Robert Frew Patient Partnership Group

Minutes of 86th Meeting Held 17thJuly2017

At The Robert Frew Medical Centre


Lesley Cogan Chair

Jacqueline Coleman Vice Chair

Alan Ursell Treasurer

Jean UrsellSecretary

John Langley, Joan NutleyKarin Stidolph, Janet Whitaker andAlly Boor (Whyte).

The meeting commenced at 6.45 pm.

Apologies were received from Christine and Tony Burr, Lesley Baldry and Dr Ogunsanya.
86/02 Minutes from last meeting and matters arising.
John asked that it was entered that the reply sent to Roy Johnston was from the committee not just him. The minutes were accepted as a true record and signed accordingly.
86/03 Election of officers
All standing officers were returned unopposed.
86/04Update on CQC visit.
No further information on the visit. Janet and Jean to attend to represent the PPG at the forthcoming CQC inspection.
86/05 Franklins way surgery.
The practice is meeting with NHS England on the 21st and a decision should be made then. There was only a minimum response to the letters sent out and only the committee turned up for the organised meeting.
86/06 A.O.B.
86/06.01 The London road surgery moved to the new site today.
86/06.02 The new doctor, Dr Peter Subrt, starts on the 1st August. He will work full time. He did a lot of minor surgery at his previous practice and was also a trainer. We will ask him to come and meet us at a later date.
86/06.03 Alan met Dr Celia Skinner, the medical director for transformation and told her what had been discussed about oncology at Southend hospital. She asked if anyone had been to see us to speak about the transformation and would we like someone to do so? Alan to see if someone can come and maybe we could ask the other PPGs to come as well. Possible date the 16th October. John will also still continue to chase the SEMC/PEG to get someone to come and speak to us.
86/06.04 The e-mail list to be updated and some who have not attended for a while deleted.
86/06.05 The 2 disabled bays are rutted and not well marked. It is a privately owned car park. Ally to speak to Colleen.
86/06.06 There has been an offer to get the ripped seats repaired or replaced, just waiting for a quote.
86/06.07 Ally to find out how Dr Tayo is getting on with the DNA data.
86/06.08 A new cleaner started today.
86/06.09 As there are new reception staff it was decided that we should all wear our badges so that they would know who we are. / AU

Signed as a true copy of the meeting:
