Role 1- Interviewee / Role 2- Interviewer / Role 3- RecorderName: / Name: / Name:
Road Trip Interview Role 1- Interviewee
Task: Fill in the chart about yourself and be prepared to provide detailed answers to the interview questions below when asked by your peers. Please complete and submit as directed by your teacher.
Interviewee Tips:
· Come prepared! You will not be using notes so you need to be very familiar with the interview questions so you can provide detailed answers that are natural.
· Listen carefully to the question being asked. The interviewer may ask a question that differs from the ones on your list based on your answers.
· Keep it conversational. You want to avoid one word answers and are free to add details and anecdotes as you feel they are needed to keep your audience interested.
· Stay engaged in the interview to keep the conversation going and provide eye contact with the speaker.
Student Interviewee:High School Location:
(city/state here) / Location on a map:
Picture of Leader:
Potential Interview Questions:
(please be prepared to answer any of the following questions) / 1. When you were growing up did you have any interests that you continue to have today and would like to build in to your future career?
2. Were you ever lost?
3. When did the lightbulb go on? When did you realize that you wanted to go down this future path?
4. Were there ever pressures that you faced from others telling you to be something or do something else? If so, how did you shut out the “noise?”
5. What obstacles have you overcome to get to where you are today?
6. What have been the keys to your achievements at this point in your life?
7. How do you balance your personal and school life?
8. As you look back on your years in school, what would you do differently?
9. Describe a typical day in your life.
10. If you had one piece of advice to give young people getting ready to jump into the real world, what would it be?
UNIT 2 LESSON 5-Roadtrip Interview Role 1-Interviewee.docx 7/1/2016