Rockwell PTO Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2014


Board Members Present: Becky Chamberlain (President), Elizabeth Fisher (Recording Secretary), Pnina Flynn (Treasurer), Amy Gusitsch (President), Paola Kaoud (Secretary), Melissa Parrish (Vice President), and Megan Zabetakis (Vice President).

Guest Speaker – Amy Weed

Mrs. Weed is the Math LIT for grades K-5. She noted that Connecticut adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and that the standards differ from previous standards because they allow for a more active learning environment, more student ownership, and teachers acting as facilitators. She emphasized that the CCSS is not curriculum; rather it is a set of standards. Curriculum is developed at the district level to meet standards and the standards are the outcomes. Major areas of focus are addition and subtraction with whole numbers and place value understanding for grades K-2 and multiplication, division, and fractions for grades 3-5. She showed a video of milestones by grade and another one on filling a ten frame. It is very important for parents to have a positive attitude about math and make math visible everywhere (dinner table, grocery shopping, car rides). Also, listen to your child; you don’t always have to tell. Mrs. Weed said there are some great books about math available by Greg Tang. She next had games for everyone to play: Less or More Spin for K, Roll Ten for 1st, Place Value Paths for 2nd, and Four in a Row for 3rd. A parent asked what to do if they don’t know what to do on homework. Mrs. Weed said Parent Academy on GoMath has tutorials. She also noted that there is more differentiation with homework. Students should bring home work that they can do. Another parent asked if her child needs to break down numbers if he already knows the answer. Mrs. Weed said that breaking down helps them understand the numbers and use algebraic thinking. They need to understand how to break apart numbers because it helps with higher level math.

Financial Report

The opening balance on 10/31/14 was $17,585.22 and the closing balance on 11/30/14 was $18,750.05.

Principal’s Report

Ms. Soucy said everything for Veteran’s Day was great. Mrs. Sprock’s class made thank yous to give to the vets that morning and Ms. Soucy hopes to expand that for next year. Science Night was great. Kim Romero and Shelby Land did a great job. Bus shout-outs started yesterday. Both Rockwell and Berry are doing it. If the bus is rocking well, one student representative gets a laminated card to bring to the office and the bus is recognized. They will keep track of which buses get the most shout-outs; students on the bus with the most shout-outs each month will get an “I Rock Well” bracelet. A parent asked about what happens when there is a kid who is a known problem so the bus never gets a shout-out even if everyone else is behaving. Ms. Soucy said that it needs to be the whole bus. Another parent asked if they can do something for kids who are parent pick-up. Ms. Soucy will talk with the teachers about doing that every other month. Ms. Soucy is excited about getting the poster printer. Amy said pedometers for Mrs. Swift should be coming in within the next couple of days.

Secretary’s Report

A motion was made to approve the November minutes. The motion was seconded and approved.

PTO Expenditures

The school’s poster printer recently broke and we would like to order a new one. We got a quote for an HP DesignJet T-120 from B&H that is $1,036.21, which includes the printer, a 2 year warranty, and shipping. A motion was made to approve the expenditure. The motion was seconded and approved.

Central PTO Report

Thanks to all who helped with the Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast on 11/19. It was a nice morning. The next Central PTO meeting is on Wednesday 12/17 and Amy will attend.


Scrip – We made about $300. The gift cards are in and will be sorted and distributed tomorrow.


Newsletter – The teacher questionnaires are being featured in the newsletter. We’ve gotten great feedback.

Event Reports

Spirit Wear – We made about $250/$300. There is an extra shirt that has not been claimed. We will give it to Kate Coffey. We received a thank you from Susan Pare for her shirt.

Veteran’s Day – Kathy and Erin did a great job.

Family Science Night – It was a great event. We are looking for a new date for Math Night.

Ongoing Events/Fundraising

Giving Tree – This went well. Amy Doyle is taking everything to social services today.

School Store – The holiday store ran last Friday and will run again this Friday. Last week was very hectic and ran until 9:30. Elizabeth will put something on the Parent Network asking parents to send in their orders ahead of time and also asking for volunteers to help on Friday morning.

Box Tops – Melissa will check with Theresa to confirm the contest will happen in January.

Labels for Education – The contest will run in February.

Upcoming Events

Friendship Social – The flyers went out. We will send out confirmation emails to those who are registered after the break.

Burger King Night – It is on 1/22. Kristen Fontaine is handling this. Rocky will appear.

Family Bowling – This is set for 1/24. Becky would like a co-chair.

February Events – Bingo Night and Family Math Night – Melissa will make sure Mary Beth Cooke is on board to chair Bingo Night. We will be changing the date for Math Night to sometime in the spring.


Third grade t-shirts – The shirts are in. We will coordinate a time to distribute the shirts and take the class picture.

January Speaker – Alex Swift is confirmed for the January meeting.

Volunteers – We need a co-chair for Family Bowling Night.

Meeting adjourned at 10:46am.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Fisher