Rolling Programme – Year A (2015/2016)
AutumnEnglish / Information Text - Romans
Stories with historical settings – Romans
Superhero stories
Performance poetry / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Place Value, Shape and Perimeter, Addition and Subtraction.
Science / Light and Sound
History/Geography / Romans
R.E. / Judaism
Art and Design / Mosaics, Mondrian
Design and Technology / Picture frames, sundials
Computing / Text and graphics/ Writing for different audiences, creating images
P.E. / Net and wall games, Gymnastics, Invasion games- tag rugby, Dance
Music / Instrument tuition (Y4), Recorders (Y3), musical notation, singing, rhythm
Languages / Greetings, name, age, numbers 1-12, colours, classroom instructions
P.H.S.E. / New Beginnings, Going for goals
English / Stories from other cultures (Native American)
Plays – The Giant Jumperee
Poetry – Shapes and Calligrams / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Multiplication and Division, Graphs, Fractions
Science / Plants, Living Things and Habitats
History/Geography / Native Americans – North America (Continents, rivers, mountains, landmarks)
R.E. / Expressions of belief
Art and Design / Tepees, headdresses, Patterns in nature,
Design and Technology / Mask, dream catchers, wooden creatures
Computing / Scratch! Branching databases
P.E. / Invasion games – team games, Gymnastics, Invasion games – Basketball, Dance
Music / Instrument tuition (Y4), Recorders (Y3), musical notation, singing, rhythm
Languages / Numbers 13-30, days, months, weather, alphabet, animals
P.H.S.E. / Getting on and falling out, Good to me be
English / Allan Ahlberg- Focus Author
Silly Stories (Fairytales)
Writing for different audiences / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Angles, Measure, Time, Roman Numerals
Science / Electricity
History/Geography / Transport
Mission to Europe!
R.E. / What is it like to be a Christian?
Art and Design / Van Gogh, Observational drawing, Portraits
Design and Technology / Electrical models, sewing,transport models
Computing / Modelling, Developing images and repeating patterns
P.E. / Striking and fielding, Athletics
Music / Instrument tuition (Y4), Recorders (Y3), musical notation, singing, rhythm
Languages / Family, 31-100, time, money, classroom objects / food items – I like/ I’d like
P.H.S.E. / Relationships, Changes
Rolling Programme – Year B (2016/2017)
AutumnEnglish / Information texts – body
Roald Dahl
Myths and Legends
Poetry – Exploring form / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Place Value, Shape and Perimeter, Addition and Subtraction.
Science / The Human Body
History/Geography / Greeks
R.E. / What is it like to be a Hindu?
Art and Design / Henna and Rangoli patterns, Greeks pots, Mythical creatures,
Design and Technology / Moving part – storybooks, pottery
Computing / Text and graphics – word, Email and using the internet
P.E. / Net and wall games, Gymnastics, Invasion games- hockey, Dance
Music / Instrument tuition (Y4), Recorders (Y3), musical notation, singing, rhythm
Languages / Greetings, name, age, numbers 1-12, colours, pencil case
P.H.S.E. / New Beginnings, Going for goals
English / Dinosaur stories
Non-Fiction - Instructions
Dinosaur Non-chronological reports
Poetry – Language play
Recounts/Reports / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Multiplication and Division, Graphs, Fractions
Science / Rocks, Soilsand States of Matter
History/Geography / Volcanoes / mountains / Earthquakes
R.E. / Ourselves
Art and Design / Landscapes, James Rizzi
Design and Technology / Volcano models, Fossils, Biscuits (cooking)
Computing / Games in a New World
P.E. / Invasion games– team games, Gymnastics, Invasion games– football, Dance
Music / Recorders, Musical instruments
Languages / Numbers 13-30, days, months, weather, alphabet, pets
P.H.S.E. / Getting on and falling out, Good to me be
English / Stories that raise issues and dilemmas
Poet focus – Kit Wright
Plays- fairy tales
Class Magazine / Grammar and punctuation
Guided Reading
Maths / Angles, Measure, Time
Science / Forces and magnets
History/Geography / Egyptians (World Geography)
R.E. / Life stories
Art and Design / Tomb paintings, Egyptian Gods, Printing, Lichtenstein
Design and Technology / Bread/snacks
Computing / Text and graphics – Powerpoint, Collecting and presenting information
P.E. / Striking and fielding, Athletics, Swimming (Y4)
Music / Singing games
Languages / Family, 31-100, time, money, I love/I like
P.H.S.E. / Relationships, Changes