East Cobb Middle School Bands

380 Holt Road

Marietta, GA 30068

(770) 578-2740, Ext. 302/491

Krista PezoldLane Doss, Directors

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2014-2015school year and the East Cobb Middle School Band Program – we hope that everyone had a wonderful summer! We are excited about working with both students and parents to make this a wonderful year of musically challenging and personally fulfilling experiences. The purpose of the band program is to give students a solid foundation in the basics of music and provide the opportunity to enhance this knowledge through performance. Our success will result from dedicated teamwork – band members, directors, school administration, and parents cooperating for the advancement of the total band program. East Cobb has a history of excellence in its Fine Arts Program, and we are looking forward to continuing this successful tradition.

In the following pages, you will find information concerning the following areas:

Event Schedule (pg. 2)

Conduct/Expectations (pp. 3-5)

Grading Policy (pg. 5)

Student Recognition Program, Fundraising & 8th Grade Spring Trip (pg. 6)

Student Data Sheet/Music Check-out/Handbook Contract (to be signed and returned) (pg. 7)

Parent Volunteer Form (to be signed and returned, if applicable) (pg. 8)

Please take time to go through this information together -- keep the handbook for future reference. The two pages with a large “X” in the upper right hand corner need to be filled out and returned to Ms. Pezold or Mr. Dossby Friday, August 29, 2014. These pages contain pertinent information and all parties must understand and uphold the standards set forth in this packet in order for us to have a successful band program.

Special Scheduling Note …because there’s no room on the calendar page… One of the most important performances we will give this year is the GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) in the spring for the 7th and 8th grade bands. LGPE is the performance where students play for a panel of judges and are evaluated using state standards. We all work very hard to prepare for these performances and look forward to the event. Exact dates will be assigned by GMEA later in the year, so please keep the week for your child’s group (see Event Schedule on next page) free of conflicts. We will notify you as soon as the dates are announced. Please check the band website for updated information about all activities going on this year:

If you have any questions concerning any of the contents of this handbook, please feel free to call Ms. Pezold at (770) 578-2740, ext. 302 or Mr. Doss at ext. 491 or email @cobbk12.org. Thank you for going through this information. We look forward to a GREAT year!

East Cobb Middle School Bands



Important Note: Our work in the band room is only successful with the support of family in all aspects of the program, most especially performances. Your attendance at our concerts is vital to your child’s success as a musician and responsible young adult -- please make every effort to support your child by attending our concerts this year. If for some reason, you are unable to attend one of your child’s concerts, please make arrangements for your child to be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the concert.

Sat, AUG.9Instrument “Test-Drive”Event10 a.m.-1 p.m., ECMS

Fri, SEP. 208th Grade Night w/Wheeler Band4:15 – 10 p.m., Wheeler

Wed, OCT. 22Music Department Fundraiser Kick-offAll Day, Theater

Thurs, NOV. 20Winter Concert – 7th & 8th Grade Bands7:00 P.M., Gym

Fri, DEC. 5 or 12Tuba Christmas - 7th & 8th Grade Tuba & Euphonium PlayersAll Day, Downtown Atlanta

Sat, DEC. 6Honor Band & All-State Band Auditions (1st round)Dodgen MS

Wed, DEC. 10Fundraiser Delivery5-7:30 P.M., Theater

Thurs, DEC. 11Winter Concert – 6th Grade Band7:00 P.M., Gym

Sat, JAN. 10All-State Band Auditions (Final)Perry MS, Perry, GA

Thurs, JAN 22Cultural & Health Awareness Night – Jazz Ensemble6-7:30 p.m., ECMS

Mon, FEB 9Rising 6th Grade Dinner – Jazz Ensemble5:30 P.M., Cafeteria

FEB. 13-15District 12 Middle School Honor Band EventHightower Trail M.S.

Thurs, FEB 26Large Group Performance Evaluation7:00 P.M., Gym

Preview Concert– 7th & 8th Grade

FEB 26-FEB 28All-State Band EventAthens, GA

MAR 10-128th Grade Band Large Group Performance EvaluationTime TBA, McEachern HS

MAR. 23-267thGrade Band Large Group Performance EvaluationTime TBA, Kell HS

Thurs, APR 2Jazz Ensemble Performance @ East Valley ElementaryTime TBA

Tues, APR 28“Sweets ‘N Swing” Concert – ECMS & Wheeler Jazz7:00 P.M., Cafeteria

Sat, MAY2Music in the Parks Festival - 8th Grade Band All Day, Dollywood

Thurs, MAY 76th Grade Night of the ArtsTime TBA,ECMS

Wed, MAY 13Spring Concert - 7th & 8th Grade Bands, Jazz7:00 P.M., Gym

East Cobb Middle School Bands



Basic Guidelines

  • Be respectful of yourself and others
  • No food, drink, or gum in the band room at any time
  • Use the restroom and visit the water fountain before class begins
  • Be on time to class
  • Be prepared (instrument, music, pencil, agenda) –your agenda is where directors sign

hall passes if you have to leave the room

Classroom & Rehearsal Procedures

  1. Enter the classroom quietly.
  2. Students will have 3 minutes to assemble their instruments and be seated to begin class.
  3. To be fully prepared for class, students must have their instrument (in its entirety), a pencil, their band folder with method book, band handouts, and sheet music.
  4. Watch the slide show/read the whiteboard for Agenda items.
  5. Here are the basic guidelines for a successful rehearsal:

