Roles and remit of Link Governors


Most, if not all, schools have appointed some members of their governing bodies to be ‘link’ governors. The number of link governors varies from school to school but what is apparent is that sometimes governing bodies do not clearly define their role and remit. The purpose of this leaflet is to offer a basic guide to assist governing bodies in defining the role and remit of link governors. Governing bodies should consider and adapt the examples contained herein (which are not exhaustive) to meet their own individual needs.

What is a link governor?

Put simply a link governor is a governor appointed by the governing body to act as the link or liaison between the governing body and a specific subject, curriculum area or aspect of the work of the school. The development of a good working relationship based on mutual trust with all staff is essential if the link governor is to be effective in this role.

Link governors must understand that their role is as a source of support to the school and a source of information for the governing body.

Where should link governors be placed?

It is a matter for each governing body to appoint the link governors appropriate to its needs. There is no prescriptive rule about where to place a link governor, but wherever link governors are appointed they should be clear about the role that they are expected to perform and the protocols of carrying it out. An integral part of many link governor roles is visiting the school to view lessons in particular subject/curriculum areas. These visits must be undertaken in accordance with the established Governor Visit policy/protocol of the governing body. An example policy is given at the end of this leaflet.

Example Link Governors

Training Link Governor

Role: The co-ordination of training and development to meet the identified needs of the governing body:


a)to develop and monitor a protocol for governing body training and development;

b)the development of an annual governor training programme in accordance with the protocol and in response to identified need;

c)to make recommendations to the governing body on the most cost effective means of achieving the training programme;

d)to report termly to the Governing Body on the training undertaken;

e)to evaluate the success or otherwise of the training provision and make recommendations on how to further develop it;

f)to ensure that training and development opportunities are brought to the attention of and discussed by the governing body on a regular basis;

g)to co-ordinate governing body training and development including the booking of courses;

h)to monitor expenditure on training against the allocated budget.

Induction Link Governor

Role: To ensure that new governors receive induction training following their appointment/election to the governing body.


a)to have an understanding of:

the duties and responsibilities of the governing body;

the training opportunities available for new governors;

b)to prepare and facilitate a programme for consideration/adoption by the governing body, on the induction of new governors;

c)to review the programme at least every three years and make recommendations to the governing body;

d)to liaise with the Clerk to the Governing Body about the provision of Induction material and training.

Subject/Curriculum Area Link Governors

Role: To provide a link between the governing body, the Curriculum Committee (where appropriate) and staff.


a)to meet with the Headteacher and agree the overall programme of work to be undertaken;

b)to meet with the subject/curriculum area leader to consider performance and progress issues;

c)whenever possible, to attend appropriate staff training sessions devoted to the subject/curriculum area;

d)in accordance with the Governors School Visits Policy to use visits to view lessons, and any other relevant activities, in the subject/curriculum area and to report back according to the policy procedure;

e)to understand the allocation of resources to the subject/curriculum area;

f)to help to support and promote the involvement of parents in their children’s learning in the subject/curriculum area ;

g)to attend appropriate governor training;

h)to advocate to the governing body on behalf of the subject/curriculum area.

SEN Link Governor

Role: To provide a link between the governing body, the SEN Committee (where appropriate) and the SEN Co-ordinator.


a)to develop an understanding of SEN needs and provision in the school;

b)to understand the responsibilities of the governing body in relation to the SEN Code of Practice;

c)to be familiar with the SEN policy;

d)to ensure that the SEN Policy is reviewed on a regular basis;

e)to meet with the SEN Co-ordinator on a regular basis to discuss the SEN needs and provision in the school;

f)to report to the committee with SEN responsibilities or to the governing body (as appropriate) on relevant issues relating to SEN;

g)to attend governor training on SEN;

h)in accordance with the Governors School Visits Policy to visit the school and view appropriate lessons reporting back according to the policy procedure;

i)to be the lead governor for the governing body on SEN issues affecting the school.

j)to advocate to the governing body on behalf of SEN provision in the school

Child Protection Link Governor

Role: To be the designated Child Protection Governor.


a)to be conversant with the Child Protection policies of the school;

b)to be conversant with section 175 of the Education Act 2002 and with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board procedures and guidance to contribute to the formulation and review of the Child Protection policies;

c)to ensure that an annual report on Child Protection is submitted to and considered by the governing body;

d)to undertake governor Child Protection training;

e)to monitor the promotion of child protection through the delivery of the National Curriculum in the school;

f)to monitor child protection arrangements within the school and ensure that reports are submitted to the governing body with recommendations to remedy any weaknesses/deficiencies;

g)to advocate to the governing body on behalf of child protection.