Rochester Fire Protection District

700 East Main Street, Rochester, Illinois

Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2014

  1. Call to order

President Suerdieck called to order the regular meeting of the Rochester Fire Protection District at 7:00 p.m. on October 8, 2014 at the Rochester Firehouse.

  1. Roll call

Teresa Sturdy conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: President Suerdieck, Trustee Sturdy, Trustee Fairchild, Trustee Riggs, and Trustee Cravens. Also present was Chief Mark Poffenberger, Deputy Chief Greg Surbeck and Administrative Assistant Jessica DeFreitas. Seven members of the public were present.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Meeting minutes from September 10, 2014 were presented. Motion to approve by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Unanimously approved.

  1. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Trustee Riggs, second by Trustee Sturdy. Unanimously approved.

  1. Chief’s Report

1. September 16 – 18, 2014 – Hosted Car Seat Class.

2. September 23, 2014 – Sangamon/MABAS Chief’s Meeting was attended by Deputy Chief Surbeck and Captain Archer.

3. September 28, 2014 – Fall Festival.

4. October 2-3, 2014 – Hosted float building for football moms and cheerleaders.

5. October 3, 2014 – Homecoming Parade.

6. Working on ISO requirements.

7. Assisted Haunted House with requirements for certifications.

8. Calculated Occupancy load for Public House 29 Restaurant.

9. October 7, 2014 - Annual pump testing was completed.

10. September Calls:

EMS – 25

Car Accidents - 2

Fire – 9 (3-automatic alarms, 3- trash fires, 1-truck fire, 1-possible

haz-mat and 1-steam for smoke)

Motion to approve Chief’s Report by Trustee Riggs, second by President Suerdieck. Unanimously approved.

  1. Member or Public Comments

A. Diana Fairchild commented about the nice article in the paper about Neil Passfield and asked who wrote the article and if this was going to be done for everyone who leaves the department. Deputy Chief Surbeck commented that he had composed the article and it will only be done for people that retire from the department.

B. Bob Chiles asked if the income stated was for the month or for the year. Trustee Cravens clarified that it was for the month. Bob Childs also inquired as to why the department was at the Baptist Church Fall Festival and was curious if there was an incident. President Suerdieck stated that it is an event that we attend every year just to put the department on display.

  1. Old Business


  1. New Business

A. Discuss releasing minutes.

1. Board was presented with Executive/Closed Session minutes from June 13, 2011 through October 15, 2013 for review. President Suerdieck requests a motion to release all with the exception of May 14, 2012 and June 11, 2012 due to personnel content. Motion made by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Suerdieck-yes, Sturdy-yes, Cravens- yes, Riggs-yes, Fairchild-yes. Motion passes.

B. Energy efficiency lighting.

1. President Suerdieck has looked through the bid from Watts Electric and feels that it does not make sense and they were given two opportunities to come and explain the bid and did not show up. President Suerdieck recommends not pursuing this company.

2. Prairie State Plumbing has supplied a bid. They do not have the Ameren comparison or rebate information prepared yet. Tabled until we have complete information from Ameren.

  1. Closed Session


  1. Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of the board is Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica DeFreitas, Administrative Assistant

Minutes approved by: Teresa Sturdy, Secretary