Rockville Planning Commission

September 10, 2013

Rockville Community Center

The Rockville Planning Commission will holdtheir regular meeting on Tuesday, the10thday ofSeptember,2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rockville Community Center, 43 E. Main, Rockville, Utah. The work meeting will begin at 6:00 pm.

Work Meeting

  1. Call to order – roll call.
  2. Discussion regarding the Building Permit Application by Tydon Oler with the Town Attorney relevant to legal issues.
  3. Adjourn

Regular Meeting

When you are recognized to be heard during any Town of Rockville public meeting, please come to the podium to speak to enable an accurate recording of your remarks.

The agenda will be as follows:

  1. Call to order – roll call.
  2. Declaration of conflict of interest with an agenda item.
  1. Item tabled from the June 11, and July 09, 2013 meetings – Consideration and possible approval for a building permit application for a residence to be located on a parcel east of the cul-de-sac on South River Road.
  1. Consideration and action on a request for a Lot Line Adjustment – Harry Grant/Roger Fuller.
  2. Consideration and action on a request for aGrading/Excavation Permit for a pond – Dr. Paul Fischer.
  3. Approval of the minutes of theJuly09, 2013 regularmeeting (tabled from August 13, 2013), the August 13, 2013 regular meeting and the August 27, 2013 work meeting.
  4. Planning Commission Administrative Business.
  5. Adjourn.
Elaine M. Harris

Town Clerk

THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL TOWN MEETINGS. If you need a special accommodation to participate in Town Meetings, please call the Town Clerk, Elaine Harris, at 772-0992 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.

The foregoing agenda was posted in the foyer cabinet of the Rockville Town Officeby ______at approximately ______AM/PM on ______, on Rockville’s Website and on the Utah Public Notice Website. Faxed to The Spectrum ______.
