RIMS 2014 ERM Award of Distinction

Official Nomination Form

Nominations MUST be submitted by August 15, 2014.

The RIMS ERM Award of Distinction is intended to honor organizations that have created value through their ERM programs. In acknowledging the continuing evolution of risk management and advancing its mission, RIMS seeks to recognize and share best practices and success stories.

If you have a “value” story to tell, please take a few moments to share the value outcome you or your client has realized for the organization through its risk practices. Please be succinct (note response size limitations for each question)!

Submission completed by:

Email: / Phone:

Name of Organization and Headquarter Location:

City, State, Zip:

ERM Program Main Contact:

Email: / Phone:

Date of Submission:

RIMS intends to award recognition through the ERM Award of Distinction in accordance with the quality criteria as determined by RIMS.

Nominations MUST be submitted by August 15, 2014.

Please complete the five questions on the form, save in PDF format, and email submission to: .

The RIMS judging panel, in its sole discretion, determines whether the award winner(s), if any, meet(s) the award qualification requirements.

RIMS 2014 ERM Award of Distinction

  1. Describe a situation and/or trend that the organization faced and explain how the ERM program was used to create and/or protect value for the organization. (500 words maximum)*
  1. Detail a value outcome for the organization’s strategy and mission.Please be specific. (300 words maximum)*

*Please note, if submissions exceed word limits only the first 500 and 300 words respectively will be submitted to the panel of judges.

  1. Please provide an overview of the depth and breadth of your ERM program integration (You may attach an existing executive presentation or document, modified so that you can share). (500 words maximum)*
  1. Please provide a specific example of the value ERM added that wouldnot have been done otherwise OR provide a “user” testimonial of the value created. (300 words maximum)*

*Please note, if submissions exceed word limits only the first 500 and 300 words respectively will be submitted to the panel of judges.

  1. Supplemental materials that support the nomination. Please list any materials which will be included with your nomination submission. Be sure to attach any additional files to your nomination email submission.*

*Please note, if submissions exceed word limits only the first 500 and 300 words respectively will be submitted to the panel of judges.

Nominations MUST be submitted by August 15, 2014.

Please complete the form and email submission to:

©2014 Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS)