Rockwood Summit Soccer Program Expectations
Soccer at Rockwood Summit High School is a team sport that carries the following expectations for each team member:
As a member of this program you represent yourself, your family, RSHS, the coaching staff and your community.
1. Your education always comes first. You are expected to exceed all academic and behavioral expectations for all of your classes.
2. Do EVERYTHING together as a team.
3. Be here on time and ready to go every day.
4. Respect the program and its tradition.
5. Conduct yourself in a respectable manner, on and off the field. ALWAYS represent yourself and the program in a positive way.
7. If you do not have the correct uniform, you will not play in that game.
8. Do not wear game uniforms/warm-ups to practice. No one besides you should wear your soccer stuff.
9. NO basketball shorts to be worn at soccer trainings.
Physical Discipline
Ø Conditioning oneself to successfully compete on the field
Ø Conscientiously applying oneself to drills and exercises to promote coordination, strength and endurance
Ø Pushing toward one’s limits
A Positive Mental Attitude
Ø Seeking to improve one’s skills by welcoming advice and guidance from coaches and more experienced players
Ø Participating in all levels and rigors of the workout
Ø Focusing on your successes rather than your shortcomings, but working to improve those shortcomings
As a team sport, soccer demands the following:
Cooperation with
Ø Coaches
Ø Team Captains
Ø Fellow Teammates
Putting aside personal interest for the good of the team:
Ø Following the coaches’ directions
Ø Supporting others
Ø Seeking to be used productively by the team
Ø Absolute and undivided attention to coaches when they are speaking to the team
Team Spirit
Ø Actively encouraging others
Ø Participating in all team activities
You owe your team the following:
Ø Your full effort during practice
Ø Your honest effort at training sessions & matches
Ø Your honest effort in the classroom
Ø Support all levels/players in the program
You owe yourself the following:
Ø Play with Confidence
Ø Play with Heart
Ø Enjoy the time with your teammates
Summit Soccer Practice Expectations
As a sport, Rockwood Summit High School Boys Soccer encourages the finest qualities in each individual – honesty, self-discipline, perseverance, and respect toward self and others
During practice, you must always remember to:
Ø Wear Socks and Shin Guards
Ø Dress for the Weather
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have your shin guards, you will NOT be allowed to participate! This is a safety issue, and we are only taking your best interest into consideration. If you do not participate in practice because you do not have a shin guards, you will be charged with an unexcused absence.
It is extremely important to attend practice every day. If you must miss a practice, you MUST inform one of your coaches of your absence, regardless of the reason. Telling a friend or teammate to relay the message is not acceptable.
Absences considered excused:
Ø You are ill (must need doctor’s note to return from serious illness/injury)
Ø Family member is seriously ill
Ø Death in the family
Absences considered unexcused:
Ø Dinner with relatives (arrange for after practice)
Ø Doctor’s appointment (unless you are ill, regular appointments need to be made for after practice or weekends)
Ø Job (please make arrangements with your boss)
Unexcused absences will result in consequences on a case by case basis by the coach.
Summit Soccer Game Expectations
Before a game, you will always:
Ø Arrive on time for the bus (away games)
Ø Arrive to the field on time (home games)
Ø Prepare yourself, both physically and mentally, to perform your best
During a game, you will always:
Ø Play to the best of your ability
Ø Play any position for which you are needed
Ø Tuck in your jersey.
Ø Display a positive mental attitude
Ø Treat your teammates, coaches, opponents and referees with the highest level of respect
Ø Pay attention to the game on the field
Ø Support your teammates on the field
Ø Give your absolute attention to your coaches when they are speaking
Ø If you score a goal, immediately acknowledge the teammate who assisted you.
After a game, you will:
ü Clean up all garbage
ü Gather your belongings
ü Home games – help clean up equipment
ü Away games – clean up all trash and help clean up equipment.
ü If your parents are not present, get on the bus with your team (you will not be allowed to leave with a teammate’s family member unless it has been prearranged with your coach)