/ Higher degrees by research - research training support
Operational Responsibility: / School of Graduate Research
Related Policy: / Higher degrees by research candidature policy
OBJECTIVE / This procedure details the types of support provided for HDR candidates during their program of study.
EXCLUSIONS / Students enrolled in VET, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs including Honours, or a Higher doctorate.


Procedure (including Key Points)
  1. Research training support principles
1.1.HDRcandidates are trainee researchers and are therefore members of the research community of RMIT University;
1.2.RMIT will provide a research training environment that focuses on the needs of research candidates including the provision of various types of support for their academic and professional development and access to research facilities and funding that will enable the successful completion of their degree;
1.3.RMIT schools will only admit applicantsif they can provide a level of support sufficient to enable the completion of the candidate's agreed program of study;
1.4.Information on research training support will be available to prospectiveand continuing candidates;
1.5.Where support, facilities or funding are provided on a needs-based, or discretionary basis, they will be allocated through a transparent and equitable process;
1.6.Supervisors and candidates are responsible for reviewing research training support required for the research project on a regular basis at their supervisory meetings;
1.7.The school, or college, will monitor the allocation of research training support to candidates on an ongoing basis at the candidature milestone reviews;
1.8.Availability of research training support will be regularly reviewed by the area responsible for their provision, in consultation with key stakeholders.
1.9.Candidates are responsible for regularly checking their RMIT student email account for communications from the University.
  1. Research training support provision
  2. Induction for candidates
2.1.1.All newly enrolled candidates should receive a school and/or college-based induction soon after commencement of their research degree program. All inductions should be completed before the end of the first semester of enrolment.
2.1.2.Appropriate, and if necessary, provision of an induction program must be also available to suit the circumstances of part-time and off-shore candidates.
2.1.3.Supervisors are also responsible for providing candidates with an informal induction in the initial supervisory meetings.
2.1.4.SGR will provide an orientation program for all newly-enrolled candidates.
2.2.Researcher development
2.2.1.Supervisors have responsibility for overall provision of targeted research training and academic guidance for the proposed program of research.
2.2.2.Academic schoolsand colleges have responsibility for the development, coordination and communication of discipline-specific research training and skills development programs.
2.2.3.Wherever possible schools should offer suitably qualified candidates the opportunity to tutor, demonstrate or engage in other professional development or research activities, within the guidelines on work approved by the University.
2.2.4.SGR has responsibility for the development, coordination and communication of a centrally provided research training and skills development program.
2.3.Research facilities
2.3.1.As a minimum the school or college must provide access to appropriate office, studio or laboratory space, and equipmentfor the candidate to be able to complete the agreed program of research. The facilities must:
  • comply with relevant Occupational Health and Safety regulations and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research; and
  • allow for after-hours access, as appropriate.
2.3.2.The school or college will be requested by the Dean SGR to periodically review and report to the Graduate Research Committee on the research resources provided for their candidates, and their ability to meet or exceed requirements for current and future candidates.
2.4.Research funding
2.4.1.The availability of research-related funding will be communicated to candidates as appropriate via their student email account.
2.4.2.Funding opportunities will be promoted on school, college and central webpages and through regular bulletins that provide information on research training support to both candidates and supervisors.


Commencement date / Completed by University Policy Officer / Review date / Completed by University Policy Officer / Secretariat Posting Approval / Completed by University Policy Officer

REVISION HISTORY – section maintained by the University Policy Officer

Revision Ref. No. / Status / Type Amendment / Date Approved / Approval Authority / Resolution Number / TRIM Reference
V1.0 / Completed by University Policy Officer


Policy Sponsor: / Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice-President
Implementation and Communication: / Dean, SGR
Monitoring and Compliance: / Senior Manager, SGR
Manager, Policy and projects
Manager, HDR Administration, SGR
Graduate Research Committee
RMIT Research Committee
Approval Authority: / Academic Board


Definitions and acronyms / Candidate: student enrolled in an HDR degree who has had their candidature confirmed
GRC: Graduate Research Committee
Higher degrees by research: a Masters by research or doctoral degree which conforms to the specifications of Levels 9 and 10 of the AQF
SGR: School of Graduate Research
Key words for search engine / Academic, Masters, Induction, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, Resources, Facilities, Skills, Support, Thesis, Candidature, Research, Training, Project, Professional, Development

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