RMLL /ALA Meeting Regarding Tier 2 Lacrosse in Edmonton
Attendance – Bill Sucha, Keith Talbot, Scott McAvoy, Rob Letendre, Rob Petz, Chris Thielen, Cindy Garant, Darlene Anders, Curtis Britton, Greg Lintz, Lisa Smith
Two decisions have to be made tonight –
- Are there enough players to keep the Warriors 2nd tier 2 team?
- If there are enough players, who will run the team?
-There are 234 players in the mix in Edmonton and area; 64 with Jr A teams; 110 with Jr B teams; and 60 with Tier 2 teams.
-Warriors practice last night has 6 players and no coach.
-Two Tier 2 teams folded last year.
-Keith feels we need to collaborate and make the team work for this season.
-Players need to be directed where to play. North has poor retention.
-Scott stated the Titans emailed 60 players to see if they should reapply for a tier 2 team. He received 15 maybe responses from players.
-Bill feels the players will come out eventually if we are committed to keeping the team operational for this season
-Chris feels if the 2nd team is not competitive, the players will quit then there will be a problem with defaults and all the costs associated with them
-Rob feels players are not wanting to play because of the travel involved. There has been a steady decline since the Tier 2 started travelling on weekends
-Tier 2 plays 14 game schedule – 2 travel games to Red Deer; One to Vermilion and one to Westlock
-On 2002, North and South played together; 2004 the schedule was divided North and South; 2006 Vermilion and Lloydminster joined the league.
-North teams’ competitiveness has decreased and the south has had the reverse affect.
-Darlene feels the Junior A’s release players too late and the trickle down affect ends up leaving players with no where to play; May 1 is too late to release players
-Players in the North are not being registered at the lower level teams if they are trying out at Junior B or Junior A; consequently, the teams have no idea how many player may move down.
-Warriors have not made players sign waivers prior to stepping on the floor
-Titans have extra players; Warriors have had 50 players out; Blues have a full roster; Crude are not sure and do not register players until they make the team; Wizards have 18 players plus the players at Jr B camps.
-Titans have no floor time to accommodate another team
-Everyone is unsure how many players actually want to play lacrosse
-December 31 deadline is impossible to know if clubs will have a team
-Long term – the process in the North has to change
-A coach is required – Pat Souliere or Bob Johnson may be possibilities
-First game is April 24th; ALRA requires schedule by Friday
-If team drops out after the schedule would have to be changed to a 12 game season; teams in attendance are okay with this Vermilion and Westlock would have to be consulted
Agreement is reached to try to keep the 2nd Warriors Tier 2 team operational. Conditions are that there has to be a minimum of 46 players willing to play and the team must have a coach.
Warriors will not lose Francis fee and bond.
The cost for floor time within GELC is $1600. If this team does not go ahead, the floor time and fees will be divided among the remaining teams for practice time (Wizards/Blues/Warriors).
If the team does not go ahead, Tier 2 Rosters sizes could be expanded beyond 25 to include the players interested in playing this season.
Cancellation of the first game has to go the ALRA by April 21.
Another option is for the team to play exhibition games if there are not enough players to participate in the league.
Bill Sucha, Keith Talbot, Scott McAvoy, Rob Letendre, Chris Thielen, Cindy Garant, Darlene Anders, Curtis Britton, Greg Lintz, are all in agreement for this plan of action.
Greg will speak to the Jr A coaches and stress the importance of letting some players go early.
Cindy will contact other Tier 2 teams and advise of plan and give notice of next meeting.
Lisa will email all 1992 and 1993 players.
Curtis will be the contact for any players
Tier 1 teams will advise released players to contact Curtis.
Next meeting Tuesday April 20th – 7 pm