  • Movie Soundtracks and Film Scores
  • Ambient Music
  • Nature Film Score
  • Video Game Music
  • Pop Song Deconstruction and Parady
  • Commercial Jingle and Soundtrack
  • Horror Movie Film Score Soundtrack
  • Podcasting
  • Foley Music Project