Robert Owen Memorial Primary School
Newsletter – September 2015
In my last newsletter I had the date for closing at Christmas as Tuesday 23rd December. It should have read Wednesday 23rd December. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Bus Bell
The bus bell will now ring at 2.50 p.m. in the hope that we can get all of our children on to buses and into taxis before the rest of the children come out at 3.00. We were finding that increasingly difficult to do when the bell was sounding at 2.55.
As stated in my last newsletter Tempest photography will be in school on Tuesday22nd Septemberto take individuals/family groups
Primary One Pupils
Now that our P.1 pupils are in school all day I would ask that when you bring your child to school in the morning you leave him/her to go into the school playground without you.We do try to foster independence in the children as early as possible and we do have an adult presence in the playground before 9.00.Some children will adapt to this better than others and we will be sensitive to individual cases but I would appreciate your cooperation regarding this.At 3.00 children should be collected at the gate leading into the playground and not at the exit door.
Can I please remind everyone to contact the school should your child be absent. If we don’t hear from you it is likely you will receive a call from the school as we need to be sure your child is safe.
Another reminder.Please label sweatshirts the number of unclaimed items is already mounting up in Mr.Wilson’s office
Manor Adventure
From 7-11 September our P.7 pupils will be on an outdoor week at Lockerbie Manor. They are looking forward to the adventure and I am sure they will have a great time. A big thank you to Mrs.McCallum,Mrs. Forrest,Miss Farrell,Ms.Ferguson and Miss Rattray for their willingness to accompany the children without which we would not be able to run such an outing.
I would like to take this opportunity to compliment your children on their behaviour since returning to school after the summer break. They have been a joy to work with and have been a credit to you and the school. It is a pleasure and a privilege to work each day with such lovely children
Parent Workshop Evening
By now you should have received a letter from Mrs. Steele regarding a series of Parent Workshops planned for the evening of Thursday 17th September from 6.00-7.30 p.m. More information will follow once this has been firmed up.
Extra Curricular Clubs
You should also have received a letter outlining a list of clubs being run either at lunchtime or after school. Can you please return asap as these will be offered on a first come first served basis. Can I also point out that if the club is held at the end of the day the onus would be on the parent to collect the child. I am very grateful to all staff, parents and helpers who have offered to help with these clubs.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Thursday 24th Septemberfrom 9.30-11.00 a.m. we are holding a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support , a good cause I am sure you will agree, and the children from R.14 will be helping with this.There will be home baking and teas/coffees so if you would like to come and join us you are more than welcome. Any donations of home baking prior to the event will also be most welcome and gratefully received.
We are closed on Friday 25th September and Monday 28th September.
The school will also close on Friday 9th October and re-open on Monday 19th
David Lynas
Head Teacher