Rights Respecters 2015
Report for Governors.
November 2015
Article 12 – Your right to say what you think and to be listened to
The Rights Respecters are elected representatives from each class. Their role is to participate in weekly meetings and give their opinion on issues within the school. They also canvass the opinions of their classmates and report their opinion to the meeting too. The issues discussed are sometimes raised by Rights Respecters and sometimes by staff and senior management within the school. Our work is linked to the School Development Plan and is firmly based on the principles of Rights Respecting Schools and valuing the opinions of all stakeholders.
Communication is an important part of the Rights Respecters’ responsibilities; we want everyone to know what is going on in school and to be able to express their point of view. As Governors we welcome your active engagement in this process.
This report was prepared by Mel Lane and the Rights Respecters using their words.
Mel Lane
November 2015
Rights Respecters 2015
Report for Governors
November 2015
Article 12 – Your right to say what you think and be listened to
This report was prepared by the Rights Respecters to tell you about what we have been doing this year.
Things we have been involved in this year / How we feel about thisPlayground Buddies and Play Equipment
We decided that Playground Buddies should be divided into those who look after equipment and those who help people by being friends with them
People who wanted to be Playground Buddies were videoed telling us why they wanted the job and we watched all the videos to check that everyone really wanted the job.
New playground equipment has been ordered and is in use. / The Rights Respecters were all really pleased with the Playground Buddy system.
Oscar said it made some people he knew more happy because there were now people whose job it was to be friendly.
Lewis said the play equipment was really good as people didn’t have these sorts of things at home.
Lucy said she liked the different levels of difficulty in the play equipment.
School in a Bag
We have learnt about our charity and done lots of fundraising, including the smartie challenge, be a teacher opposites day, country dancing, selling ice-lollies, wheels day. We are halfway to our target.
We will participate in a bag pack at Yeovil Tescos on 23 December / Freya enjoyed Name the Teddy – Jason won the Teddy.
Niamh said she really wanted us to earn enough money to get Luke back so we could all pack a bag.
Lucy really enjoyed the country dancing fundraiser and Oscar said the Lights Out day had gone well.
Disability Sports Week
Every class took part in sports that enabled children and adults with disabilities to play, including boccia, curling and seated volleyball. Some classes made disabled sports their focus for half a term. / This was very popular amongst all Rights Respecters. They all wanted it to come back for another week.
Euan really wanted wheelchair basketball back.
Friendship Week
Children worked in mixed-age groups to discuss what makes a good friend, how to be a good friend and to create artwork on friendship. / Freya had enjoyed working with children from other classes.
Lewis remembered the ‘fill the bucket with friendship’ and Freya particularly liked making the ‘keys to friendship’ keys
Magna Carta – Where do Rights Come From?
All classes learnt about the Magna Carta and the origin of many UK rights. All children were able to visit Salisbury Cathedral to learn more and see the Magna Carta.
Children learnt about democracy as a British value and how our democratic system works. During the General Election children learnt about how MPs are elected and took part in mock elections.
Children also considered how much democracy is a part of their education and learning. / The Rights Respecters all agreed that doing trips was really enjoyable and they wish we could do more of them.
Henry remembered that the cathedral was really big and Freya said it had been good to see the real Magna Carta – ‘it had a lot of writing on it’.
Home-School Charter
A home-school charter was put together, in full consultation with the Rights Respecters, and distributed to parents. / Oscar pointed out that this is something we should think about regularly- not every week, but when we have time.
Anti-bullying work in school
Three Right Respecters were able to attend Dorset’s anti-bullying conference where they learnt some ideas of what could be done to combat bullying in school. We held an anti-bullying assembly and children followed this up in class to come up with a definition of bullying and what to do if they or someone they know experiences it. / JJ felt that assemblies really send a message. He felt, and the others agreed, that children listen more when the Rights Respecters are talking, than when it’s other adults.
Oscar felt that anti-bullying week was the most important thing we have done as it is so serious. It’s not bad in our school, but we need to stop it happening here as in other schools children have died because of it.
Other Things
-Mrs Lane took part in a meeting about moving to a Level 2 Rights Respecting School. We hope to be assessed in Autumn 2016
-We participated in Send My Friend to School national activities and focussed on what makes a great teacher
-We took part in Fairtrade Fortnight and learnt about fairtrade chocolate and banana production
-Classes all have their own Rights Respecting class charter which is put together in consultation with the children.
-Rights Respecting is now a fundamental part of teachers’ planning. Teachers regularly consult children on what they would like to explore in a particular topic and rights respecting ideas are linked to plans.
-Rights Respecting is included in the School Development plan.
-Rights Respecters were involved in the appointment of the new Deputy Head, including writing a job description and questions and the interview process
-Rights Respecters inform parents and Governors of our work in school. Simon Jones has agreed to be a link-Governor.
Plans for the Future (2016)
-In the Spring Term we will focus on lunchtimes including ensuring the lunchtime staff are fully aware of what Rights Respecting means, plus encouraging and rewarding high-quality behaviour at lunchtimes.
--The Rights Respecters will branch out into the community – hopefully through the church and any other relevant organisations.
-Sport Relief – we will participate on 18-21 March 2016
-Parent Information leaflet – make a leaflet to inform new parents of what Rights Respecting means in our school
-Diversity Role Models – we will consider achievement and success for people who have faced significant challenges in their lives
-Hearts and Minds – focus on how our school mission statement is fully linked to Rights Respecting work in school
-Autumn 2016 – Assessment for Level 2