(a)Always pay attention to the director

(b)Always exhibit proper posture: sit up straight – on the front part of your chair, both feet on floor

(c)Always exhibit proper hand position for your instrument

(d)Always have a pencil in class to mark music or complete assignments as instructed by the director

(e)Check the level of your music stand – the director needs to see your eyes at all times

(f)When director’s hands are up, instrument is in PLAYING position. When director’s hands are down, instrument is down in REST position.

(g)When the director is working with a particular student or section, everyone else is required to engage in silent practice on a part in the music that needs their attention

(h)Play instrument only when directed. Stop or cut off AS SOON AS THE DIRECTOR STOPS. When the director stops, LISTEN for instructions!

(i)When you need to ask a question, raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking.

(j)Have a positive attitude!


In addition to high standards for musical excellence in band, we strive for excellence in our conduct as well. Students are encouraged to follow guidelines and procedures outlined above, which will enable them to enjoy a very productive, positive, and fun year in band. East Cobb Middle School has a new plan in place, called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), to help ensure continued progress, not only for the individual student, but for the entire class. PBIS is a system of teaching behaviors and expectations to all students and staff, giving rewards and recognition for doing right, being consistent, and holding everyone accountable. School is a place to learn many skills, so we all can work together to create a positive learning environment for everyone. Proper interaction with peers and adults is an important skill which can positively influence a student’s achievement in every class.

Step-by-step procedures to help off-task students: (hopefully progressing through the list will not be necessary)

  1. Verbal redirection
  2. Conference with student and phone call to parents
  3. Modified seating, individualized strategies, and phone call to parents
  4. Office Referral (referrals will only be used after other interventions have been attempted unless the infraction requires an immediate referral based on school and/or county policies)

East Cobb Middle School Bands




The emphasis on attendance and punctuality in performance organizations is a reflection of the corporate learning nature of such classes. Students demonstrate respect for peers as well as the activity through their punctuality and reliability. Performing in a band is like being a member of a sports team – each player plays an important role vital to the success of the group.

  • Students are expected to attend all class rehearsals punctually.
  • Students will be given ample advanced notice for any after-school sectionals or rehearsals, and attendance is highly encouraged.
  • Performances are culminating activities for work done on a daily basis, and it is crucial for all students to attend. Students must notify the band directors of illnesses or emergencies, and these students will have an opportunity to do make-up work.


  • East Cobb Middle School Bands are involved in many performance opportunities throughout the year, as noted on the event schedule included in this packet. Please refer to this schedule for all pertinent dates.
  • In addition to their concert band experience, students may wish to participate in Jazz Ensemble, a group whose membership is determined by audition (mid-September). Students will be given the information about auditions at the beginning of the school year, but basically this group is open to any student who has been playing their instrument for at least one year (mostly 7th and 8th grade students). This group meets every Tuesday from 4:30-5:45 p.m. and rehearsals will begin in October. Concert information will be provided at the first rehearsal but may change throughout the school year as additional performance opportunities arise.
  • The band room will be open Tuesday and Thursdayat8:15 a.m. for students who wish to practice before school starts. This is a great time to arrange help sessions with the directors!!
  • All students are strongly encouraged to pursue private instruction on their instrument. Instructors can be found at most of the local music stores, but please let us know if you need help in finding a private instructor.

Materials Needed

  • Instrument (in good playing condition), plus necessary accessories
  • 6th graders will receive information about all of the instruments and be given the opportunity to participate in an instrument ‘test-drive’ during the first week of class – information will be sent home pertaining to the instrument your child will be playing (including instrument rental information and necessary accessories).
  • Method Book
  • 6th graders:Please purchase Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 for your instrument
  • 7th graders: Bring Essential Elements 2000 Book 1(from last year) to start the year, but you need

to have Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 in class by Monday, September 8th.

  • 8th graders:Bring Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 to start the year. Additional materials

will be assigned as needed.

  • PENCIL! (w/good eraser)
  • Agenda – this is required when students need to leave the band room for any reason (restroom, clinic, etc.).
  • Sheet Music & Music Folder (to be provided by the ECMS Band Program).

Note: Many accessories, including the method book, may be purchased at the Locker Stocker (school store) located in the Annex.

