VOL.58, ISSUE 6, JUNE 2008



Dale Miller

Well, summer is here. The parking lot sale was very nice. Got a little hot
but the sun was shinning and lots of good people came by. We had 12 venders
and a lot of shoppers. The fajitas were good. A Texas sized thank you to
Mike and Mumtaz Knuth. As always when they are in charge of something the
meal was well presented and everyone was warmly welcomed.
Three of the venders donated rock to the club. Thank you.
The May program was interesting,made me want to go to Alaska. Especially
when I see the forecast of mid 90s in the next few days. But then Tony told
about the mesquites.
We have 3 more meetings before the AGMC show. Start thinking about what you
can do to help. There are all kinds of jobs. There are jobs for people who
need to sit down and just talk, jobs for good organizers, and jobs for
persons who like to show what they can do and are willing to tell others how
to do it.
Look at the sign-up sheets at the club. The

more you put into something the
more you get back.
See you at the June meeting.



May 6, 2008 General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Dale Miller at 7:30

Secretary’s Report:Tom McCormick

April minutes are posted on the bulletin board.

The minutes are also in the newsletter.

Tom will not be in town next meeting but Pat Ross will be taking the minutes of the meeting

Treasurer’s Report: Paula Truitt

Last month’s live auction brought in $967.00

The financial reports for both last month and this month have been completed with change over to the new computer.

The Kroger club card program has been discontinued and a new program will take its place. When this is complete members can have their Kroger card updated so the club gets 1% credit for member purchases when it is scanned.

Classes: Emie Stevens: (Not able to attend; Dale has details.)

The usual classes are scheduled in May and posted in the


Programs: Harold Hoskison

For May Captain Tony Graham (AGMC member) is presenting topic of gold hunting – prospecting in Nome, Alaska

For June Harold is getting a film from the South Central Federation called Rhodochrosite Red Treasure of the Rockies, story of the Sweat Home Mine.

July we have Will Heierman from Houston talking about carborundums.

August is the show meeting.

Dale Comment: Don’t forget the Rock Swap on Sat. May 17 from 9 – 2:00.

Field Trips: Brian Bowles

Nothing to report this month

Youth – Tamra Wilkins

Meeting the Sat. before Mother’s Day this week. Working on cab pendants for Moms.

Meeting on the 2nd Saturdays starting this Sat. Ages 8 thru 14.

June planning on glass fusing with assistance from Becky Downy

Show Report – Karen Cessna

Doing well on show. We have more vendors than booths.

Need volunteers, please sign up

Block out whole weekend of Aug. 30 – 31.

Willis Knight is working on showcases but needs some help painting.

Will be doing rock painting for show

Karen will be at club every Thursday evenings starting at 7:00 until the show starting May 22.

We are putting booths at local craft and arts festivals to have a presence to get publicity for the club. Paid advertising costs too much.

Mark Brownmiller made suggestion to distribute show cards to retailers.

Past President – Rick Litsinger

Donations – We need donations to help fill the blank spots on the display case shelves. Members will receive a tax deduction receipt and will have to fill in their own amount for the estimate of the donated value.

Dale reported that Charles and Connie Paul donated a saw to the club. It may be used by the club and another current club saw could be disposed.

On Saturday Dale was approached by someone at the club who asked her to follow her home and we now have an 8” HiTech FlatLap and also a saw plus lots of boxes of slabs to be used in the auctions and some for beginning cabbing students.

Newsletter – Robert Pruitt

Robert will not be able to continue as Newsletter Editor and Mike Hartz has volunteered to take over.

Willis Knight has pictures from Intergem for the newsletter.

One of the problems with the newsletter has been late submittal of items.

Delegate at Large Report: Sam Howeth –

Classes are going well

His health is allergy related not “pink eye”. “Reports of his demise have been greatly exaggerated”.

Membership - Pat Ross

New members tonight:

Deana Atchison Marie Weahland

Yolanda J. Mabry Linda Lee Love

Guests: Veronica (Not present; Pat Ross presenting.)

Dirk Jackson Carolyn Detjen

William Ferguson Mack Criddell

Jim Mace James M. Kegley

Terri Mace

Patsy Davila

Deborah Winnett

Wayne Detjen

Sunshine Report: Marge Harrand

Nothing new to report.

Librarian – Donna not present

Dale again mentioned buying books in memory of passed members. Latest book was for Grady Shultz.

Hospitality - Deborah Hartz –

Thanks for a lot of food tonight

She pleaded for signups again at the break for June refreshments. There is only one name so far. It is stressful to not know ahead of time what to expect for the meeting.

Old Business:

Swap Meet May 17 in the parking lot from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm; no one has volunteered to cook so there will not be fajitas.

New Business:

The club Executive Board recommends the addition of two (2) positions to the Board. One is a Membership Chair and the other is a Lapidary Chairman. The Membership position is an important club function the board thinks it should be added because of its impact to the running of the club. The Lapidary chair would be temporarily designated as a second Delegate at Large since Dale is both the President and the Lapidary Chairman. She can’t hold two board positions at the same time. This announcement will be followed by a written announcement in the newsletter and a vote of the membership will be taken at the June meeting for ratification.

Breakfast:Once a month breakfast. One was held in April and the next one will be at Tom’s Grill and Diner on Cooper at I30 on Wednesday May 21 at 9:00 am. The last breakfast in April was good.

Keys:The keys to the club have been changed. Anyone needing key needs to request it and sign for it. There will be a record kept of all keys outstanding.


Badge/Sign In

Deana AtchisonLaguna Agate

Francis JohnsonMexican Lace


Leslie WilkesFused Glass

Bob Boyd Graybeard Quartz (donated by Tony Graham)

Frank O’DonleyYellowstone Montana

Harold HoskisonHolly Blue (donated by Tony Graham)

Alma RamirezObsidian (donated by Buddy Ferguson)

Sue PoarchLimb Cast from Crooked River Oregon (donated by Tony Graham)

Ray BatsonPendant

Alma RamirezGold Book

Yolanda MabryMontana Agate

(Raised $106.00 from the raffle. Great Job!!!!!!!!!)

Business Meeting Adjourned at 8:30

Program: Tony Graham

Submitted by:

Tom McCormick



Deborah Hartz

I would like to thank all of the members who so generously have provided foods for our fellowship time. We all are very busy and have other things going on in our lives, so this fellowship time gives each of us a few minutes to meet and greet one another and catch up on what’s happening.

May I encourage each member to take part in providing snacks at some time during the year! There is a sign up sheet in the kitchen area located near the snack area. Those who have signed up for June are: Oral Ryan, Marie Weakland, Terri Mace, Leslye & Ray Wilkes.

For your convenience, soda drinks and water products are available at a cost of $0.50 each and coffee is $0.25. Please help us continue to be able to provide this service.

For those who may have forgotten, we have separate container for cans, cardboard, and plastics. We recycle and are attempting to do our part. There are separate trash containers for food products and trash. Please make sure food and trash are put in the trashcan. Help us with this endeavor. Let’s all do our part in keeping our club a clean environment and showing our pride.

Deborah Hartz


Marge Harrand

Nothing new to report