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This role description is designed to brief one or more people to undertake the Change Champion role to help the County/Area/Region(Scotland) through the transition to the new membership system.
More information about the project (including this role description in Word format so that you can edit it to your local needs) is available online at
Each County/Area/Region(Scotland) may have different arrangements in detail for the implementation of the new membership system and so this role description may require some editing for the local circumstances.
This document contains:
1. A role description. This will help to provide an overview of the role and its priorities. It describes what the role should achieve without going into great detail as this will depend on local circumstances.
2. A person specification. You can use this to help identify the skills required for the role and to select someone for the role.
How to use this information
Every Scout County/Area/Region(Scotland) is different and may choose to move to the new membership system in a slightly different way. The fixed end point, however, is clear – everyone must be using the new membership system by July 2014 (as this is the point at which the existing system will close) – but the process that you use to prepare for this change might differ.
The following information is intended to be a starting point for agreeing what is needed to train people to use the new system so that the County/Area/Region(Scotland) will smoothly move to the new membership system. It should also be used as the basis for mutually agreeing how the role will be carried out and how responsibilities will be allocated (for instance in a role share) or delegated to someone else.
Making an appointment
There is no specific role of “Change Champion” in our systems. You might appoint someone to undertake this role as part of their existing appointment (for example, a County Scouter or a Deputy Area Commissioner). Or you might appoint someone specifically for this role in which case you will need to undertake the appointment process for an appropriate appointment (which will depend on your circumstances but could be a Region Administrator or County Scouter or some other appointment).
Role Description
Title: Change Champion
Outline: To drive forward within the County/Area/Region(Scotland) the transition to the new membership system so that the entire County/Area/Region(Scotland) can successfully transfer within the transition period of October 2013 to July 2014.
Responsible to: County/Area/Region(Scotland) Commissioner (or deputy or someone else depending on the local structure).
Responsible for: [managing no-one unless your structure requires it]
Main contacts: County/Area/Region (Scotland) Commissioner and deputies, District Commissioners or nominated contacts, Membership System Trainer(s) appointed in the local area.
Main tasks:
· Develop a plan for and organise the transition for the County/Area/Region(Scotland) such that everyone is ready to transfer to the new membership system and the County Commissioner is assured such that she/he is able to sign-off the readiness to transfer.
· Work with District Commissioners (or nominated contacts) to ensure that each District is ready to transfer to the new membership system.
· Work with the local Membership System Trainer(s) to ensure that suitable training is carried out.
· Attend monthly meetings (expected to be by webinar) with other Change Champions from around the UK and with the project support staff to discuss progress and issues and to be updated on overall transition issues.
· Provide monthly information to the project support staff on the readiness of the County/Area/Region to transition (this information will be gathered via a short online questionnaire).
Person specification
· Ability to work effectively with adults and to build and maintain excellent working relationships.
· Experience of successfully supporting and driving change (especially desirable if this experience is in a voluntary organisation context).
· Understanding of the challenges of working in the voluntary sector.
· Understanding of the issues in managing an IT based change programme.
· Attention to detail.
· Excellent communication skills.
· Good skills in the use of computer technology including the internet.
· Self motivated.
· Resourceful, energetic and enthusiastic about the role.