East Cobb Middle School Bands



Concert Attire

  1. Winter & Spring Concerts
  • All band members wear the ECMS Band shirt, khaki slacks, dark socks, dark shoes (no tennis shoes)
  • An order form for the shirt will be sent home soon and needs to be returned to Ms. Pezold or Mr. Doss. Put payment in school money envelope and place into drop-box located across from the Media Center. Payment must be received by the due date for shirts to be ordered.
  1. Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) Concerts (7th & 8th Grade Only)
  • Ladies:Blackdress slacks (no skirts please), long-sleeved black dress shirt free from

writing or designs, black socks or panty hose and black shoes (no tennis shoes).

  • Gentlemen:Black dress pants (no jeans), long-sleeved black dress shirt free from writing or

designs, black socks and black shoes (no tennis shoes).


Student success in Band is dependent on a variety of factors. For this reason, a student’s grade is NOT based solely upon his/her performing ability. Ms. Pezold and Mr. Doss will evaluate these factors based on the Cobb County Standards for Band, as listed below, in order to assess each student. All parents have the ability to check their child’s grade through the Cobb County grading system, SYNERGY. Information about signing up for this access can be obtained in the main office at ECMS.

Curriculum Standards


  1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
  2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
  3. Reading and notating music
  4. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments

  1. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
  2. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
  3. Evaluating music and music performances
  4. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
  5. Understanding music in relation to history and culture


Rehearsal Skills (50%)

  • Students are required to be prepared, attentive and cooperative in daily rehearsals. Concentration level should be extremely high while playing, and talking should occur only at the appropriate times. Music instructions should be clearly understood and implemented immediately.
  • If a student’s instrument is in the repair shop, we must have a signed note from a parent/guardian.

Performance Evaluation (30%)

  • Individual playing tests and public performances will form the basis of each student’s performance evaluation. Students not in attendance at concerts will need to make an appointment with a director to perform their concert music for a grade – this assignment must be completed within two weeks after the missed performance.

Practice Records (10%)

  • Practice records are homework for band class and contribute to the success of our band program.
  • In general, students need to spend approximately 20 minutes a daypracticing at home, or the amount of time necessary to accomplish the performance requirements of their particular ensemble.
  • Practice records are due on a weekly basis and must be signed by a parent/guardian.
  • Once the next practice record is due, the previous week’s practice record will receive a lower grade. It is important that students get into a routine of turning in their practice record on a weekly basis. If a practice record is lost, there are always extra practice record forms available in the band room, plus they can also be found on our band website,
  • Specific time-requirements for each letter grade are listed on the individual practice records.

Written Work (10%)

  • This will comprise worksheets, assessments, reviews of concert recordings and other writtenassignments.

East Cobb Middle School Bands



GMEA Honor Band and All-State Band

Students have the opportunity to earn a seat in the GMEA District XII Honor Band and the GMEA All-State Band through an audition process. There is one audition for Honor Band and two auditions for All-State Band (dates noted on the event schedule). The auditions consist of performing four selected major scales plus the chromatic scale for the full range of the student’s instrument (all scales from memory). In addition, students must successfully sightread two musical examples which are written in contrasting styles. Fees and deadlines will be discussed during the first week of school. Students performing in one or both of these groups will earn a GMEA medal.

ECMS Band Awards

Each year during the last few weeks of school, selected band students will be recognized for their achievements during the year, as noted below:

Gold & Silver Awards(Most Outstanding Musicians) – for each grade level, based on grade average and behavior

Director’s Award (individual(s) selected by directors) – 8th grade only


Raising money for the band program is critical to our success, and it is important for all of us to work together for a positive experience. Funds are raised to purchase necessary items required to run a successful band program, such as music, method books, accessories (mouthpieces, ligatures, reeds, valve oil, metronomes, tuners, etc.), instruments, lockers, chairs, music stands, and folders. We also plan to use the funds to pay for instrument repairs, defray field trip costs, pay for field trip supplies, and bring in specialists to work with the students. We will be working with Southeastern Fundraising again this year and we are looking forward to a very successful fundraiser! Our kickoff date is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22ndand students will have three (3) weeks in which to participate in the fundraiser. Delivery of the items will be on Wednesday, December 10th.


All 8th grade band students are invited to participate in the Music in the Parks Festival trip, which is scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015. Students travel to Pigeon Forge Middle School in Tennessee and perform for a panel of adjudicators, then they proceed to the Dollywood Theme Park, where they spend the rest of the day and attend an awards’ ceremony. The approximate cost of the trip is $130-150, and detailed information will be sent home and posted on the band blog after the winter holidays. Students who participate in the Band Fundraiser in October will be able to use part of the profits raised to offset the cost of the trip. It is a fabulous trip and a great celebration of the students’ time in the ECMS Band Program. We would love to have 100% participation!

East Cobb Middle School Bands
