Rochester High Noon Toastmasters
Club 7620 – Area 16 – DISTRICT 65 – Rochester, NY
Meeting Minutes July 23, 2009
Theme--“The Youth of Today”
Weather:High of 75 degrees, cloudy and rainy.
Attendance:Bill Allen, Justine Bachison, Bernadette Bowie, Betty Brewer Johnson, Cindy Craner, CC, Scott Harper, Cecil Johnson, Jared Kronenberg, ACB, ALB, Michael Meynadassy, CTM, CL, Gordon Penniston, DTM, Philip Shroeder, Kurt Uetz, ACS, Rosalind Walker, Anne Weis,
Guests: Antoinette Johnson (daughter of Betty Brewer Johnson & Cecil Johnson, Linda (Guest of Betty Brewer Johnson), Nia Walker (daughter of Rosalind Walker)
Start time: 12:00, by Anne Weis, Sergeant-at-Arms
Opening Remarks: Scott Harper
Business meeting:
Kurt Uetz, ACS, Presiding Officer— asked for officer updates:
VP of Education:Gordon Penniston, DTM: announced that the Evaluation Contest to be held Thursday, August 20, 2009 and the Humorous Contest to be held Thursday, September 17, 2009. Right now there are two contestants signed up for both. It happens that these are the same two contestants! You do not need prior training or experience to participate in the contests. A reminder that the Humorous speech contest is not a bunch of jokes strung together.
Judges, timers, and other roles are also needed. If interested in participating in either contest in any capacity, please contact Gordon Penniston.
VP of Public Relations: Jared Kronenberg, ACB, ALB:
- His first project as VP of Public Relations is to collect issues of the Toastmaster Magazine that might otherwise be discarded and distribute them to local doctors’ offices. He hopes that this will boost the club’s image and to peak interest in Toastmasters in general.
- Last chance for officer training, although this is not exclusive to officers, members are welcome to attend. The last training will be held on Saturday, July 25th in Cortland, NY. In order to earn points towards president’s distinguished status, clubs need to have 4 officers trained twice a year. Currently, 6 officers have been trained so far leaving 4 officers to be trained in the winter to earn our points.
Treasurer: Rosalind Walker: We currently have $328.68 in our account. An order for supplies have gone in last week but overall we are financially stable.
Philip Schroeder, Toastmaster
Justine Bachison, Grammarian
Cecil Johnson, Vote Counter
Bernie Bowie, Timer
Jared Kronenberg, ACB, ALB-Ah Counter,
Speaking portion:
Kurt Uetz, ACSTitle: “Crushing Conflict”, ACM Story Telling Manual, Speech #5, Bringing History to Life, 7-9 minutes, total time: 8. 46
Gordon Penniston, DTM, Title: “Camouflage”, ACM Story Telling Manual, Speech #1, The Fairy Tale, 7-9 minutes, total time: 8.12
Table Topics Program
Anne Weis Table Topics Master
Bill Allen, Word Watcher
Words of the day:
Texting—modern way of communicating with people.
Hip—“With it” or in style.
Antoinette Johnson (guest): was asked “ What do you think is a major problem faced by Rochester youth? Spoke 1.52
Betty Brewer Johnson was asked the following “Please tell us about a particular youth who was built for the future and a role model to other young people.” Spoke 1.30
Linda (guest): was asked “What is a memory that you kept with you since youth that has influenced your life today?” Spoke 1.02
Rosalind Walker: was asked “Some women use creams to recapture a youthful look. Some older men date much younger women. How do you try to keep young?” Spoke 1.10
All participants used at least one of the two words of the day. All qualified for voting.
Evaluation Program
Scott Harper, Chief Evaluator
Cindy Craner, CCevaluated Kurt Uetz, ACS; Spoke 3.25
MiKe Meynadassy, CTM, CL evaluated Gordon Penniston, DTM; Spoke 3.15
Justine Bachison—Grammarian's Report. Justine reported a lot of imagery was used in both speeches.
Jared Kronenberg, ACB, ALB-Ah Counter’s Report, Jared observed several false starts where people would repeat the sentence because they didn’t know how to end it. He suggested to pause in order to think of how to end the sentence.
Guest Comments:
Antoinette-said she really liked all of the passing of the notes, that way you can tell someone something without telling everyone else.
Linda-said that she felt that this was a really good environment to hone your skills.
Philip Shroederannounced the awards:
Best Speaker—Kurt Uetz, ACS
Best Evaluator—Mike Meynadassy, CTM, CL
Best Table Topics—Antoinette Johnson (guest)
Closing Remarks-none due to time constraints
The next meeting is to be on Thursday, August 6, 2009
Meeting Adjourned at 1:00, by Kurt Uetz, ACS, Presiding Officer
Recorded and submitted by Cindy Craner, CC, Club Secretary