October 12, 2017

In Attendance: Jonathan Mitchell, Elaine Hunter, Mike Troubridge, Courtney MacKinnon, Greg Collins, Janet Denney, Tiffany Jacobs, Ms. Bellamy, Jen Bolton, Pam Dubois-Sabell


Administrative Report

■Mr. Collins gave thanks for the support during the reorganization. The kids and parents responded well. One teacher was lost.

■EQAO reports for grade 3 came out

■Students need to do the reading, writing, and math on their own for the most part

■Staff will take a look at the data next week

■Scores were 73 reading, 70 writing, and 60 math

■The school looks for growth over time and works with MAPS when students transition to grade 4

■If students are absent during EQAO, they will catch up when they return to school

■There are 6 sections, that are done usually an hour a day

■Parents will get a detailed report

■Will be doing a combination of Good News assemblies and School Climate assemblies

■November 10th- Remembrance Day

■December 8th- Good News Assembly

■January 12th- School Climate Assembly (Wellbeing- Mental and physical health)

■February- Good News Assembly

■April- School Climate Assembly (Inclusivity)

■June- Good News Assembly

■Suggestion was put forth to post dates and times for assemblies in advance so parents have more heads up

■November 23 & 24 are Parent/Teacher interviews

■Mr. Collins will be testing Ebsy next week. This is a Ministry approved program that would allow for online bookings of interviews.

■Progress Reports will be going home at the end of November

■Sign Language club is now running during lunch

■The Grade 2s will be going on their trip to Sibbalds Point in October

■Outdoor Education and Activities- we are still waiting for the unit and installation to house the outdoor activities that were purchased

■No dogs on property- York Region Board says you can bring the dog on a leash. Mr. Collins has spoken to individuals regarding this, as this is a primary school and there may be kids with allergies or fears.

Action #1- Mr. Collins will test Ebsy

Teacher News/ Wish List

■Book Fair is coming November 20-24th.

■There is no primary choir at the moment. Ms. Tripp is on leave

■Art Celebration in May- The Kindergarten team will meet in two weeks to discuss

■Ms. Jacobs is trying to set up a community relationship with the library in Mount Albert. Kids will be able to get their own library cards which will be kept at home. The library offers a reading buddies program which is a structured 10 week program, similar to Reading Recovery. This would be for kids in grades 1-4. Would like the school to refer kids if interested. This is offered in Holland Landing as well.

■Elaine has asked for a Teacher wish list

■Ms. Bellamy and Ms. Jacobs looking at doing a math night instead of a literacy night in March. The board offers different programs, set up like stations

■Youth Initiative- A staff member needs to be assigned to this. The school could receive up to $5000. Ms. Bellamy will take care of this.

■With money raised during the book fair, the library would like to purchase a lego wall and would like to supplement the Kindergarten books

■Ms. Bellamy asked for support from Council for the Blue Spruce program

■Registration opened first week of October

■Cost of registration is $35 plus cost of books

■Voted to cover cost of registration- All in favour: Janet, Jenn, Courtney, Elaine, and Mike

■The program kicks off in January

■Looking at possibly covering some of the cost for the grade 3s to go down to Harbour Front when the winner is announced

Treasurer Report

■The first pizza deposit is in

■We will need to confirm with Rhonda if she is still interested in being Treasurer


■Overall, there are 11 volunteers for pizza

■October is looking good volunteers; November is looking like there may need to be some more volunteers; December is not looking very good for volunteers

■Pizza Readiness- There was a bit of chaos for the first pizza lunch, but everyone did receive their order

■Pizza will be transitioned back over to Mike to handle

■Pam said she could help out during the evenings

■Profit is $2300 for the order period. There are 5 order periods during the year

■Jen asked if we could send the extra milk to the food back

■Mike asked how many students have not ordered pizza

■No word on families that need assistance with pizza lunch cost


■Council email address with .edu will possibly stop working as board has updated email addresses

■When Elaine signed into the email, it doesn’t show .edu- email to be tested

■Survey will go to the individuals who volunteered to know if they understand what fundraising means i.e. taking responsibility

■We need some additional fundraising ideas

■QSP Program- talked about doing this. Aside from magazines and cookies, they offer an online store with things such as gift wrap, home decor ect

■We are not doing a fall/winter fundraiser

■Sian is now on the MAPS council- Elaine will reach out to her and see what MAPS is doing

■The idea of Big Box fundraising was put forth- parents would purchase boxes of assorted cards

■Courtney will get pricing for dance-a-thon company

Action #1- Council email needs to be tested

Action #2- Surveys to go out to individuals interested in volunteering to assist with fundraising

Action #3- Elaine will contact Sian about MAPS fundraising

Action #4- Courtney will get quote in regards to dance-a-thon

Movie Night/Spirit Wear/Miscellaneous

■Mr. Collins will find out the number of spirit wear items ordered

■Council members wishing to purchase the t-shirt would use the signup for teachers in the office, and would provide cash like the teachers

■Elaine will send out an email to council to get sizes

■October 26th will be the cutoff. This allows the items to be delivered prior to Christmas. We will then look at opening it up after October 26th for anyone wishing to make purchases

■Janet suggested maybe ordering a bunch and then just selling them. Elaine will talk to Rhonda and we will discuss in November

■Jonathan will pick up the popcorn that was ordered

■Santa Claus Parade- deadline for float entry is November 27th. Ms. Bellamy and Ms. Jacobs to find out if other teachers are interested in being the parade

■Halloween costume walk will start at 1:45PM

■Jen asked if parents could come early to help kids get dressed into their costumes- it was advised that this likely would not be ideal

■The teachers start getting the kids ready after lunch

■Succession planning for next year when Jonathan and Elaine leave- It was asked if they could provide a synopsis about what they do daily as executives

■We could put out a notice to each teacher to see if they would be interested in being a class rep on council

■October 24th- School Council Forum in Newmarket- Pam said she could attend

■Additional calendar notes:

■December 19/20- Rocks and Rings

■February- Dance-a-thon

■March 28- Jump Rope for Heart (kickoff start March 8)

■March/April- Math night

■May- Arts Celebration

Action #1- Mr. Collins will see how many spirit wear items were ordered

Action #2- Elaine will send an email to council members getting clothing sizes

Next Meeting

■Thursday, November 16