Rookie Player Objectives

Rookie Division –the Rookie Division (Pitching Machine) of NBLL shall consist of player members who are league age seven (7) and eight (8). The Rookie Division is primarily designed for players league age 7 and 8; a player member who is league age six (6) and has had Tee-ball experience may choose to enroll at this level of play.

Objectives of Rookie League Baseball: To develop the skills of each player; to transition players from hitting off of a tee to hitting off a moving ball. Further develop understanding and rules of the game and skills needed to play each position. Prepare players for higher levels of play.

Rookie league players are placed on a team by the Player Agent. Special requests for a coach or teammates will be granted as best as possible. Rookie League is open to players who are league aged 6 (with previous t-ball experience) 7 and 8.

By the end of the season, all Rookie players should be able to:

Knowledge: players will understand:

  • Where the play is each time a new batter approaches
  • When there is a force play and when they do not have to run because a force is not in effect
  • Not to run on a fly ball
  • How to run the bases correctly
  • Three outs equals a half inning
  • How to make force outs
  • Basics of base running

Skills: players will demonstrate ability to:

  • Defense
  • Field a simple grounder between their feet, with their head down and knees bent.
  • Begin to catch ball with glove in correct position with two hands
  • Understand base running
  • Catcher position will be able to squat correctly and keep their throwing hand behind their back.
  • Develop and demonstrate throwing mechanics: turning your body so that the front shoulder points towards the target, keeping the elbow above the shoulder, and stepping toward the target with the non‐throwing foot while releasing the ball.
  • Hitting
  • Hold and swing bat correctly
  • Watch ball come off the bat
  • Bat safety
  • Develop comfort level with hitting off a moving target


  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship; support teammates and opponents in their efforts
  • Respect all coaches during games and practices
  • Understand and respect role of umpires