Excursion Risk Management Plan
Name of school: Canterbury Girls’ High School
Name of principal: Ms Sue Holden
Description and location of excursion: Softball at CGHS and away venues
Date(s) of excursion: Wednesday afternoon – sport days / Group/class: Year 7 - 11
Number in group/class: Teacher to student ratio should not exceed 1:24
Name of excursion coordinator: Jayne Delmas
Contact number: 97181805
Activity / Hazard Identification
Type/Cause / Risk Assessment Use matrix / Elimination or Control Measures / Who / When
Engaging in a sport program / Parents or caregivers must be informed /


/ Inclusion in a sport program, parents or caregivers must be informed of the location, supervision to be provided and activities to be undertaken when seeking their written permission. / Sport Coordinator /

Prior to


Transport / Licensed operator of Bus service
Boarding bus
Vehicle accidents /




/ Ensure vehicle operators hold appropriate license(s), experience and insurance.

Enforce rules and appropriate behaviour.

All students to be seated at all times whilst bus is in motion / Sport Coordinator
Sport Coordinator
All teachers on bus
All teachers on bus /

Prior to


On excursion

On excursion

Walking to and from home venue / Traffic accidents from crossing roads
Poor student behaviour / 5
6 / Staff to walk with students to and froml home venues.
Staff to cross any roads with students at all times keeping students together on footpath at all times.
Staff to enforce rules and appropriate behaviour at all times / Team Coach
Team Coach / On excursion
On excursion
Venue / Obstructions / The ground surface must be free of obstructions and loose objects.
Hydrated lime must not be used in marking out the diamond.
Where possible, back netting should be provided.
Where more than one game is played at a venue, there must be sufficient space between the games to avoid overlapping of outfielders. / Team Coach
Team Coach / Prior to activity
Game Supervision / Student wellbeing / 5 / The teacher/instructor must have appropriate knowledge in the teaching/coaching of activity.
A teacher must be present who has recognised current training in emergency care.
If an adult other than a teacher is engaged as a coach, a teacher must be present to take overall responsibility / Sport Coordinator provides instructions on game rules to team Coach
Team Coach
Team Coach / Prior to excursion
On excursion
On excursion
Equipment / Gloves
Face and body protection
First aid kit / 5
6 / All equipment must be inspected before play commences, and if defective must not be used. The bat grip must not have plastic or smooth tape on the grip.
Equipment must be suited to size, strength and ability of the students.
All fielders must wear a glove.
As shin guards are recommended for close in-field players, an appropriate number must be available in the kit for use..
Students are to wear appropriate footwear such as softball cleats or wear sports shoes.
Softball cleats must be inspected prior to the commencement of each game to ensure that the cleats do not have sharp edges and conform to the rules of the game.
The designated catcher must wear a face mask, throat protector, chest plate, helmet, leg protectors
A well-equipped medical kit must be readily available. / Team Coach
Team coach / Prior to activity
Safety / Safety equipment
Sun protection
Ice / 6
5 / Teachers must insist on all safety equipment being used.
Any player catching to a pitcher (in practice as well as the game) must wear full catching attire which includes mask, helmet, throat protector, breastplate and leg protector
Spectators must be at least ten (10) metres away from the first and third base lines. This will ensure that spectators are well clear of the dead ball lines. The area immediately behind home plate must not be used by spectators unless it is appropriately screened.
The batting team must be at least ten (10) metres away from base lines and well clear of the home plate area.
All players should be coached in the correct “sliding into base” technique which is the figure 4 or bent leg slide.
If bases are to be pegged, they must be of the type with strapping which is pegged from beneath the base. Pegs are not to be used through the top of the base.
A safety (or double) base is recommended for both softball and T-ball.
Players who coach in the first and third base coach boxes must wear a two eared helmet.
Ensure the umpire standing behind the catcher wears protective equipment as prescribed for the catcher. If not, the umpire must stand behind the pitcher. In T-ball, the umpire should stand directly opposite the batter.
Stretching, warm-up and cool-down are vital elements in preventing injury and should be included in any softball program.
Students are to be instructed to use adequate sun protection, eg. an SPF30+, broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen reapplied regularly and appropriate cap.
Where possible, ice should be available for the treatment of injuries / Team coach / Prior to activity
Pre-existing medical conditions / Student health risks
Anaphylaxis / Varies
6 / A list of students with pre-existing medical conditions is supplied to the team coach in the sport folder with team roll.
Team Coach to ensure they are aware of students with Health action plans and appropriate management materials are taken to the excursion. E.g.Epipen
All First Aid kits to carry a Ventolin puffer.
Team Coach to ensure students that are identified with risk of anaphylaxis must site that the students carries appropriate medication with them. / Sport Coordinator
Team Coach
Checked by team Coach
Team coach / Prior to excursion
Prior to excursion
Prior to excursion
Prior To excursion
Attending sport / Poor student behaviour / 6 / Enforce acceptable student behaviour at all times.
Students who constantly exhibit dangerous or poor behaviour at sport will be removed from all competitive sport competitions. / Team Coach
Sport Coordinator / On excursion
Leaving home venues / Students unsupervised / 5 / Parental permission given for students to be dismissed from their home venue unsupervised at the conclusion of their grade games. Teachers notified as to which students have been given permission to leave.
Students are instructed to go straight home.
All students who have not been given permission to go be dismissed from their home venue are to walk with staff back to school and remain in Sport theory classroom until 2.47pm. / Sport Coordinator
Team Coach
Team Coach and
Sport Coordinator / Prior to excursion
On excursion
On excursion
Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes
Plan prepared by: Jayne Delmas Position: Sports Organiser Date: 5/12/17
Prepared in consultation with: DET Guidelines for Specific Sports and Physical Activities, viewed 2/12/2017 at https://app.education.nsw.gov.au/sport/Page/1114
Communicated to: Parents and Caregivers via written permission note.
Monitor and Review - Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or a significant change occurs.