Robeson County Partnership for Children, Inc. (RCPC)

Executive Committee Meeting

January 17, 2016

RCPC Board Room

12:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Review minutes from November 15, 2016 committee meeting.

Action Items

  1. Budget Reversion Request – Program Coordination & Community Education (PC)

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCPC requests to revert $5,500.00 fromthe PC budget to decrease their budget due to staff turnover. The following budget lines will reflect an allocation decrease: contracted services by $2,000.00, meeting/conference expense by $2,000.00, and service related supplies by $1,500.00.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider approving the PC budget reversion request.

  1. Budget Revision Request – NC Pre-K Enhancement and Support (NCPK ES)

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCPC requests to revise the NCPK ES budget to add $120.00 to travel and $120.00 to office supplies and materials. RCPC originally allocated this $240.00 to meeting/conference expense, however, NCPC did not approve this allocation. These funds are being reallocated to the two line items listed above.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider approving the NCPK ES budget revision request.

  1. Budget Reversion/Revision Request – Environment Quality Star Trackers (EQST)

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCPC requests to revise the EQST budget byreverting $4,500.00 due to staff turnover. In addition, EQST requests to revise the budget by decreasing the following line items: office supplies and material by $1,200.00, personnel by $36,324.00, meeting/conference expense by $3,000.00, and grants/non-cash awards by $8,000.00. EQST would also like to revise the budget by adding to the following line items: $850.00 to computer equipment/printers over $500, $350.00 to furniture/equipment under $500.00, $42,605.00 to contracted services, and $219.00 to classified advertising.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider approving the EQST budget reversion/revision requests.

  1. Budget Reversion Request – Program Evaluation (PE)

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCPC requests to revert $1,000.00 from the PE budget to decrease their budget due to staff turnover. The following budget line will reflect an allocation decrease: personnel by $1,000.00.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider approving the PE budget reversion request.

  1. Budget Amendment Request – Professional Development (PD)

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCPC requests to amend the PD budget to decrease their budget due to low enrollment within the program. A final number has not been provided to RCPC at this time, but an updated agenda will be provided at the Executive committee meeting and will reflect a reversion request amount.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee review the PD budget amendment request.

  1. Budget Amendment Request – Subsidy Administration

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCDSS requests to amend the Subsidy Administration budget to increase their budget to meet the needs within the program. A final number has not been provided to RCPC at this time, but an updated agenda will be provided at the Executive committee meeting and will reflect an increased budget amount.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee review the Subsidy Administration budget amendment request.

  1. Budget Amendment Request – Subsidy

Background: The Board of Directors must approve all budget amendments.

Issue: RCDSS requests to amend the Subsidy budget to increase their budget to meet the needs within the program. A final number has not been provided to RCPC at this time, but an updated agenda will be provided at the Executive committee meeting and will reflect an increased budget amount.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee review the Subsidy budget amendment request.

  1. Annual Review of Bylaws

Background: The Board of Directors review the bylaws on an annual basis.

Issue: Changes are requested to page five, Article VII Meeting, to include “or designee” to give written notice information of Board meetings. The revised bylaw sentence would state, “Writtennotice of the time, date, and place of the Board meeting shall be given by the Chair or designee to each member of the Board at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting.”

Recommendation: It is recommended that the committee consider approving the revised bylaws.

  1. Annual Review of Accounting Policies and Procedures

Background: The Board of Directors review the accounting policies and procedures on an annual basis.

Issue: There are no recommended changes at this time.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the committee consider approving the annual review of the accounting policies and procedures with no changes.

  1. Annual Review of Contracting Policies and Procedures

Background: The Board of Directors review the contracting policies and procedures on an annual basis.

Issue: There are no recommended changes at this time.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the committee consider approving the annual review of the contracting policies and procedures with no changes.

  1. CSX Transportation Charitable Support Grant

Background: The Board of Directors must approve grants awarded to RCPC.

Issue: RCPC received notification that CSX awarded a grant to fund Exploration Station camp expenses. The grant award is $1,825.00.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider accepting the grant from CSX.

  1. North Carolina Science Museum Grant

Background: The Board of Directors must approve grants awarded to RCPC.

Issue: RCPC received notification that the North Carolina Museum of Natural Resources awarded a grant to fund a portion of operating and programmatic expenses for Exploration Station. The grant award is $76,912.92.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the committee consider accepting the grant from North Carolina Museum of Natural Resources.

  1. Fund Authority Approvals – 535ES NC Science Museum Fund

Background: The Board of Directors must approve new fund authorities.

Issue: RCPC is required to create a new fund to record revenues and expenditures for the ES NC Science Museum grant that was received for the Exploration Station.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the committee consider approving Fund 535 for the ES NC Science Museum Fund.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Background: The Executive Committee reviews the financial report for RCPC.

Issue: The treasurer’s report for the current fiscal year is included.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the committee review the treasurer’s report and consider approving.

Non-Action Items



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,March 21, 2016.

Data<2016-2017<Board<Committees<Executive Committee<Agenda

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