April 1, 1963
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday April 1, 1963, at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, Harley Gillman, and Lowell Thomson. Also present were City Manager Bennie Schmiett, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor Christensen, Assistant Engineer Chester Kocherhans, and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others in attendance are listed as follows:
Ronald C. LeesV. F. W. Member
Clinton SmithJaycees
Clyde R. OlsenLions
Walter E. EillesLions
Charles E. RohbockOrem Chamber of Commerce
George R. McKinneyUtah Co. Jeep Patrol and Civil Defense
Von L. JohnsonBoy Scout Health and Safety
Kent AtrueBoy Scout Health and Safety
George CoomesOrem Boys' Club
Richard BeesonOrem Boys' Club
Jim CoomesOrem Boys' Club
Jay KallasOrem Auxiliary Police
Glen MayerOrem Volunteer Fire Department
Ray E. Hank’sPresent purchase of land-and Alta Water
Ellis RasmussenOrem Betterment and Churches
Fawn C. HuishChamber of Commerce secretary
Jim StephensonJaycees
E. E. TwitchellLions Club
John C. HuishChamber of Commerce
Kenneth G. WorkmanNational Guard
Duane B. HerbertCouncil PTA
Earl PartridgeOrem Boy's Club
Ken CahoonOrem Boys' Club
Donna MackertDaily Herald
Thomas R. PearsonPolice Position
Leon C. LawsPolice Position
J. Reed BurgenerPolice Department
Meeting opened with prayer by Alvin Rowley.
City Manager Schmiett reported that Richard Bradshaw, 416 East 900 South, claims he was billed in error on Special Improvement District H as the paving adjacent to his street was already in.
Assistant Engineer Kocherhans stated that the corner had been filled in and the area repaved when District H paving was constructed.
The City Manager, Councilman Gillman and Martell Keetch were appointed to look the area over before making a decision.
The City Recorder was authorized to give D. Elwin Robinson credit for interest that would have accrued on an unfinished portion of paving on the corner adjacent to his property in Special Improvement District C if this improvement had been charged to his property.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to contribute $25.00 toward the Provo Invitational Golf Tournament. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen. Voting aye: Earl Wengreen, Laird Billings, and Harley Gillman. Voting nay: Alvin Rowley and Lowell Thomson. Motion passed by majority vote.
After further discussion regarding participating in the Provo Invitational Golf Tournament it was decided that actually Orem City had no provision in the budget for the Tournament; therefore, motion was made by Earl Wengreen to rescind the original motion to donate $25.00 to the Provo T Invitational Golf Tournament. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings. Voting aye: Earl Wengreen, Laird Billings, Lowell Thomson, and Harley Gillman. Abstaining: Alvin Rowley. Motion passed by majority vote.
Clinton Smith reported on the progress being made in Orem's Canyon Park by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. City Manager Schmiett reported that Mr. Young of the Public Service Commission had complimented the City, County and JC's for the work being done in the Park.
City Manager Schmiett reported that Howard Jacobsen had obtained a jeep fire truck as a standby truck from the County. Approximately $200.00 will repair and furnish parts to put the truck in operable condition.
Mr. Schmiett stated the pump from the old sprayer was to be used on the fire truck which left a portion of the sprayer to be sold. One bid has been received for the left over portion of the sprayer. The Council asked that other bids be brought in.
Charles Rohbock, president of the Orem Chamber of Commerce, and others as listed met to initiate a "clean up" period in Orem City and suggested April 21 to April 30.
Mayor Jameson stated he had signed a Proclamation declaring this period as clean up week.
Offers to help with man power and equipment were made by the representatives of all organizations present.
Ray Hanks presented the proposition that Orem City purchase additional land to obtain Alta Ditch water, stating that the Alta water may be invaluable at some time in the future.
Earl Wengreen stated that he would like to see Orem own all the water from the Alta Springs, and would like the City to take an option on all the water possible.
Laird Billings stated that the Taylor property will be paid off in 1964, and then the City may be able to purchase other property.
Harley Gillman stated it is hard to dispose of land that is purchased to obtain water.
Decision was tabled for one week.
Police Chief Burgener presented Leon Laws and Thomas R. Pearson as applicants to the police force.
Motion was made by Lowell Thomson, seconded by Alvin Rowley, to support the Police Chief andCity Manager in their choice of a police officer to replace Chad Moon who had accepted employment elsewhere. The motion passed.
Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to accept Dave Cordner's Bel Aire Subdivision, Plat A, 400 South to 500 South and 400 East to 500 East. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
Earl Wengreen stated that if no one develops 450 East Street, another dead end street will exist in Bel Aire Subdivision. Chester Kocherhans stated he would investigate theproblem. Vicinity plats should also be brought in when plats come to the Council.
Chester Kocherhans presented Victory Heights Subdivision plat, 95 East 1200 North Street. Motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Lowell Thomson, to approve Victory Heights Subdivision. Motion passed.
Chester Kocherhans presented Bert Skinner's Fruita Subdivision Plat A, 1330 South 1400 South 100 West. The Council asked that acceptance be tabled for study.
Mayor Jameson reported that a petition for lighting Hillcrest Heights had been presented to the Council. Motion was made by Laird Billings to authorize the City Manager to request a recommendation from Utah Power and Light Company for lighting Hillcrest Heights, 600 East to 800 East, 1400 South to 1500 South. The motion was seconded by Lowell Thomson, and passed.
City Manager Schmiett presented the mining lease agreement as prepared by Norman Ferguson. The City Attorney was asked to make recommendation on the lease after study.
Earl Wengreen reported that two power poles are located in the parking lot at the church at 800 South 400 East, presenting a hazard to those parking in the lot.
The Council authorized the City Manager to ask Utah Power and Light Company to move the poles off the parking area.
The City Manager reported that Boyd Ward had been promised an increase in salary which was not given him, and felt he should receive $375.00 per month as he had been employed on the police force for a longer period than Donald Beckman.
Lowell Thomson stated there should be room in a pay schedule to give incentive pay, but that would also present other problems. No decision to change rate of pay was made.
The Council authorized the City Manager to accrue sick leave to 50% of allowable sick leave at 12 days per year of service as of January 1, 1963, any additional sick leave to be given at the discretion of the Council.
The City Manager, Recorder and Attorney were authorized to review the License Ordinance and recommend changes that would be more equitable, inclusive, and enforceable.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight.