Rocket Volleyball Rules and Expectations

The Rocket Volleyball program is built upon three pillars (foundations):

(1) Hard work and consistent effort – we must be a team that puts forth great effort each day in practice and at every match. We do not believe in taking short cuts . . . we will strive to become the best team(s) that we are capable of being.

(2) Teamwork – we believe in the importance of putting others first and making our teammates better. Volleyball is a total TEAM sport and we are reliant upon each other to accomplish our team goals.

(3) Fun – While we always work hard and value the importance of being there for our teammates, this sport should be a fun experience for everyone on the team. Lifelong friendships and memories can be developed when we come to truly enjoy our time together and the efforts to reach our shared goals.

Our program is a joint effort of the players, coaching staff, parents and school administration. It takes the contributions of everyone working together to become a successful volleyball program.

There are several EXPECTATIONS that we have upon the different components of our program . . .

First, of ourCOACHING STAFF:

  • Our coaches need to be excellent role models for our players . . . in how they represent themselves/school in practice, games, life.
  • Our coaches need to be good teachers – both of the game of volleyball and in how to be good teammates on and off the court.
  • Our coaches need to have good communication skills with their players and parents. It is important that they are able to convey what is important for our players to learn on and off the court – along with being good listeners when others are communicating/sharing their thoughts and concerns.
  • Our coaches need to be prepared everyday – for practices, games, etc.
  • Our coaches should respond back to parent inquiries promptly – within 24 hours.
  • Our coaches should hold our players accountable for their actions and help them learn from their mistakes.
  • Through their hard work and preparation, our coaches should set high expectations for their team and the individual players on the team. As a result, they should EXPECT SUCCESSfor their team.

Second, our PARENTSplay an important role in our program:

  • Our parentsprovide vocal positive support for both their daughter and her teammates at our many competitions – which are very important for all of us.
  • Our parents serve in many volunteer roles to support the teams – such as with weekly varsity team dinners, away game bus coolers with treats for all players, serving as chaperones on many team functions, helping run concession stands, helping with annual Volley for the Cure fundraiser, etc.
  • Our parents should be good role models at our matches – be supportive of everyone on the team and go by the old adage “if you do not have anything positive to say, than do not say it.”
  • Our parents should encourage their daughters to share their concerns with their coaches and teammates and attempt to resolve their own difficulties. We should all be striving to foster a sense of independence and personal responsibility in all of our players – helping them become more self-reliant.
  • When calling a coach to share information about their daughter or talk about a concern, parents should please honor the 24 hour rule – where you wait 24 hours after a match to communicate your concerns/thoughts with the coach . . . giving them ample time to reflect and learn from match and be more responsive to your communication.

Our PLAYERSare the most important components of our program and we have very high expectations for them. In order to become one of the top volleyball programs in the state, our players must be very dedicated both on and off the court:

  • Our players must display great work habits everyday – must come to gym ready to improve each day and be open to new suggestions on how they can get better as players.
  • Our players must be good teammates – they should be able to make their teammates better and put the team’s goals in front of their personal aspirations.
  • Our players must work hard to earn the trust of their teammates and coaches and be loyal to each other … have each other’s back.
  • Our players should have good communicationwith their teammates and coaches – be able to address and work out problems that arise.
  • When injured, our players need to communicate with their coaches and our athletic trainer . . . so that we can get them the medical assistance needed and help them recover quickly.
  • Our players should hold each other accountable – the actions of one can bring down the entire team. Each player needs to expect their teammates to act in the best interest of the team and to be willing to stand up and fight for the team when necessary.
  • Through their hard work, dedication and commitment to their team, players should set high expectations on themselves and their teammates and EXPECT SUCCESS!

We do not have many RULES in the Rocket Volleyball program; however, there are TWO IMPORTANT GUIDELINESthat we (players and coaches) all should attempt to follow in this program:


The following rules apply to everyone (grades 9-12) in the Rocket Volleyball program:

  • Because practice is so important to a team’s success . . . a player needs to have been at practice the day before a match/tournament in order to play in the first set of the match. However, if the coach excused the player from practice for personal or medical treatment reasons – such as to see a physician, attend a wake/funeral – they will be allowed to play in the first set.
  • Players are expected to take the school bus home from away matches/tournaments unless the parent has (in advance) turned in the athletic department’s travel waiver form. Players should not be turning in this form on a regular basis.
  • In order to help build program unity – where all teams support each other . . . freshmen and sophomore team members are required to stay and support the varsity team during their matches (both home and away). On home games, the varsity team is required to be in the gym early (one half hour before the frosh-soph match) to help shag balls during warm-ups and support the other Rocket Volleyball teams.
  • ACADEMICS should be very important to everyone in this program. Each week every student-athlete’s grades are calculated and an IHSA Eligibility Roster is generated. If a volleyball player needs tutoring assistance in one of their courses, they are encouraged to stay after school and get help – even if they come late to practice. The player does need to bring a note verifying that they received tutoring help with the time that they finished getting assistance noted.
  • If a player has an unexcused absence from practice or a game – such as, cutting practice even though they were in school – their coach will call home and have a discussion with the player and parents and notify them that the player will be suspended for the next match. They will also be warned that a second unexcused absence during this season will lead to the player being removed from the volleyball program.
  • Volleyball players are not allowed to participate in the Homecoming Powder Puff game.