RMT National Conference of Station and Associated Grades
17th/18th April 2015
The Sandringham Hotel
7 Alexandra Court
Victoria Close
2015 Conference Officers.
President Phill Jones
Vice President. George falzon
Secretary-Ross Marshall
Vice Secretary-Chris Riley
Auditor-Caroline Parry
Executive Committee x 12 (plus officers)
Lloyd Griffin
Ashleigh Farrent
Ronnie Hardman
Adam Holloway
Mick Crossey
Chris Cuomo
Linda Wiles
Mark Baker
Petra Godiva
Sandra Hunt
Ann Mooney
Tam Monahan
Liaison Committee (plus officers)
Linda Wiles
Mark Baker
Petra Godiva
Head office
AGS-Steve Hedley
CofE Michelle Rogers
The Agenda is approved by the executive committee, but order of business isat discretion of the president
1/Welcome by the President Phill Jones
3/ Election of Harassment Officer
4/Opening of Conference by Regional Organiser (South West) Brendan Kelly
5/ Address by National Executive (South West) Member Steven Skelly
6/Address by National Education Officer Andy Gilchrist
7/Address By National Organiser Phill Boston
8/Report by Assistant General Secretary Steve Hedley
9/Conference Report by Michelle Rogers, C of E member
10/Address by Credit Union
11/Address by British Transport Police
12/ Address by Darren Proctor, International transport federation
12/Elections of Officers, executive committee and liaison committee.
13/2016/2017 Conference venue
14/Motions (to be taken at president’s discretion)
15/AGM Motions (x2)
16/Presidents closing remarks
1. Disabled workers
Submitted by Central Line west Branch
This conference condemns the attempts by various T.O.Cs and London Underground to use disability to dismiss station staff workers.
The conference further notes the disgraceful sackings of Station staff workers Karen Gyaott and Noel Roberts, 2 LUL workers with clean sick records, because of disability
This conference urges the national union to
1/ Use every tool in the book to get our comrades back to work
2/ Ensure that all companies follow both the letter and sprit of the law in employing disabled workers
3/ Ensure that all companies never use disability as a tool to sack our workers again
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2. Rosters
Submitted by Central Line West Branch
This conference notes the station grade becoming fewer and fewer, and notes the impact this is having on staff roisters.
This conference notes that the fewer staff we have, the more extreme the roisters are with only dead early and dead late turns and lots of weekend working
This conference urges the nation union to ensure all roisters are fair, family friendly and put the worker first. This conference also urges the national union to ensure the HMRI/ORR roistering best practise be adhered to
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3. Conference Budgets
Submitted by Central Line West Branch
This conference notes the station grades conference budget is £700 for the whole year. This is required to pay for the conference hall, refreshments, printing and postage and officer salaries. This is simply impossible and the conference relies on branch’s and individual donations.
This conference notes than in 10 years, funding has only been increased by £100
This conference requests a substantial increase in funding
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Submitted by Camden 3 Branch
This conference notes the hard work that cleaners are vital for the safe running of the railway.
This conference notes that in many case’s these cleaners are outsourced or made to be “self employed” and thus received poor wages and terms and conditions
This conference urges the national union to campaign for all cleaners to be brought back in house and paid the money and terms they deserve
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5 .Lone Working
Submitted by Cardiff Rail Branch
This conference notes the practise of lone working still exists in many areas for station staff. In some areas it is actually increasing
This conference urges the national union to step up the camping to end this practise once and for all
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6 . Conference banner
Submitted By Camden 3 Branch
This conference notes this conference had no banner.
The conference requests the national union fund a conference banner, designed in conjunction with the liaison committee
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7 . Remote station control
Submitted by Cardiff Rail Branch
This conference notes the practise of controlling stations, tickets, customer queries and safety is becoming more and more remotely done via CCTV and other devices.
Recently London Underground have been given staff I pads to do this, and on the National Rail, the TVM system is being rolled out.
This conference urges the national union to up the campaign against the automation of station staff work and the de-creasing safety standards that associate them
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8 Pay rates for station staff
Submitted by Central Line West Branch
This conference notes that station grades are usually among the lowest paid staff on the railway. This conference notes that when there is a %pay increase, because of the low wage, the increase is small.
This conference urges the national union to use in pay talks having an amount across the board, not a percentage figure, thus ensuring everybody gets a fair pay rise
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9 Submitted by Central Line West Branch
Conference Liaison Committee Meetings
This conference notes that he liaison committee, under rule is only permitted to have a mandatory 1 meeting a year. This conference notes that is far too little
This conference notes that the station grade is under constant attack from cuts, the London Underground “Fit for the future” and the McInulty proposals
This conference requests a permanent change to the frequency of meetings for this conference from 1 per year to 4 per year
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10 Submitted by Deptford Branch
Station Staff Working Hours
This conference is appalled at the way that station grades staff are being treated, and exploiting them into working up to 12 hour shifts with no provision for additional paid breaks, other than the nominal 20 minutes to be taken before 5 hours have been worked.
This is in breach of the working time regulations that state, if an adult person is working for more than 6 hours a 20 minute break should be given, away from their place of work.
Many Train Operating Companies (TOC) rely all too often on station grade staff to do more than their normal roster hours, and this can sometimes be up to 12 hours, because of the shortage of staff.
Therefore this conference asks, that the general secretary writes to all of the TOC’s, who do not have provision, in the station grades staffs terms and conditions of service, for taking additional breaks when working more than 9 hours and up to 12 hours.
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Votes for Votes against Abstention
11 Submitted by Deptford Branch
Cleaning Grades conference
At present the cleaning grades are part of this Station Grades conference. It is proposed in the internal structure consultation that this group of workers should have their own conference.
We support them having their own conference. Our cleaner members have many issues that need resolving.
However, this union needs to look at how this will be financed, as many of the cleaners are on minimum wage, and do not have travel facilities. It would be a burden to the union’s branches and regional councils having to pay for their travel and expenses.
This conference supports this resolution in support of these vulnerable workers.
Moved by
Seconded by
Votes for Votes against Abstentions
2015/2016 elections
The following positions are up for election. The incumbents can re-stand.
Assistant Secretary
Executive Committee 12 Seats including 2 seats prioritised for cleaning grades.
The Executive committee meet once a year before conference to scrutinise the agenda and standing orders
Liaison CommitteeThe liaison committee comprises of the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, President and 3 other members elected from the conference executive committee and the auditor. The committee meets at least 1 a year with head office to progress the wishes of conference
2016 CONFERENCE Leamington Spa.
2017 Conference To Be discussed