Job Holder:xxxxx
Job Title:Learning Coach
Responsible to:Assistant Head - Inclusion
Role of the Learning Support Assistant
The normal school week includes Saturday mornings and LSAs do have the option to work additional hours on this day. Please note that the school operates as normal on the Early May Bank Holiday and LSAs are required to work on this day.
To facilitate learning by supporting the needs of individual pupils and small groups of pupils in accordance with school policy and government initiatives in the pursuit of high standards of pupil achievement.
In the classroom
- Work with small groups or individuals supporting their attempts to access the learning objective of the lesson.
- Assist the teacher with Teaching and Learning.
- Support learning for individual pupils and small groups under the guidance of the classroom teacher / SENCO and to facilitate any learning activities.
- Where required, on the advice of SENCO, scribe for individual pupils.
- Where required, make extra notes to be used by individual / group when working unsupported.
- To act as an advocate for pupils who may have social interaction difficulties.
- Where pupils have difficulties such as ODD or ADHD, monitor classroom interaction in order to avoid negative situations. This may involve the removal of the pupil to work in a quiet area.
- The Learning Support Assistant may have to explain or clarify something said by the teacher. This will be done after the teacher has finished their explanation to prevent other vital information being lost or misheard.
Beyond the classroom
- Assist with the drawing up or review of IEPs (Individual Educational Plans)
- Assist in gathering information needed when meeting with other professionals regarding pupils.
- Contribute to the observations, record keeping and assessment of pupils
- Work in partnership with teachers sharing information for the benefit of the pupil and provide relevant information on their progress and areas of concern
- Where appropriate, deliver programmes such as Literacy Progress Units, Catch Up and Speech and Language sessions (if applicable)
- Attend staff meetings, planning sessions, INSET Training and help with special occasions in the school’s annual calendar (if applicable)
The Royal Alexandra and Albert School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including an Enhanced DBS check.
Paul D Spencer Ellis
Date of Issue:______
I have received a copy of this Job Description and accept the terms and conditions contained therein.
Signed: ______