Risen Savior Preschool Mission

The mission of Risen Savior Preschool is to establish a Christ centered preschool where each child knows he/she is loved by God and that Jesus is his/her Savior. To provide a nurturing environment where each child can develop at his/her own pace and encourage his/her God given talents and abilities. Risen Savior Preschool is dedicated to assisting the family in meeting the child’s intellectual, social, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual development.


Risen Savior Preschool is nondiscriminatory in regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap or gender. A child 34 months to 5 years and potty trained will be admitted to Risen Savior Preschool upon completion of an enrollment form, a health form, and a $50 enrollment fee.

Services Offered

Risen Savior Preschool offers a two- day 3 year old program for children who are 3 years on or before September 1. The 3 year old program meets on Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9:00 – 11:45 a.m. The tuition for the 3 year old program is $100/month. In addition, a Pre-K program is offered for children who are 4 or older. The Pre-K program meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 9:00 – 11:45 a.m. Tuition is $130/month.

Preschool Goals

We believe that children of the preschool age learn best through a hands-on, play based learning environment. At Risen Savior Preschool we will provide an engaging and stimulating learning environment that will foster growth and development in the following areas:

Spiritually to know:

·  God created the world

·  Jesus is God’s Son

·  Jesus was crucified, died, and rose from the grave to save us from our sins

·  God and Jesus love every person

·  The Bible is God’s true word

·  To worship God through music, song, praise and prayer in the classroom and in Chapel

Socially and Emotionally develop to:

·  Show respect, kindness, and love towards others

·  Take turns and share

·  Develop and exhibit self-esteem, self worth, and self control

·  Participate in group activities

·  Follow classroom routines

Cognitively develop the skills to:

·  Understand the basic concepts of math (sorting, classifying, and counting objects) and number recognition

·  Recite, identify, and begin writing the alphabet

·  Identify and write first name

·  Appreciate books and enjoy “reading” and being read to

Physically to:

·  Develop small motor skills to use scissors correctly and manipulate small objects such as blocks, beads, and play dough.

·  Develop large motor skills through activities such as running, skipping, hopping, playing with balls, and balancing.

·  Develop eye-hand coordination.

·  Know that physical activity is fun and healthy for your body.


Tuition is due on the first week of each month. There is an additional fee of $10 for payments made after the 15th of the month. No adjustments will be made for illness or weather cancellations. There will be a $20 fee for any returned checks. If you have more than two returned checks during the school year, we will request that you pay in cash or with a money order.

Program Withdraw

In the event that it is necessary to withdraw your child from the Risen Savior Preschool program, please notify the school in writing. To maintain proper ratios and so that our classes will run smoothly, we must receive a cancellation notice 30 days prior to the end of the current month. If notice is not given, you will be charged for the following month. The preschool staff recognizes that financial emergencies can occur. If you are having such an emergency, please contact the Director as soon as possible.

Preschool Supplies

The following supplies should be brought on a daily basis:

·  Backpack or book bag large enough to put unfolded 8 ½ x 11 papers in. Please write your child’s name on the back of the inside. Please send backpacks to school empty of previous papers, art projects or toys.

·  One pair of extra clothes (seasonally appropriate) in a plastic, zip-close bag, to be kept in the backpack for spills or accidents at school. This should include a shirt, pants, underwear and socks.


Each day the children have a fun time together around the table as they snack. Snack time teaches patience, manners, independence, language development and nutrition. We ask parents to send in snacks throughout the year. When it is your turn to help provide snack you will be given a list of choices, so that we do not receive duplicate snacks. Please involve your child when choosing the snack.

Due to nut allergies we ask that you read the labels carefully on any item you might

be considering. Any product containing nuts or manufactured in a

facility that handles nut products cannot be brought into this facility.

Sick Child Policy

Often, children may ask to come to school even though they are ill. Although your child may be disappointed, please keep your child home when sick. It is in the best interest of your child and others to remain at home when ill. A child needs to be well in order to participate actively at preschool. Please use the following guidelines when keeping sick children home:

·  Fever - temperature above 101 (or 100 if taken under the arm)

·  Vomiting or having diarrhea

·  Colored discharge from the eyes or nose

·  Uncontrollable coughing

·  Noticeable (spreading) rash or a rash with fever

·  Infectious diseases such as: Fifth disease, measles, chicken pox,

strep throat, etc. until clear to return to school with a physician’s note.

Please notify the school if your child acquires an infectious disease (i.e. strep throat, chicken pox, whooping cough, etc.). Children must be symptom free and have a normal temperature of 98.6 for 24 hours before returning to school. Any time a child displays any of the above symptoms; you will be called and asked to pick your child up from school.

Any emergency type medications (epi pen or asthma inhaler) must be carried by the parent to the preschool director in its original labeled container. The parents will be required to fill out a medication form with dosage and time of needed administration, and must have a physician signature. No medications will be given out without a form signed by the parent and the child’s physician.

Appropriate Dress

Your child will be spending a large part of the day engaged in play and creative activities that can become rather messy. We encourage you to dress your child in clothes that are comfortable, easy to wash and allow for self- dressing (for bathroom independence). Please make sure that your child wears shoes that they can play outside in (flip flops, Crocs, and ballet type shoes are hard to wear in the rocks on the playground). Please dress your child appropriately according to the weather and label any jackets or coats with your child’s name.


