RISK ASSESSMENT FORM – On-site Film/Discussion Events Template

Risk Assessment For / Assessment Undertaken By / Assessment Review
Group/Dept: /


/ Date for Review:
Location of Activity: / Signed:
Date assessment written:
Date of Movie Night: / Name of reviewer:
Date actually reviewed:
Activity: / Signed by SU/Line manager:
Date: / Next Review Date (on or before)
Section One
List significant hazards here: / List groups of people who are at risk: / List existing controls, or refer to safety procedures etc. / Current level of risk
Electronic hazards e.g. shock from any appliances which may suffer electrical faults, tripping over lose wires. / All attendees. / All electronic equipment in lecture theatre is regularly PAT tested. Wires are coated in safety coating, cables are hidden from gangways. / Medium
Scalding from hot water if brought onto premises or hot appliances such as radiators. / All attendees in close proximity to radiators or individual carrying hot beverage. / Nobody runs when carrying hot drinks and they pre-warn others what they are carrying. Any drinks are transported in safe canisters such as flasks/polystyrene cups with lids etc. Radiators line sides of stairwells and so no one sat close enough to sustain injury. / Medium
Friction burns, bruising or other injury from slipping down stairs/trapping fingers in doors, burns from catering etc. / All attendees. / All seating is fixed and therefore no furniture will obstruct gangways. Attendees will be asked to place bags/coats etc. beneath seats if placed beneath seats so that they do not block any walkways, doors will be opened and closed with caution, torchlight will be provided if someone needs to exit the room during the film as the lights will not be on. / Low
Allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis from food substances which may contain traces of nut/gluten/soya etc. / Any individual with significant food allergy / Attendees will be informed that sweets/crisps/juice may contain traces of nut, gluten, soya etc. and will have access to the labels of these. Attendees will be advised to abstain from consuming snacks or juice if they feel they could be allergic to any of the ingredients. / Medium
Bumping into obstructions such as cabinets, desks, chairs / All attendees. / As mentioned above, all chairs a fixed and so there will be no requirement to move around them (only through the aisles). A table will be set up for snacks but attendees will be asked to take a cautious approach when obtaining their snacks to prevent accidental injury such as bumping into others/furniture. The table will be positioned in the least obstructive position (at the front or back of the theatre) so that it does not obstruct a doorway or walkway. / Medium
Fire / All attendees. / Fire safety policy already in place; fire exits are signposted and members informed that if alarm sounds they are to evacuate quickly and responsibly via nearest exit. Also inform attendees of fire escapes upon arrival to ensure they know what to do in the event of a fire. / Medium
Choking / All attendees. / Medical emergency support to be sought immediately (either first aider or emergency services) Heimlich manoeuvre to be performed if required. / Medium
Injury from opening windows / All attendees. / No member is to climb on furniture e.g. cabinets/chairs to open high windows. A member of the committee is to use pole (if provided) and if this is not provided and the temperature of the room is too warm then maintenance staff on campus will be contacted to come and open windows for us. / Low
Section Two
Do any of the hazard/hazardous events require additional or further control? If so, please detail below / Further controls required / By Whom? / By when / New Risk level
Electronic hazards e.g. shock from any appliances which may suffer electrical faults, tripping over lose wires. / If shock or other incident occurs, seek immediate medical attention. Do not touch appliance, evacuate all other members of group and use plastic coated instrument such as broom to move any live appliance from contact with victim. Ensure that food and drink are kept away from electrical equipment and that no wires are left to trail when plugging in equipment, such as laptops, into wall sockets. / Whoever is in most immediate vicinity. / Immediately / Low
Allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis from food substances such as nuts. / Ensure detail (labels) are provided regarding ingredients of snacks and drinks available, to inform those with allergies to abstain from consumption. / I will ensure packaging/labels remain. / Before inviting attendees to eat. / Medium
Slight harm / Harmful / Very harmful
Unlikely / Trivial / Low / Medium
Likely / Low / Medium / High
Very likely / Medium / High / Intolerable