River’s Edge Condominium AssociationBoard Meeting

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Title / Name / Attendance
President / Ilse Wilnewic / Present
Vice-President / Dan Hartnett / Present
Treasurer / Bill Brennan / Present
Secretary / Karen Vierneisel / Present
Director / Judy Mann / Present
Property Manager / Ken Metz, Braeside Condominium Management / Present

Call to Order of Owner’s Meeting Re: Merger of Condo and HOA

With a duly called motion and second, the Owner’smeeting was called to order and a quorum of the Board and HOA was declared at 6:32p.m.

Motion: Ilse Wilnewic to confirm and accept the accountant’s certification of the vote in favor of the merger of the HOA and Condominium Association, as well as the Amended and restated Declaration, with the exception that the ownership did not approve the Leasing Restriction provision. Second, Charlie Erickson. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

Motion: Ilse Wilnewic to direct the Association’s attorney to proceed with filing the new Declaration and all other necessary documents to effectuate the Merger. Second, Karen Vierneisel. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ken Metz reported that Nyborg’s review of the vote tally confirmed that the Board and HOA exceeded the requisite 75% requirement to approve the amended declaration. In addition, we received 100% affirmation of the single-family homes to be removed from the Association. Regarding the leasing restriction, as of 1/16/2018, Braeside has received 50.4% of the required 75% approval. Owners asked what now happens to the proposed Leasing restriction. Ken Metz explained Since many owners did not vote, theBoard could pursue obtaining the requisite 75%; however, given the ratio of “no” votes, it will be challenging for this amendment to pass. The provision expires in the 11th month [need clarification from Ken as to exact date].

With a duly called motion by Ilse Wilnewic and second by Karen Vierneisel, the owner’s meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.

Call to Order of Board Meeting

With a duly called motion and second, the Board meeting was called to order and a quorum of the Board was declared at 6:46 pm.

Approval of Minutes for November 2017

Motion: Karen Vierneiselto approve the minutes; second by Judy Mann

Discussion: None. Minutes were approved as presented unanimously.

Approval of Bills and Expenditures for November and December 2017

Motion: Bill Brennan to approve the expenditures; second by Karen Vierneisel.

Discussion: None. Expenditures were approved as presented unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report for November2017

Bill Brennan reported year-to-date amountsas of 11/30/2017: Income: $1,096,156. Expenses:$1,139,068;Deficit: $42,912. Total Cash Balance: $2,822,426. Motion: Judy Mann to approve; second by Karen Vierneisel.

Discussion: Bill Brennan explained the deficit owed primarily to fact that our insurance costs were $30,000 over budget. The motion passed, and report was approved unanimously.

Management Report Items for Discussion/Approval

Work Completed

Ken Metz reported that the following projects had been successfully completed: 1) installation of new security cameras by KND; 2) the annual fire sprinkler inspection; and 3) kitchen drain line cleaning by MidCity plumbing. The interior dryer vent cleaning was also completed by Mister Natural; only 35 of 260 unit owners failed to schedule the mandatory cleaning. Braeside Management will send violation letters to those 35 unit owners to ensure full compliance with this essential safety requirement.

Work in Progress

  1. Discussion about pre-emptive electric upgrade in garages with CAM Electrician and Dan Hartnett still needs to be scheduled.
  2. GHC and a representative of Burnham Boiler conducted a site inspection completed at 5340; Braeside is awaiting the requested update from GHC. Ken Metz and Dan Hartnett noted that Dan and Gino from GHC have been slow to respond. Braeside has received GHC proposals for installation of the Tekmar controllers in 5220, 5225, 5240, and 5360; the Board also received GHC proposals to replace thermostats for air handlers in buildings 2, 4 and 5. However, the Board postponed action on both proposals until Ken Metz can ascertain the reason that GHC’s representatives have been unresponsive to inquiries about existing work.
  3. The new fob entry system has been installed in all buildings and is operational at 5320, 5255 and 5340; problems with the operation are being addressed at 5225. The fobs have been programmed for all but 5360. Fob distribution was completed at 5320 and will be scheduled for the remaining buildings within a few weeks.
  4. The planned elevator cab refinishing by Lande Design has been delayed while Halcor investigates a problem with the removal of the existing panels.
  5. Ken Metz reported that several owners in Building 3 where parking decals were distributed noted that the decals are falling off the windshield. Braeside will reorder new decals with a different surface to ensure the decals stick to the rear windshield yet are not unnecessarily difficult to remove.
  6. Ken Metz reported that Comcast is scheduled to complete the installation of new fiber optic lines and new XI boxes to all residents in March. Two evening meetings with representatives from Comcast to discuss the new system and the roll-out will be scheduled in weeks ahead.

Management Items for Board Discussion and Approval - None

Committee Reports

Finance Committee - None.

Maintenance – Dan Hartnett reported that the sprinkler head in building 1 froze and leaked in building 1; he suggested that Ken investigate installation of a baffle by the garage vents to redirect air away from the sprinklerhead since the extreme weather appears to be the cause of the problem in building 1.

Social – Sheila Morrowreported that the committee is planning a Pizza Party at the Edison Park Inn for late February or early March and that a food drive will begin the second or third week of February. Watch for notices in the lobbies.

Recycling – Judy Mann reported that Braeside will schedule dumpsters in May for Spring Clean Up.

Executive Session

  1. A unit owner in 5320 requested reimbursement from the Association for broken floor tiles. The Board is gathering additional information.
  2. A unit owner in 5225 submitted an application to remodel her unit with new ceramic floor tile. The Board instructed Ken Metz to obtain additional information from the owner to ensure that she and her installer have adequate insurance as required by Association rules.

Resident Comments

  1. Hans Kaim reported that ice melt feature under the pavement in the entryways is not always working especially at 5340. Ken Metz said he would investigate
  2. Adjournment:

With a duly called motion by Dan Hartnett and second by Bill Brennan, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Karen Vierneisel, Association Secretary

1 / River’s Edge Condominium Association Minutes