If your child is going to be absent due to an illness, trip, or special event please notify the school. If you know of a trip or special event in advance, please send a note to school in your child’s backpack informing the teacher of the dates your child will be absent.

School Closings

If classes are to be cancelled due to weather, please check your local TV stations. If Wichita Public Schools close because of snow or inclement weather, we will be closed as well. If Wichita Public Schools are on a 1-hour delay, then we will be on a one hour delay and morning classes will start at 10:00 a.m. and dismiss at 12:00p.m. If Wichita Public Schools are on a 2-hour delay, then preschool will be cancelled.


We encourage parents to be involved in our preschool program. Parents are always welcome and may come at any time to be a part of their child’s day at preschool. Please keep in mind that during preschool hours, the teachers are busy with the children, therefore the teacher may not have time to visit with you. If you wish to have a conference with the teacher, please call or send a note so that a time can be arranged.

Discipline Policy

At Risen Savior Preschool, we want to provide a positive and nurturing environment for your child. Discipline and guidance of children will be consistent and based on an understanding of individual needs and development, and shall be directed toward teaching the children acceptable behavior. Children will be disciplined in a positive manner which encourages self-control, self esteem, and self-direction. Gentle reminders, redirection, and offering choices that encourage children to make appropriate decisions and to take responsibility for their actions will be used. Time-outs will be used for limited time periods (1 minute per age of child) and when other methods have not resolved the situation, or in severe situations (hitting/biting another child). It is important for you to notify the teacher/director if your child is experiencing a change in the home environment that may result in changes in behavior at preschool. The teacher/ director will also immediately notify a parent in the event of a behavior problem that consistently exists.

Fire Drills/Severe Weather Drills

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment requires that we conduct monthly fire drills. The school is also required to conduct Tornado drills for the months of April-September. Please refer to the disaster procedures listed in each classroom for details on our plans in the event of a fire, tornado, flood, storm, and/or serious injury.

Holidays and Vacations

We observe all legal holidays and vacations as noted on the preschool calendar you will receive. Many of these holidays will coincide with the Wichita Public School calendar.

Holiday Parties

We love to celebrate holidays and we could not do it without parent involvement. At our Meet the Teacher Day you will have the opportunity to sign up to help with holiday parties. Parents are invited to help with the party set up, special snack foods, and take-home treat sacks. Parents are always welcome to come to our holiday celebrations and have a festive snack with their child.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are special to children. We like to celebrate every child's birthday during our school year. Parents are encouraged to sign-up on the Birthday Calendar for their child’s class to schedule a day of celebration. Children who have a summer birthday can sign-up to celebrate their half- birthday.

On the day of the celebration, the birthday child will be the leader of the day and wear a special sticker to adorn them as the “Birthday Child”! Parents are asked to come at 10:30 to set up for the celebration. Parents may bring plates, napkins, cups, and a favorite birthday snack and drink. We do ask that no cupcakes be brought in (they end up in a crumbly mess, and often are not eaten well). We also ask that you do not bring in any nut products, or food that has any nut warnings on the label because of food allergies. The birthday child will also have a chance for a special birthday sharing time. The birthday child should bring 3 or 4 items to share with the class. Suggestions might be: family photo, photos from special trips/events, favorite toy, favorite book, favorite movie, etc. Please do not bring party invitations to school to be passed out by the teacher or put into cubbies unless you have one for every child in the room.

Picture Day

We will have a picture day that will include individual and class photos. You will receive a special notice when this day is approaching.

Parent /Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences will be conducted twice during the school year- once in the fall, and once in the spring. We will close the preschool on the days of conferences. This enables the teachers to give parents their full attention. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this special time to discuss your child’s strengths and areas of growth and development. This is also a great time to address any concerns that the teacher or parent might be noticing. Your child is important to us and we want to do all we can to help them succeed!

Dropping off/Picking up your child

To drop your child off for preschool, enter the parking lot on the East side of the building, immediately turn right and pull up to the door on the East side of the building (The passenger’s side of your vehicle should face the building and the driver would be looking south). The entrance door on the East side of the building will be opened at 8:55 a.m. by the preschool director and you will be signaled to you to let your child into the building. When you have finished dropping off your child, please exit the parking lot through the East parking lot entrance/exit. Please avoid using the entrance at the South side of the parking lot, to keep it free for other church traffic. The East side doors will be locked at 9:15 daily. If you are running late please park by the south entrance near the office and enter the building through the south door.

When you return to pick your child up, enter the parking lot on the East side of the building. Immediately turn right and follow around to pull up to the door on the East side of the building (The passenger’s side of your vehicle should face the building and the driver would be looking south). Please stay in your car, your child will be sent out to you. Please help your child learn to open the car door on the passenger’s side and get into the vehicle. If needed, you may help your child into the car. Pull around into the parking lot to buckle your child – this keeps our line moving smoothly. Exit through the East parking lot entrance/exit.

To avoid confusion and accidents, please park in the church parking lot if you will be walking into the preschool to pick up your child.