Role of the Department Chair in Faculty Development

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

9:00-10:30am (Kakaako MEB 202)


Attendance: Marla Berry (via phone), Lori Emery, Rosanne Harrigan, Earl Hishinuma (for Naleen Andrade), George Hui, Keawe Kaholokula, Henry Lew, Scott Lozanoff, Vivek Nerurkar, Melia Young (for Chip Hixon)

1. Review of Annual Faculty Report Revisions

2011-2012 report is now ready for submission online. Revisions and enhancements were made to the Annual Faculty Report online system which include:

·  Automated population of personnel data (such as department, FTE, date of tenure, etc).

·  CV upload function

·  Status report tracking page

·  Revised data fields

·  Final submission button

Items that still require work by IT are: department reports, PDF printable version

Comment/feedback was provided: Grants section data should remain in the report from the prior year since most of the data remains the same for several years. This change will not be available until next reporting cycle.

2. Promotion and Tenure De-brief

Feedback/comments from the TPRCs, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office, and JABSOM Faculty Development Program were discussed (see attached de-briefing notes).

3. Appointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee Feedback

George Hui (APTC Chair) provided feedback from APTC. It was reiterated that for promotion/tenure reviews that the APTC only provides a summary of strengths and weaknesses to the Dean and note an actual vote. The APTC is advisory to the Dean only. Lori to check on the approval status from OVCAA regarding a document that states the role and purpose of the APTC for JABSOM.

4. Faculty and Dept Chair Development Topic/Workshop Suggestions

Keawe Kaholokula shared a recommended resource for academic writing titled

“How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing”. The Dean has approved the purchase of 3 copies for the JABSOM Faculty Development Program to loan out to Chairs. We will let you know when the copies are available.

Next Meeting: July 18 (9:00-10:30am, location TBA)